| ŽalmyBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | Ž 51, 1-11 |
1 Ž 51, 1 Unto the end. The understanding of David. 2 Ž 51, 2 When Doeg the Edomite came and reported to Saul, David went to the house of Ahimelech. 3 Ž 51, 3 Why do you glory in malice, you who are powerful in iniquity? 4 Ž 51, 4 All day long your tongue thinks up injustice. Like a sharp razor, you have wrought deceit. 5 Ž 51, 5 You have loved malice above goodness, and iniquity more than speaking righteousness. 6 Ž 51, 6 You have loved all precipitous words, you deceitful tongue. 7 Ž 51, 7 Because of this, God will destroy you in the end. He will pull you up, and he will remove you from your tabernacle and your root from the land of the living. 8 Ž 51, 8 The just will see and be afraid, and they will laugh over him, and say: 9 Ž 51, 9 “Behold the man who did not set God as his helper. But he hoped in the multitude of his riches, and so he prevailed in his emptiness.” 10 Ž 51, 10 But I, like a fruitful olive tree in the house of God, have hoped in the mercy of God unto eternity, and forever and ever. 11 Ž 51, 11 I will confess to you forever, because you have accomplished it. And I will wait on your name, for it is good in the sight of your saints.
 | | Ž 51, 1-11 |
Verš 1
Unto the end. The understanding of David.
2Sam 12:1 - Then the Lord sent Nathan to David. And when he had come to him, he said to him: “Two men were in one city: one wealthy, and the other poor.
2Sam 11:4 - And so, David sent messengers, and he took her. And when she had entered to him, he slept with her. And presently, she was purified from her uncleanness.
Verš 4
All day long your tongue thinks up injustice. Like a sharp razor, you have wrought deceit.
Rim 3:4 - For God is truthful, but every man is deceitful; just as it was written: “Therefore, you are justified in your words, and you will prevail when you give judgment.”
Verš 7
Because of this, God will destroy you in the end. He will pull you up, and he will remove you from your tabernacle and your root from the land of the living.
Lv 14:4 - shall instruct him who is to be purified to offer for himself two living sparrows, which it is lawful to eat, and cedar wood, and vermillion, and hyssop.
Lv 14:6 - But the other living one, with the cedar wood, and the scarlet, and the hyssop, he shall dip in the blood of the immolated sparrow.
Nm 19:6 - Likewise, cedar wood, and hyssop, and twice-dyed scarlet he shall cast into the flame, by which the cow is consumed.
Nm 19:18 - And into it a man who is clean shall dip hyssop, and he shall sprinkle from it the entire tent, and all its articles, and the men who were polluted by means of contact.
Z 51 - Tento žalm je najkrajší z kajúcich žalmov, už štvrtý tohto druhu (6, 32, 38). Zachytáva dve podstatné zložky hriechu a jeho odčinenia: hriech sa tu opisuje ako urážka Boha, ktorú človek sám nemôže odčiniť, ak mu Boh nedožičí milosť. Žalm je jedným z najkrajších prejavov dokonalej ľútosti.
Z 51,7 - Náklonnosť na hriech je človeku vrodená. Katolícka tradícia tu právom nachádza náuku o dedičnom hriechu.
Z 51,9 - "Yzop - 'ezób", pyskovitá rastlina, ktorej drobné kvietky na dlhej stopke sú lievikovite rozložené; keď sa namočia, pospájajú sa a zachytia veľa tekutiny. Yzop sa namáčal do krvi alebo do vody a potom sa ním kropil ľud na znak očisťovania od hriechov (Ex 12,22; Lv 14,6-8; Nm 19,6.18; Hebr 9,19).
Z 51,16 - Zrejme tu myslí na preliatu Uriášovu krv a na krv Izraelitov v Rabat-Amon (2 Sam 11,14-25).
Z 51,18 - K 18. a 19. veršu treba dodať, že Dávid nepopiera cenu krvavých obiet, iba tvrdí, že Bohu sa viac páčia obety ľudského vnútra, ducha a srdca.
Z 51,20-21 - Tieto dva verše pridali asi neskoršie, pravdepodobne za časov babylonského zajatia.