výhody registrácie

Kniha Exodus

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Ex 18, 1-27

1 (CPDV) And when Jethro, the priest of Midian, the kinsman of Moses, had heard all that God had done for Moses, and for his people Israel, and that the Lord had led Israel away from Egypt,
1 (ROH) A Jetro, madianské knieža-kňaz, svokor Mojžišov, počul o všetkom, čo učinil Bôh Mojžišovi a Izraelovi, svojmu ľudu, že Hospodin vyviedol Izraela z Egypta.

2 (CPDV) he brought Zipporah, the wife of Moses, whom he was to return to him,
2 (ROH) A Jetro, svokor Mojžišov, vzal Cipporu, ženu Mojžišovu, potom, keď ju bol odoslal

3 (CPDV) and her two sons, of whom one was called Gershom, (for his father said, “I have been a newcomer in a foreign land,”)
3 (ROH) i jej dvoch synov, z ktorých jednému bolo meno Geršom, pretože povedal: Som pohostínom v cudzej zemi;

4 (CPDV) and the other in truth was Eliezer, (“For the God of my father,” he said, “is my helper, and has rescued me from the sword of Pharaoh.”)
4 (ROH) a meno druhého bolo Eliezer , lebo vraj Bôh môjho otca mi bol na pomoci a vytrhol ma od meča faraonovho.

5 (CPDV) And so Jethro, the kinsman of Moses, with his sons and his wife, came to Moses in the desert, where he was encamped next to the mountain of God.
5 (ROH) A vtedy prišiel Jetro, svokor Mojžišov, i jeho synovia i jeho žena k Mojžišovi na púšť, kde ležal táborom pri vrchu Božom.

6 (CPDV) And he sent word to Moses, saying: “I, Jethro, your kinsman, have come to you, with your wife, and your two sons with her.”
6 (ROH) A odkázal Mojžišovi: Ja, tvoj svokor Jetro, idem k tebe i tvoja žena i obaja jej synovia s ňou.

7 (CPDV) And going out to meet his kinsman, he reverenced and kissed him. And they saluted each other with peaceful words. And when he had arrived at the tent,
7 (ROH) Vtedy vyšiel Mojžiš vústrety svojmu svokrovi a pokloniac sa bozkal ho, a pýtali sa druh druha, jako sa má, a vošli do stánu.

8 (CPDV) Moses explained to his kinsman all that the Lord had done to Pharaoh and to the Egyptians on behalf of Israel, and all the hardships which had befallen them on the journey, and how the Lord had freed them.
8 (ROH) A Mojžiš rozprával svojmu svokrovi všetko, čo učinil Hospodin faraonovi a Egypťanom pre Izraela, o všetkých ťažkostiach, ktoré prichádzaly na nich na ceste, a jako ich po každé vytrhnul Hospodin.

9 (CPDV) And Jethro was gladdened over all the good that the Lord had done for Israel, because he had rescued them from the hand of the Egyptians.
9 (ROH) A Jetro sa radoval všetkému tomu dobrému, ktoré učinil Hospodin Izraelovi a že ho vytrhol z ruky Egypťanov.

10 (CPDV) And he said: “Blessed is the Lord, who has freed his people from the hand of the Egyptians and from the hand of Pharaoh; he has rescued his people from the hand of Egypt.
10 (ROH) A Jetro povedal: Požehnaný Hospodin, ktorý vás vytrhol z ruky Egypťanov a z ruky faraonovej, ktorý vytrhol ten ľud zpod ruky Egypťanov.

11 (CPDV) Now I know that the great Lord is above all gods. This is why they acted arrogantly against them.”
11 (ROH) Teraz viem, že je Hospodin väčší nad všetkých bohov, lebo za to, že sa pyšne chovali, dopustil to všetko na nich.

12 (CPDV) And so Jethro, the kinsman of Moses, offered holocausts and sacrifices to God. And Aaron arrived with all the elders of Israel, in order to eat bread with him in the sight of God.
12 (ROH) A Jetro, svokor Mojžišov, vzal zápal a bitné obeti a obetoval Bohu, a prišiel Áron a všetci starší Izraelovi, aby jedli chlieb so svokrom Mojžišovým pred Bohom.

13 (CPDV) Then, the next day, Moses sat down in order to judge the people, and they stood beside Moses from morning, even until evening.
13 (ROH) A stalo sa na druhý deň, že sadnul Mojžiš, aby súdil ľud, a ľud stál nad Mojžišom od rána až do večera.

14 (CPDV) And when, of course, his kinsman saw all that he did among the people, he said: “What is this that you do among the people? Why do you sit alone, while all the people stand before you, 41 from morning, even until evening?”
14 (ROH) A keď videl svokor Mojžišov všetko, čo koná ľudu, povedal: Aká je toto vec, ktorú ty konáš ľudu? Prečo ty sedíš sám a všetok ľud stojí nad tebou od rána až do večera?

15 (CPDV) And Moses answered him: “The people come to me seeking the verdict of God.
15 (ROH) A Mojžiš povedal svojmu svokrovi: Preto, lebo ľud prichádza ku mne pýtať sa Boha.

16 (CPDV) And when any kind of dispute occurs among them, they come to me to judge between them, and to reveal the precepts of God and of his laws.”
16 (ROH) Keď majú nejakú spornú vec, prijdú ku mne, a ja rozsúdim medzi človekom a medzi jeho blížnym a oznamujem im ustanovenia Boha a jeho zákony.

17 (CPDV) But he said, “This is not good, what you are doing.
17 (ROH) A svokor Mojžišov mu povedal: Nie je to dobrá vec, ktorú konáš.

