| ŽalmyBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | Ž 61, 1-13 |
1 Ž 61, 1 Unto the end. For Jeduthun. A Psalm of David. 2 Ž 61, 2 Will my soul not be subject to God? For from him is my salvation. 3 Ž 61, 3 Yes, he himself is my God and my salvation. He is my supporter; I will be moved no more. 4 Ž 61, 4 How is it that you rush against a man? Every one of you puts to death, as if you were pulling down a ruined wall, leaning over and falling apart. 5 Ž 61, 5 So, truly, they intended to reject my price. I ran in thirst. They blessed with their mouth and cursed with their heart. 6 Ž 61, 6 Yet, truly, my soul will be subject to God. For from him is my patience. 7 Ž 61, 7 For he is my God and my Savior. He is my helper; I will not be expelled. 8 Ž 61, 8 In God is my salvation and my glory. He is the God of my help, and my hope is in God. 9 Ž 61, 9 All peoples gathered together: trust in him. Pour out your hearts in his sight. God is our helper for eternity. 10 Ž 61, 10 So, truly, the sons of men are untrustworthy. The sons of men are liars in the scales, so that, by emptiness, they may deceive among themselves. 11 Ž 61, 11 Do not trust in iniquity, and do not desire plunder. If riches flow toward you, do not be willing to set your heart on them. 12 Ž 61, 12 God has spoken once. I have heard two things: that power belongs to God, 13 Ž 61, 13 and that mercy belongs to you, O Lord. For you will repay each one according to his works. 322
| | Ž 61, 1-13 |
Z 61,2 - Hoci Pán je všade, žalmista predsa obracia svoje oči a srdce k Sionu, kde osobitným spôsobom prebýva Pán na svojom tróne nad archou zmluvy. "Od konca zeme volám…" tieto slová značia veľkú vzdialenosť.
Z 61,7 - Kráľ si v dôvere v Božie sľuby žiada dlhý život. Aj pri vzbure sa tu modlí za seba, ale jeho slová majú širší dosah, zahrnujú všetkých jeho nástupcov na tróne a splnia sa len v osobe Mesiáša, ktorý bude kraľovať naveky a ktorého Kráľovstvu nebude konca (2 Sam 7,12-16; Lk 1,32-33).