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Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Ž 69, 1-6

1 Unto the end. A Psalm of David, in remembrance that the Lord had saved him. 2 O God, reach out to help me. O Lord, hasten to assist me. 3 May those who seek my soul be confounded and awed. 4 May those who wish evils upon me be turned back and blush with shame. May they be turned away immediately, blushing with shame, who say to me: “Well, well.” 5 Let all who seek you exult and rejoice in you, and let those who love your salvation forever say: “The Lord be magnified.” 6 I am truly destitute and poor. O God, assist me. You are my helper and my deliverer. O Lord, do not delay.

Ž 69, 1-6

Verš 9
Jn 2:17 - And truly, his disciples were reminded that it is written: “Zeal for your house consumes me.”
Rim 15:3 - For even Christ did not please himself, but as it was written: “The reproaches of those who reproached you fell upon me.”

Verš 25
Sk 1:20 - For it has been written in the book of Psalms: ‘Let their dwelling place be desolate and may there be no one who dwells within it,’ and ‘Let another take his episcopate.’

Verš 21
Mt 27:34 - And they gave him wine to drink, mixed with gall. And when he had tasted it, he refused to drink it.
Mt 27:48 - And one of them, running quickly, took a sponge and filled it with vinegar, and he set it on a reed and he gave it to him to drink.
Mk 15:23 - And they gave him wine with myrrh to drink. But he did not accept it.
Jn 19:28 - After this, Jesus knew that all had been accomplished, so in order that the Scripture might be completed, he said, “I thirst.”

Verš 22
Rim 11:9 - And David says: “Let their table become like a snare, and a deception, and a scandal, and a retribution for them.

Verš 23
Iz 6:9 - And he said: “Go forth! And you shall say to this people: ‘When you listen, you will hear and not understand. And when you see a vision, you will not comprehend.’
Iz 29:10 - For the Lord has mixed for you a spirit of deep sleep. He will close your eyes. He will cover your prophets and leaders, who see visions.
Iz 44:18 - They have neither known nor understood. For their eyes are obscured, lest they see with their eyes and understand with their heart.
Rim 11:10 - Let their eyes be obscured, so that they may not see, and so that they may bow down their backs always.”

Z 69 - Ako svedčí nadpis, žalm je od Dávida, čo potvrdzuje aj sv. Pavol (Rim 11,9) a sv. Lukáš (Sk 1,16.20). Mesiášsku povahu žalmu potvrdzujú novozákonné citácie.

Z 69,5 - "Musel som vrátiť, čo som neulúpil" - azda príslovie na potvrdenie vlastnej neviny. Takto mohol hovoriť Mesiáš, ktorý naozaj trpel nevinne.

Z 69,12 - Trpiteľ si obliekol "vrecovinu", jednoduchý oblek z kozej srsti. Izraeliti ho nosievali na znak smútku a pokánia (Ž 30,12; 35,13; porov. Jn 3,5.6.8).

Z 69,22 - "Žlč - ró'š" v hebrejčine označuje aj rastlinu, ktorej šťava je horká a jedovatá (Mt 27,34; Mk 15,23).

Z 69,23-28 - V týchto veršoch žalmista žiada podľa práva odvety (lex talionis), ktoré v SZ platilo za všeobecnú normu (Ex 21,12.23-25; Lv 24,17-21), tresty, ktoré uvalili na seba svojím prečinom. Lež Nový zákon nahrádza tento spravodlivý zákon zákonom lásky. Ježiš sa na kríži modlil za všetkých, aj za svojich nepriateľov a vrahov.