18 (CPDV) You will be consumed by foolish efforts, both you and this people who are with you. The task is beyond your strength; you will not be able bear it alone.
18 (ROH) Istotne sa unavíš i ty i tento ľud, ktorý je s tebou, lebo vec je priťažká pre teba; nebudeš ju môcť sám konať.

19 (CPDV) But listen to my words and counsels, and then God will be with you. Be available to the people in that which pertains to God, so as to refer what they say to him,
19 (ROH) Poslúchni teraz môj hlas, poradím ti, a Bôh bude s tebou. Ty buď za ľud pred Bohom, a ty budeš donášať nesnadné veci k Bohu.

20 (CPDV) and to reveal to the people the ceremonies, and the rituals of worship, and the way by which they should progress, and the work that they should do.
20 (ROH) A budeš im vysvetľovať ustanovenia a zákony a oznámiš im cestu, ktorou majú ísť, a to, čo majú robiť.

21 (CPDV) Then provide, from all of the people, men capable and fearing God, in whom there is truth and who hate avarice, and appoint from them tribunes, and leaders of hundreds, and of fifties, and of tens,
21 (ROH) Ale ty vyhliadni z celého ľudu chrabrých mužov, ktorí sa boja Boha, mužov pravdy, ktorí nenávidia nespravedlivého zisku, a ustanovíš ich nad nimi za náčelníkov nad tisícami, náčelníkov nad stami, náčelníkov nad päťdesiatimi a náčelníkov nad desiatimi.

22 (CPDV) who may judge the people at all times. Then, when anything greater will have occurred, they may refer it to you, and let them judge the lesser matters only. And so it may be lighter for you, the burden being divided among others.
22 (ROH) A budú súdiť ľud každého času, a bude tak, že každú veľkú vec donesú k tebe, ale každú malú vec rozsúdia oni; takým činom sa ti uľahčí, a oni ponesú s tebou.

23 (CPDV) If you will do this, you will fulfill the orders of God, and you will be able to uphold his precepts. And this entire people will return to their places in peace.”
23 (ROH) Ak urobíš túto vec, a Bôh ti to rozkáže, budeš môcť obstáť, i všetok tento ľud bude prichádzať na svoje miesto v pokoji.

24 (CPDV) Having heard this, Moses did everything that he had suggested to him.
24 (ROH) A Mojžiš poslúchol slovo svojho svokra a učinil všetko, čo povedal.

25 (CPDV) And choosing virtuous men from all of Israel, he appointed them as leaders of the people: tribunes, and leaders of hundreds, and of fifties, and of tens.
25 (ROH) A tedy vybral Mojžiš statných mužov zo všetkého Izraela a dal ich za hlavy nad ľudom, za náčelníkov nad tisícami, za náčelníkov nad stami, za náčelníkov nad päťdesiatimi, za náčelníkov nad desiatimi,

26 (CPDV) And they judged the people at all times. But whatever was more serious, they referred to him, and they judged easier matters only.
26 (ROH) a súdili ľud každého času. Ťažkú vec doniesli k Mojžišovi, a každú vec malú rozsúdili sami.

27 (CPDV) And he dismissed his kinsman, who, turning back, went to his own land.
27 (ROH) Potom prepustil Mojžiš svojho svokra, ktorý išiel svojou cestou do svojej zeme.

Ex 18, 1-27

Verš 11
Now I know that the great Lord is above all gods. This is why they acted arrogantly against them.”
Ex 1:10 - Come, let us wisely oppress them, lest they multiply; and if any war 31 should advance against us, they may be added to our enemies, and having fought against us, they might depart from the land.”
Ex 1:16 - instructing them: “When you will act as a midwife to the Hebrew women, and the time of delivery has arrived: if it is male, put it to death; if it is female, retain it.”
Ex 1:22 - Therefore, Pharaoh instructed all his people, saying: “Whatever will be born of the male sex, cast it into the river; whatever will be born of the female sex, retain it.”
Ex 5:7 - “You shall no longer give chaff to the people to form bricks, as before. But they may go and gather straw.
Ex 14:18 - And the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord, when I will be glorified in Pharaoh, and in his chariots, as well as in his horsemen.”

Verš 1
And when Jethro, the priest of Midian, the kinsman of Moses, had heard all that God had done for Moses, and for his people Israel, and that the Lord had led Israel away from Egypt,
Ex 2:16 - Now there was a priest of Midian with seven daughters, who came to draw water. And having filled the troughs, they desired to water their father’s flocks.
Ex 3:1 - Now Moses was pasturing the sheep of his father-in-law Jethro, a priest of Midian. And when he had driven the flock into the interior of the desert, he came to the mountain of God, Horeb.

Verš 3
and her two sons, of whom one was called Gershom, (for his father said, “I have been a newcomer in a foreign land,”)
Ex 2:22 - And she bore a son to him, whom he called Gershom, saying, “I have been a newcomer in a foreign land.” In truth, she bore another, whom he called Eliezer, saying, “For the God of my father, my helper, has rescued me from the hand of Pharaoh.”

Verš 24
Having heard this, Moses did everything that he had suggested to him.
Dt 1:9 - And I said to you, at that time:

Ex 18,2 - Jediná zmienka, že Mojžiš zanechal svoju ženu a deti u svojho tesťa, keď odchádzal do Egypta (4,20). O Jetrovi pozri 2,18; 3,1.

Ex 18,5 - Boží vrch – Sinaj – Horeb (3,1).