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Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Ž 22, 1-31

1 (CPDV) A Psalm of David. The Lord directs me, and nothing will be lacking to me.
1 (HEM) למנצח על אילת השחר מזמור לדוד אלי אלי למה עזבתני רחוק מישועתי דברי שאגתי׃

2 (CPDV) He has settled me here, in a place of pasture. He has led me out to the water of refreshment.
2 (HEM) אלהי אקרא יומם ולא תענה ולילה ולא דומיה לי׃

3 (CPDV) He has converted my soul. He has led me away on the paths of justice, for the sake of his name.
3 (HEM) ואתה קדוש יושב תהלות ישראל׃

4 (CPDV) For, even if I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evils. For you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they have given me consolation.
4 (HEM) בך בטחו אבתינו בטחו ותפלטמו׃

5 (CPDV) You have prepared a table in my sight, opposite those who trouble me. You have anointed my head with oil, and my cup, which inebriates me, how brilliant it is!
5 (HEM) אליך זעקו ונמלטו בך בטחו ולא בושו׃

6 (CPDV) And your mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and so may I dwell in the house of the Lord for length of days.
6 (HEM) ואנכי תולעת ולא איש חרפת אדם ובזוי עם׃

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7 (HEM) כל ראי ילעגו לי יפטירו בשפה יניעו ראש׃

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8 (HEM) גל אל יהוה יפלטהו יצילהו כי חפץ בו׃

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9 (HEM) כי אתה גחי מבטן מבטיחי על שדי אמי׃

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10 (HEM) עליך השלכתי מרחם מבטן אמי אלי אתה׃

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11 (HEM) אל תרחק ממני כי צרה קרובה כי אין עוזר׃

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12 (HEM) סבבוני פרים רבים אבירי בשן כתרוני׃

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13 (HEM) פצו עלי פיהם אריה טרף ושאג׃

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14 (HEM) כמים נשפכתי והתפרדו כל עצמותי היה לבי כדונג נמס בתוך מעי׃

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15 (HEM) יבש כחרש כחי ולשוני מדבק מלקוחי ולעפר מות תשפתני׃

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16 (HEM) כי סבבוני כלבים עדת מרעים הקיפוני כארי ידי ורגלי׃

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17 (HEM) אספר כל עצמותי המה יביטו יראו בי׃

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18 (HEM) יחלקו בגדי להם ועל לבושי יפילו גורל׃

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19 (HEM) ואתה יהוה אל תרחק אילותי לעזרתי חושה׃

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20 (HEM) הצילה מחרב נפשי מיד כלב יחידתי׃

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21 (HEM) הושיעני מפי אריה ומקרני רמים עניתני׃

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22 (HEM) אספרה שמך לאחי בתוך קהל אהללך׃

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23 (HEM) יראי יהוה הללוהו כל זרע יעקב כבדוהו וגורו ממנו כל זרע ישראל׃

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24 (HEM) כי לא בזה ולא שקץ ענות עני ולא הסתיר פניו ממנו ובשועו אליו שמע׃

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25 (HEM) מאתך תהלתי בקהל רב נדרי אשלם נגד יראיו׃

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26 (HEM) יאכלו ענוים וישבעו יהללו יהוה דרשיו יחי לבבכם לעד׃

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27 (HEM) יזכרו וישבו אל יהוה כל אפסי ארץ וישתחוו לפניך כל משפחות גוים׃

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28 (HEM) כי ליהוה המלוכה ומשל בגוים׃

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29 (HEM) אכלו וישתחוו כל דשני ארץ לפניו יכרעו כל יורדי עפר ונפשו לא חיה׃

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30 (HEM) זרע יעבדנו יספר לאדני לדור׃

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31 (HEM) יבאו ויגידו צדקתו לעם נולד כי עשה׃

Ž 22, 1-31

Verš 1
A Psalm of David. The Lord directs me, and nothing will be lacking to me.
Mt 27:46 - And about the ninth hour, Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying: “Eli, Eli, lamma sabacthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”
Mk 15:34 - And at the ninth hour, Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eloi, Eloi, lamma sabacthani?” which means, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”

Verš 5
You have prepared a table in my sight, opposite those who trouble me. You have anointed my head with oil, and my cup, which inebriates me, how brilliant it is!
Ž 25:3 - For your mercy is before my eyes, and I am serene in your truth.
Ž 31:1 - The understanding of David himself. Blessed are they whose iniquities have been forgiven and whose sins have been covered.
Iz 49:23 - And kings will be your caretakers, and queens will be your nursemaids. They will reverence you with their face to the ground, and they will lick the dust at your feet. And you will know that I am the Lord. For those who hope in him will not be confounded.
Rim 9:33 - just as it was written: “Behold, I am placing a stumbling block in Zion, and a rock of scandal. But whoever believes in him shall not be confounded.”

