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Kniha Exodus

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Ex 21, 1-36

1 “These are the judgments which you shall place before them: 2 If you buy a Hebrew servant, six years shall he serve you; in the seventh, he shall depart freely, without charge. 3 With whatever clothing he arrived, with the like let him depart. If he has a wife, his wife also shall depart, at the same time. 4 But if his lord gave him a wife, and she has borne sons and daughters, the woman and her children shall belong to her lord. Yet still, he himself will go out with his clothing. 5 And if the servant will say, ‘I love my lord, and my wife and children, I will not depart freely,’ 6 then his lord shall make an offering for him to the heavens, and it shall be applied to the door and the posts, and he will pierce his ear with an awl. And he shall be his servant in perpetuity. 7 If anyone sells his daughter to be a servant, she shall not depart as a female servant is accustomed to go out. 8 If she displeases the eyes of her lord, to whom she had been delivered, he shall dismiss her. But he shall have no authority to sell her to a foreign people, even if he despises her. 9 But if he has betrothed her to his son, he shall treat her according to the custom with daughters. 10 And if he takes another for him, he shall provide to the maiden a marriage, and clothing, and he shall not refuse the price of her chastity. 11 If he does not do these three things, she shall depart freely, without money. 12 Whoever strikes a man, intending to murder, shall be put to death. 13 But if he did not lie in wait for him, but God delivered him into his hands, then I will appoint for you a place to which he must flee. 14 If someone murders his neighbor with deliberation, by lying in wait, you shall tear him away from my altar, so that he may die. 15 Whoever strikes his father or mother shall die a death. 16 Whoever will have stolen a man and sold him, having been convicted of the crime, shall be put to death. 17 Whoever speaks evil of his father or mother shall die a death. 18 If men will have quarreled, and one of them has struck his neighbor with a stone or a fist, and he does not die, but lies in bed, 19 if he gets up again and can walk outside on his staff, he who struck him will be innocent, but only if he makes sufficient restitution for his deeds and for the cost of the physicians. 20 Whoever strikes his male or female servant with a staff, and if they have died by his hands, he shall be guilty of a crime. 21 But if he survives for one day or two, he shall not be subject to punishment, because it is his money. 22 If men will have quarreled, and one of them has struck a pregnant woman, and as a result she miscarries, but she herself survives, he shall be subject to as much damage as the husband of the woman shall petition from him, or as arbitrators shall judge. 23 But if her death will have followed, he will repay a life for a life, 24 an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot, 25 a scrape for a scrape, a wound for a wound, a bruise for a bruise. 26 If anyone will have struck the eye of his male or female servant, having left them with one eye, he shall release them freely, because of the eye that he has put out. 27 Likewise, if he knocks out a tooth of his male or female servant, he shall similarly release them freely. 28 If an ox has struck a man or a woman with his horn, and if they die, it shall be stoned. And its flesh shall not be eaten; also, the owner of the ox will be innocent. 29 But if the ox had been pushing with his horn, from yesterday and the day before, and they warned his owner, but he did not confine it, and it will have killed a man or a woman, then the ox shall be stoned, and his owner shall be killed. 30 But if they have imposed a price on him, he shall give, in exchange for his life, whatever is asked. 31 Likewise, if it has struck a son or a daughter with its horns, it shall be subject to a similar verdict. 32 If it attacks a male or female servant, he shall give thirty shekels of silver to their lord, yet truly the ox shall be stoned. 33 If a man digs or opens a cistern, and does not cover it, and an ox or a donkey falls into it, 34 then the owner of the cistern shall repay the price of the beasts, and what is dead will belong to him. 35 If the ox of a stranger wounds the ox of another, and it has died, then they shall sell the live ox and divide the price, but the carcass of the dead one they shall distribute between them. 36 But if he knew that his ox had pushed with its horns, yesterday and the day before, and its owner did not confine it, then he shall repay an ox for an ox, and he will receive the whole carcass.”

