| ŽalmyBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | Ž 74, 1-11 |
1 Ž 74, 1 Unto the end. May you not be corrupted. A Canticle Psalm of Asaph. 2 Ž 74, 2 We will confess to you, O God. We will confess, and we will call upon your name. We will describe your wonders. 3 Ž 74, 3 While I have time, I will judge justices. 4 Ž 74, 4 The earth has been dissolved, with all who dwell in it. I have confirmed its pillars. 5 Ž 74, 5 I said to the iniquitous: “Do not act unjustly,” and to the offenders: “Do not exalt the horn.” 6 Ž 74, 6 Do not exalt your horn on high. Do not speak iniquity against God. 7 Ž 74, 7 For it is neither from the east, nor from the west, nor before the desert mountains. 8 Ž 74, 8 For God is judge. This one he humbles and that one he exalts. 9 Ž 74, 9 For, in the hand of the Lord, there is a cup of undiluted wine, full of consternation. And he has tipped it from here to there. So, truly, its dregs have not been emptied. All the sinners of the earth will drink. 10 Ž 74, 10 But I will announce it in every age. I will sing to the God of Jacob. 11 Ž 74, 11 And I will break all the horns of sinners. And the horns of the just will be exalted.
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Verš 16
Gn 1:14 - Then God said: “Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven. And let them divide day from night, and let them become signs, both of the seasons, and of the days and years.
Verš 15
Ex 17:5 - And the Lord said to Moses: “Go before the people, and take with you some of the elders of Israel. And take in your hand the staff, with which you struck the river, and advance.
Nm 20:11 - And when Moses had lifted up his hand, striking the stone twice with the rod, very great waters went forth, so much so that the people and their cattle were able to drink.
Ž 105:41 - And he delivered them into the hands of the nations. And those who hated them became rulers over them.
Iz 48:21 - They did not thirst in the desert, when he led them out. He produced water from the rock for them. For he split the rock, and the waters flowed out.
Joz 3:13 - And when the priests who are carrying the ark of the Lord, the God of the entire earth, will have placed the steps of their feet in the waters of the Jordan, the waters that are lower will run down and pass away, and those that are approaching above will stand together in a mass.”
Verš 13
Ex 14:21 - And when Moses had extended his hand over the sea, the Lord took it away by an intense burning wind, blowing throughout the night, and he turned it into dry ground. And the water was divided.
Verš 7
For it is neither from the east, nor from the west, nor before the desert mountains.
2Kr 25:9 - And he set fire to the house of the Lord, and to the house of the king. And the houses of Jerusalem, and every great house, he burned with fire.
Z 74 - Udalosti, ktoré sa v žalme opisujú, sú pravdepodobne z časov, keď izraelský národ prežil hroznú katastrofu, ktorú mu pripravil babylonský kráľ Nabuchodonozor. Išlo by teda o udalosti po r. 587 pr. Kristom (2 Kr 25,1 n.; 2 Krn 36,1 n.; Jer 52,1 n.).
Z 74,1 - "Božie ovce" sú Izraeliti, ktorí si zaslúžia Božie zľutovanie a ochranu.
Z 74,11 - "Ruku… pravicu" - máš nečinnú.
Z 74,13-15 - Hovorí sa o východe z Egypta. "Draci a Leviatan" sú Egypťania pobití v Červenom mori. "Žriedla a potoky" - porov. Ex 17,1-7; Nm 20,1-13. "Riekam nevysychajúcim", narážka na zázračný prechod cez Jordán.