Verš 7
Mt 27:39 - But those passing by blasphemed him, shaking their heads,

Verš 8
Mt 27:43 - He trusted in God; so now, let God free him, if he wills him. For he said, ‘I am the Son of God.’ ”

Verš 16
Mt 27:35 - Then, after they had crucified him, they divided his garments, casting lots, in order to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet, saying: “They divided my garments among them, and over my vestment they cast lots.”
Mk 15:24 - And while crucifying him, they divided his garments, casting lots over them, to see who would take what.
Lk 23:33 - And when they arrived at the place that is called Calvary, they crucified him there, with the robbers, one to the right and the other to the left.
Jn 19:23 - Then the soldiers, when they had crucified him, took his garments, and they made four parts, one part to each soldier, and the tunic. But the tunic was seamless, woven from above throughout the whole.
Jn 19:37 - And again, another Scripture says: “They shall look upon him, whom they have pierced.”
Jn 20:25 - Therefore, the other disciples said to him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I will see in his hands the mark of the nails and place my finger into the place of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will not believe.”

Verš 18
Lk 23:34 - Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them. For they know not what they do.” And truly, dividing his garments, they cast lots.
Jn 19:24 - Then they said to one another, “Let us not cut it, but instead let us cast lots over it, to see whose it will be.” This was so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, saying: “They have distributed my garments among themselves, and for my vesture they have cast lots.” And indeed, the soldiers did these things.

Verš 22
Heb 2:12 - “I will announce your name to my brothers. In the midst of the Church, I will praise you.”

Verš 27
Ž 2:8 - Ask of me and I will give to you: the Gentiles for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession.
Ž 72:11 - And they said, “How would God know?” and, “Isn’t there knowledge in high places?”
Ž 86:9 -

Verš 31
Ž 52:9 -

Z 22 - Tento žalm si zaslúži meno "Veľkopiatočnej vízie". Desať storočí predtým, ako sa dialo tajomstvo veľkého týždňa, omilostený prorok a básnik vidí v duchu trpiaceho Mesiáša a sýtymi farbami, smelými symbolmi, neporovnateľnou rečou líči utrpenie a víťazstvo svojho potomka, Ježiša Krista. Titulná poznámka "Laň na svitaní" označuje známu pieseň, podľa ktorej sa žalm spieval. Mesiášsky charakter žalmu je zjavný z obsahu žalmu.

Z 22,8 - Komu sa zapáči, môže ho vysmiať, môže ho pošliapať (Iz 41,14; 52,14 -53,12).

Z 22,13 - Je to obraz tvrdej, bezohľadnej sily, obraz zúrivosti a bezcitnosti. Bášan je krajina na východ od Jordána.

Z 22,17-19 - "Prebodli mi ruky a nohy". (Hebrejský text na tomto mieste je nejasný, preto volíme zmysel podľa starších prekladov ako LXX, V., preklad sýrsky, etiópsky a arabský). 17. verš ostáva jedným z najvýraznejších proroctiev SZ, lebo Dávid tu opisuje spôsob Mesiášovej smrti napriek tomu, že Židia, kým neprišli do styku s rímskym svetom, o kríži nevedeli (porov. Jn 19,37). Prv, než ho pozbavia života, delia sa o jeho odev. Nepoznáme, že by bolo bývalo zvykom u Izraelitov rozdeliť si imanie odsúdencov, alebo že by ho bol zákon prisúdil katovi. Tým viac prekvapuje, že sa aj takáto nezvyčajná okolnosť vyplňuje pri Ježišovom utrpení (Jn 19,24).

Z 22,23 - V druhej časti žalmu sa bolestné volanie mení na poďakovanie, na hymnus vďaky. Mesiáš umiera na kríži, ale je si istý, že pomoc príde, záchrana nie je ďaleko. Cez husté mrákavy nadchádzajúcej smrti preniká žiara veľkonočného rána. To, čo teraz hovorí Mesiáš, týka sa ovocia jeho vykupiteľskej smrti, to sú požehnania, ktoré sa rozprestrú nad celým ľudstvom.

Z 22,26 - Okrem vďaky a oslavy Mesiáš prinesie aj ďakovnú obetu. To znamenajú slová: "Svoje sľuby splním" (Lv 7,16; Prís 7,14). Čo znamenala a aká bola ďakovná obeta, čiže sľúbená obeta v SZ, je nám známe. Bola to obeta prinesená z vďačnosti, že Pán je v pokoji so svojím ľudom, bola to zmierna obeta, keď sa Pán po oddialení hnevu opäť blahosklonne obrátil k svojmu ľudu. Takúto obetu prinesie a bude prinášať v opätovnom obetovaní aj Mesiáš. Tu sa nemôže naznačovať nič iné, iba novozákonná obeta, obeta eucharistická, ktorá spája veriacu spoločnosť s Bohom. Je to tá istá obeta, o ktorej bude neskoršie hovoriť prorok Malachiáš, že budú od východu slnka až po západ na každom mieste obetovať, lebo je veľké Pánovo meno medzi národmi (Mal 1,11). Toto je druhé ovocie Mesiášovho utrpenia.

Z 22,28 - Tretím ovocím Mesiášovho utrpenia bude "obrátenie pohanov", vzrast Cirkvi a jej rozšírenie po celom svete, čo značí všeobecnosť spasenia.