Ex 21, 1-36

Verš 2
If you buy a Hebrew servant, six years shall he serve you; in the seventh, he shall depart freely, without charge.
Dt 15:12 - When your brother, a Hebrew man or a Hebrew woman, has been sold to you, and has served you for six years, in the seventh year you shall set him free.
Jer 34:14 - ‘When seven years have been completed, let each one release his brother, a Hebrew, who had been sold to him. And so he will serve you for six years, and then you shall release him to be free from you.’ But your fathers did not listen to me, nor did they incline their ear.

Verš 5
And if the servant will say, ‘I love my lord, and my wife and children, I will not depart freely,’
Dt 15:16 - But if he will say, ‘I am not willing to depart,’ because he loves you and your household, and because he feels that it would be good for him to stay with you,

Verš 12
Whoever strikes a man, intending to murder, shall be put to death.
Lv 24:17 - Whoever will have struck and killed a man shall be put to death.

Verš 15
Whoever strikes his father or mother shall die a death.
Mt 15:4 - ‘Honor your father and mother,’ and, ‘Whoever will have cursed father or mother shall die a death.’

Verš 17
Whoever speaks evil of his father or mother shall die a death.
Lv 20:9 - Whoever curses his father or mother shall die a death; he has cursed his father and mother. So let his blood be upon him.
Prís 20:20 - Whoever curses his father and mother, his lamp will be extinguished in the midst of darkness.
Mt 15:4 - ‘Honor your father and mother,’ and, ‘Whoever will have cursed father or mother shall die a death.’
Mk 7:10 - For Moses said: ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘Whoever will have cursed father or mother, let him die a death.’

Verš 24
an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot,
Lv 24:20 - fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, shall he repay. Whatever degree of blemish he has inflicted, so shall he be compelled to suffer.
Dt 19:21 - You shall not take pity on him. Instead, you shall require a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot.”
Mt 5:38 - You have heard that it was said: ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’

Verš 28
If an ox has struck a man or a woman with his horn, and if they die, it shall be stoned. And its flesh shall not be eaten; also, the owner of the ox will be innocent.
Gn 9:5 - For I will examine the blood of your lives at the hand of every beast. So also, at the hand of mankind, at the hand of each man and his brother, I will examine the life of mankind.

Ex 21,1 - Verše 20. a 21. sú dôkazom, že ani otrok–cudzinec nebol vystavený ľubovôli svojho pána.

Ex 21,2-3 - Hebrej sa mohol stať otrokom iného Hebreja alebo preto, že sa predal sám pre svoju chudobu (Lv 25,39), alebo ako zlodej, ktorý nemohol nahradiť škodu, bol predaný do otroctva (Ex 22,3). Izraelský otec mohol predať svoje deti (21,7; Neh 5,5; Iz 50,1). Aj dlžník sa mohol stať otrokom, keď nemohol splatiť svoj dlh (2 Kr 4,1 n. a Neh 5,2). Izraelita, nech sa dostal akýmkoľvek spôsobom do otroctva, neostal otrokom u svojho izraelského pána dlhšie ako sedem rokov. V siedmom roku, po šesťročnej službe, prepúšťali ho na slobodu.

Ex 21,12-14 - Len skutočný vinník mal sa potrestať smrťou. Podľa Nm 35,12; Dt 19,12 vina sa zisťovala pred súdom. Kto niekoho zabil neúmyselne alebo keď sa o jeho vine mohlo pochybovať, mohol si svoj život zachrániť útekom do jedného zo šiestich miest útočišťa. Pri nastúpení nového veľkňaza dostal úplnú slobodu. Kým Izraeliti putovali na púšti, miestom útočišťa bol zaiste oltár zápalných obetí. Tak to bolo u ostatných Semitov a iných starovekých národov.

Ex 21,23-25 - Zákon krvnej pomsty a zákon odvety, ktorými sa trestalo a odčiňovalo krvipreliatie, celkom ruší až Kristus (Mt 5,38). Telesné poranenie bolo možno odčiniť peňažitou pokutou.