výhody registrácie


Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Ž 48, 1-21

1 (CPDV) Unto the end. A Psalm to the sons of Korah.
1 (KAT) Pieseň. Žalm Koreho synov.

2 (CPDV) Hear these things, all nations. Pay attention, all inhabitants of the world:
2 (KAT) Veľký je Pán a hoden každej chvály v meste nášho Boha.

3 (CPDV) whoever is earth-born, you sons of men, together as one, the rich and the poor.
3 (KAT) Jeho svätý vrch, prekrásne návršie, je celej zemi na radosť. Vrch Sion, tajomný príbytok, je mestom veľkého kráľa.

4 (CPDV) My mouth will speak wisdom, and the meditation of my heart will speak prudence.
4 (KAT) Boh sa preslávil v jeho palácoch ako istá ochrana.

5 (CPDV) I will incline my ear to a parable. I will open my case with the psaltery.
5 (KAT) Lebo hľa, králi sa spolčili a utvorili jeden šík.

6 (CPDV) Why should I fear in the evil day? The iniquity at my heel will surround me.
6 (KAT) No sotva sa pozreli, stŕpli úžasom, zmiatli sa a dali sa na útek;

7 (CPDV) Those who trust in their own strength and who glory in the multitude of their riches,
7 (KAT) hrôza ich tam schvátila, bolesti ako rodičku,

8 (CPDV) no brother redeems, nor will man buy back. He will not give to God his appeasement, 319
8 (KAT) ako keď východný víchor rozbíja lode taršišské.

9 (CPDV) nor the price for the redemption of his soul. And he will labor continuously,
9 (KAT) Čo sme počuli, to sme aj videli v meste Pána zástupov, v meste nášho Boha: Boh ho založil naveky.

10 (CPDV) and he will still live, until the end.
10 (KAT) Spomíname, Bože, na tvoje milosrdenstvo uprostred tvojho chrámu.

11 (CPDV) He will not see death, when he sees the wise dying: the foolish and the senseless will perish together. And they will leave their riches to strangers.
11 (KAT) Ako tvoje meno, Bože, tak aj tvoja sláva šíri sa až do končín zeme; tvoja pravica je plná spravodlivosti.

12 (CPDV) And their sepulchers will be their houses forever, their tabernacles from generation to generation. They have called their names in their own lands.
12 (KAT) Nech sa raduje vrch Sion a judejské dcéry nech jasajú nad tvojimi výrokmi.

13 (CPDV) And man, when he was held in honor, did not understand. He has been compared to the senseless beasts, and he has become like them.
13 (KAT) Obíďte Sion a obklopte ho, spočítajte jeho veže.

14 (CPDV) This way of theirs is a scandal to them. And afterwards, they will delight in their mouth.
14 (KAT) Dobre si všimnite jeho hradby, prejdite jeho paláce, aby ste mohli rozprávať ďalšiemu pokoleniu,

15 (CPDV) They have been placed in Hell like sheep. Death will feed on them. And the just will have dominion over them in the morning. And their help will grow old in Hell for their glory.
15 (KAT) že on je Boh, náš Boh, naveky a na veky vekov: on sám nás bude stále sprevádzať.

16 (CPDV) Even so, truly God will redeem my soul from the hand of Hell, when he will receive me.
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17 (CPDV) Do not be afraid, when a man will have been made rich, and when the glory of his house will have been multiplied.
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18 (CPDV) For when he dies, he will take nothing away, and his glory will not descend with him.
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19 (CPDV) For his soul will be blessed in his lifetime, and he will admit to you when you do good to him.
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20 (CPDV) He will even enter with the progeny of his fathers, but, even in eternity, he will not see the light.
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21 (CPDV) Man, when he was in honor, did not understand. He has been compared to the senseless beasts, and he has become like them.
21 ----

Ž 48, 1-21

Verš 2
Hear these things, all nations. Pay attention, all inhabitants of the world:
Mt 5:35 - nor by earth, for it is his footstool, nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great king.

Z 48 - Tento žalm je obdobný ako oba predchádzajúce (46 a 47). Hlavnou myšlienkou žalmu je mimoriadna záchrana mesta Jeruzalema.

Z 48,3 - Cirkev bude stredom a prameňom pokoja a duševných radostí pre každého, kto uverí v Ježiša Krista.

Z 48,5 - Nepriateľskí králi sa spoločne vychytili proti svätému mestu a nezadržateľne postupujú proti svätému mestu. Keby šlo o Edomčanov, Moabčanov a Amončanov (2 Krn 20), žalm by verne zachycoval udalosti, ktoré sa stali v ten deň v okolí Jeruzalema.

Z 48,8 - "Lode taršišské" boli lode, ktoré mohli plávať na dlhej ceste, pravdepodobne z Palestíny až do dnešného Španielska, do Tartesu (Tartess), prístavu na juhovýchodnom pobreží Pyrenejského polostrova. Východný vietor (Ez 27,26) bol veľmi nebezpečný aj pre najväčšie lode, nič mu neodolalo.