| ŽalmyBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | Ž 20, 1-14 |
1 Ž 20, 1 Unto the end. A Psalm of David. 2 Ž 20, 2 In your virtue, Lord, the king will rejoice, and over your salvation, he will exult exceedingly. 3 Ž 20, 3 You have granted him the desire of his heart, and you have not cheated him of the wish of his lips. 4 Ž 20, 4 For you have gone ahead of him with blessings of sweetness. You have placed a crown of precious stones on his head. 5 Ž 20, 5 He petitioned you for life, and you have granted him length of days, in the present time, and forever and ever. 6 Ž 20, 6 Great is his glory in your salvation. Glory and great adornment, you will lay upon him. 7 Ž 20, 7 For you will give him as a blessing forever and ever. You will make him rejoice with gladness in your presence. 8 Ž 20, 8 Because the king hopes in the Lord, and in the mercy of the Most High, he will not be disturbed. 9 Ž 20, 9 May your hand be found by all your enemies. May your right hand discover all those who hate you. 10 Ž 20, 10 You will make them like an oven of fire, in the time of your presence. The Lord will stir them up with his wrath, and fire will devour them. 11 Ž 20, 11 You will destroy their fruit from the earth and their offspring from the sons of men. 12 Ž 20, 12 For they have turned evils upon you; they have devised plans, which they have not been able to accomplish. 13 Ž 20, 13 For you will make them turn their back; with your remnants, you will prepare their countenance. 14 Ž 20, 14 Be exalted, Lord, by your own power. We will play music and sing psalms to your virtues.
| | Ž 20, 1-14 |
Z 20 - Žalm zachytáva modlitbu, ktorou izraelský ľud vyprosuje pre svojho udatného kráľa víťazstvo pred bojom. Žalm zborovo recitovávali pri prosebných obetách, obetovaných neviditeľnému vojvodcovi a víťazovi, Pánovi.
Z 20,2 - Kým na Sione dohárala obeta, ľud privolával svoje želanie kráľovi, aby ho Pán "vyslyšal v čase súženia".
Z 20,4 - V tomto verši máme spomenuté dva druhy obetí: "obetné dary", čiže nekrvavú obetu (mincháh), a celostnú "žertvu" (celopal), krvavú obetu, ktorá sa celá spaľovala na obetnom oltári, 'oláh (vystupovanie), lebo dym z nej vystupoval k nebesám (sloveso 'álah znamená vystupovať). Svedectvo o tom, že sa pred bojom prinášala krvavá celostná žertva spolu i s darmi, ako múkou, olejom atď., podáva samo Sväté písmo: 1 Sam 7,9; 13,9 atď.