| ŽalmyBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | Ž 29, 1-13 |
1 Ž 29, 1 A Canticle Psalm. In dedication to the house of David. 2 Ž 29, 2 I will extol you, Lord, for you have sustained me, and you have not allowed my enemies to delight over me. 3 Ž 29, 3 O Lord my God, I have cried out to you, and you have healed me. 4 Ž 29, 4 Lord, you led my soul away from Hell. You have saved me from those who descend into the pit. 5 Ž 29, 5 Sing a psalm to the Lord, you his saints, and confess with remembrance of his holiness. 6 Ž 29, 6 For wrath is in his indignation, and life is in his will. Toward evening, weeping will linger, and toward morning, gladness. 7 Ž 29, 7 But I have said in my abundance: “I will never be disturbed.” 8 Ž 29, 8 O Lord, in your will, you made virtue preferable to beauty for me. You turned your face away from me, and I became disturbed. 9 Ž 29, 9 To you, Lord, I will cry out. And I will make supplication to my God. 10 Ž 29, 10 What use would there be in my blood, if I descend into corruption? Will dust confess to you or announce your truth? 11 Ž 29, 11 The Lord has heard, and he has been merciful to me. The Lord has become my helper. 12 Ž 29, 12 You have turned my mourning into gladness for me. You have cut off my sackcloth, and you have surrounded me with joy. 13 Ž 29, 13 So then, may my glory sing to you, and may I not regret it. O Lord, my God, I will confess to you for eternity.
| | Ž 29, 1-13 |
Verš 1
A Canticle Psalm. In dedication to the house of David.
Ž 96:7 - May all those who adore graven images be confounded, along with those who glory in their false images. All you his Angels: Adore him.
Verš 10
What use would there be in my blood, if I descend into corruption? Will dust confess to you or announce your truth?
Ž 10:16 -
Verš 3
O Lord my God, I have cried out to you, and you have healed me.
Ex 9:23 - And Moses extended his staff into the sky, and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and also lightning dashing across the earth. And the Lord rained down hail upon the land of Egypt.
Z 29 - Tento žalm je jednou z najkrajších čiastok lyriky Starého zákona. Vedúcim tónom žalmu je "Hlas Pánov", ktorý zaznieva v rozličných podobách a žalmista ho zachytáva smelými obrazmi. V Palestíne nie sú búrky také časté ako u nás. Preto tamojší ľudia prežívajú priebeh búrky omnoho živšie než my. V búrke a v jej sprievodných javoch vidia prejav Božej moci, pre nich je búrka "Hlas Pánov".
Z 29,1 - Kto sú "synovia Boží", je sporné. Môžu to byť anjeli, ktorí si pre svoju blízkosť a spojenie s Bohom zasluhujú meno "synov Božích" ako v Jób 1,6; 38,7; Ž 89,7, ale môžu to byť aj nábožní ľudia (Jób 2,11; Múd 2,13-16; 18; Gn 6,2), Pánovi ctitelia alebo niektorí význační členovia Izraela ako kňazi, sudcovia atď. Prikláňame sa k mienke, že sú to "anjeli", inak by sa 9. verš "a v jeho chráme všetci volajú: Sláva" musel vysvetľovať veľmi naturalisticky.
Z 29,6 - Sarion - fenické pomenovanie Hermonu, najvyššieho končiara v Libanonskom pohorí.