| ŽalmyBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | Ž 114, 1-9 |
1 Ž 114, 1 Alleluia. I have loved: therefore, the Lord will heed the voice of my prayer. 2 Ž 114, 2 For he has inclined his ear to me. And in my days, I will call upon him. 3 Ž 114, 3 The sorrows of death have surrounded me, and the perils of Hell have found me. I have found tribulation and sorrow. 4 Ž 114, 4 And so, I called upon the name of the Lord. O Lord, free my soul. 5 Ž 114, 5 Merciful is the Lord, and just. And our God is compassionate. 6 Ž 114, 6 The Lord is the keeper of little ones. I was humbled, and he freed me. 7 Ž 114, 7 Turn again, my soul, to your rest. For the Lord has done good to you. 8 Ž 114, 8 For he has rescued my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from slipping. 9 Ž 114, 9 I will please the Lord in the land of the living.
| | Ž 114, 1-9 |
Verš 1
Alleluia. I have loved: therefore, the Lord will heed the voice of my prayer.
Ex 13:3 - And Moses said to the people: “Remember this day, on which you were taken away from Egypt and from the house of servitude. For with a strong hand the Lord has led you away from this place. Thus, you shall eat no leavened bread.
Z 114 - Žalmista krátko, ale pritom veľmi živo opisuje, ako sa Izrael stal Božím ľudom.
Z 114,1 - "Spomedzi ľudu cudzieho", dosl. "spomedzi ľudu, čo rozprával cudzou zajakavou rečou", čiže spomedzi Egypťanov.
Z 114,3-4 - Dramaticky sa opisujú zázraky, ktoré sa stali pri prechode Červeného mora a Jordána a pri vrchu Sinaj.
Z 114,7-8 - Aby ešte zjavnejšie dokázal Božiu moc, žalmista uvádza dva zázraky, ktoré sa stali v čase blúdenia na púšti. "Skalu mení na jazerá vôd" - prvý zázrak sa vzťahuje na zázračné vyvedenie vody zo skaly pri Hebrone (Ex 17,6), druhý na podobný prípad v Kádeši (Nm 20,11).