 | Kniha JóbBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | Jób 36, 1-33 |
1 Jób 36, 1 Continuing in a similar manner, Eliu had this to say: 2 Jób 36, 2 Bear with me for a little while and I will show you; for I have still more to say in favor of God. 3 Jób 36, 3 I will review my knowledge from the beginning, and I will prove my Maker to be just. 4 Jób 36, 4 For truly my words are without any falsehood and perfect knowledge will be proven to you. 5 Jób 36, 5 God does not abandon the powerful, for he himself is also powerful. 6 Jób 36, 6 But he does not save the impious, though he grants judgment to the poor. 7 Jób 36, 7 He will not take his eyes away from the just, and he continually establishes kings on their throne, and they are exalted. 8 Jób 36, 8 And, if they are in captivity, or are bound with the chains of poverty, 9 Jób 36, 9 he will reveal to them their works, as well as their sinfulness, in that they were violent. 10 Jób 36, 10 Likewise, he will open their ears to his correction, and he will speak to them, so that they may return from iniquity. 11 Jób 36, 11 If they listen and obey, they will fill their days with goodness and complete their years in glory. 12 Jób 36, 12 But if they will not listen, they will pass away by the sword and will be consumed by foolishness. 13 Jób 36, 13 The false and the crafty provoke the wrath of God, yet they do not cry out to him when they are chained. 14 Jób 36, 14 Their soul will die in a storm, and their life, among the unmanly. 15 Jób 36, 15 He will rescue the poor from his anguish, and he will open his ear during tribulation. 16 Jób 36, 16 Therefore, he will save you from the narrow mouth very widely, even though it has no foundation under it. Moreover, your respite at table will be full of fatness. 17 Jób 36, 17 Your case has been judged like that of the impious; 305 you will withdraw your plea and your judgment. 18 Jób 36, 18 Therefore, do not let anger overwhelm you so that you oppress another; neither should you allow a multitude of gifts to influence you. 19 Jób 36, 19 Lay down your greatness without distress, and put aside all of your power with courage. 20 Jób 36, 20 Do not prolong the night, even if people rise on their behalf. 21 Jób 36, 21 Be careful that you do not turn to iniquity; for, after your misery, you have begun to follow this. 22 Jób 36, 22 Behold, God is exalted in his strength, and there is no one like him among the law-givers. 23 Jób 36, 23 Who is able to investigate his ways? And who can say, “You have done iniquity,” to him? 24 Jób 36, 24 Remember that you are ignorant of his work, yet men have sung its praises. 25 Jób 36, 25 All men consider him; and each one ponders from a distance. 26 Jób 36, 26 Behold, God is great, defeating our knowledge; the number of his years is inestimable. 27 Jób 36, 27 He carries away the drops of rain, and he sends forth showers like a raging whirlpool; 28 Jób 36, 28 they flow from the clouds that are woven above everything. 29 Jób 36, 29 If he wills it, he extends the clouds as his tent 30 Jób 36, 30 and shines with his light from above; likewise, he covers the oceans within his tent. 31 Jób 36, 31 For he judges the people by these things, and he gives food to a multitude of mortals. 32 Jób 36, 32 Within his hands, he hides the light, and he commands it to come forth again. 33 Jób 36, 33 He announces it to his friend, for it is his possession and he is able to reach out to it.
 | | Jób 36, 1-33 |
Verš 5
God does not abandon the powerful, for he himself is also powerful.
Jób 9:4 - He is understanding in heart and mighty in strength; who has resisted him and yet had peace?
Jób 12:13 - With him is wisdom and strength, he has counsel and understanding.
Jób 12:16 - With him is strength and wisdom; he knows both the deceiver and he who is deceived.
Jób 37:23 - We are not worthy to be able to find him. Great in strength, great in judgment, great in justice: he is indescribable.
Jób 38:23 - which I have prepared for the time of the enemy, for the day of the battle and the war?
Verš 7
He will not take his eyes away from the just, and he continually establishes kings on their throne, and they are exalted.
Ž 33:18 - The just cried out, and the Lord heard them, and 315 he freed them from all their tribulations.
Ž 34:15 - And they have been joyful against me, and they joined together. Scourges have been gathered over me, and I was ignorant of it.
Ž 113:8 - He converted the rock into pools of water, and the cliff into fountains of waters.
Verš 14
Their soul will die in a storm, and their life, among the unmanly.
Jób 22:16 - These were taken away before their time, and a flood overthrew their foundation.
Verš 16
Therefore, he will save you from the narrow mouth very widely, even though it has no foundation under it. Moreover, your respite at table will be full of fatness.
Ž 23:5 - He will receive a blessing from the Lord, and mercy from God, his Saviour.
Verš 23
Who is able to investigate his ways? And who can say, “You have done iniquity,” to him?
Jób 34:13 - What other is established over the earth? Or whom has he placed over the world, which he made?
Dt 32:4 - The works of God are perfect, and all his ways are judgments. God is faithful and without any iniquity. He is just and upright.
2Krn 19:7 - Let the fear of the Lord be with you, and do all things with diligence. For there is no iniquity with the Lord our God, nor respect of persons, nor desire for gifts.”
Jób 8:3 - Does God supplant judgment, or does the Almighty subvert that which is just?
Jób 34:10 - Therefore, prudent men, hear me: impiety is far from God, and iniquity is far from the Almighty.
Rim 9:14 - What should we say next? Is there unfairness with God? Let it not be so!
Verš 26
Behold, God is great, defeating our knowledge; the number of his years is inestimable.
Ž 90:2 - He will say to the Lord, “You are my supporter and my refuge.” My God, I will hope in him.
Ž 92:8 -
Ž 93:2 - Lift yourself up, for you judge the earth. Repay the arrogant with retribution.
Ž 102:12 - As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our iniquities from us.
Iz 63:16 - For you are our Father, and Abraham has not known us, and Israel has been ignorant of us. You are our Father, O Lord our Redeemer. Your name is beyond all ages.
Nár 5:19 - But you, O Lord, shall remain for eternity, your throne from generation to generation.
Dan 6:26 - It is hereby established by my decree that, in all my empire and my kingdom, they shall begin to tremble and fear the God of Daniel. For he is the living and eternal God forever, and his kingdom will not be destroyed, and his power will last forever.
Heb 1:12 - And you will change them like a cloak, and they shall be changed. Yet you are ever the same, and your years will not diminish.”
Verš 31
For he judges the people by these things, and he gives food to a multitude of mortals.
Jób 37:13 - whether in one tribe, or in his own region, or in whatever place of his mercy that he will order them to be found.
Job 36,8 - Reťaze a povrazy sú znakom biedy, nešťastia a utrpenia.
Job 36,10 - Nešťastím upomína Boh ľudí, aby sa odvrátili od neprávosti a hriechu.
Job 36,16 - Núdza je tu predstavená ako divá zver, ktorá má svoju korisť už v pažeráku.
Job 36,16 - "Miesto toho príde blaho nesmierne" je voľný preklad (porov. Heger, Kniha Ijjob, 88). Iní prekladajú: Vyláka ťa aj z pážeráka núdze na široký priestor bez obmedzenia – Alebo aj s opravou hebrejského textu prekladajú: Aj z pažeráka nepriateľovho ťa zachráni – nezlomí ťa nijaké súženie – zavládne šíra sloboda a pokoj – tvoj stôl bude oplývať tučnotou.
Job 36,20 - Zmysel verša je dosť nejasný. Jeho terajšia forma je iste porušená. Heger pokladá verše 19–20 za neskoršiu vsuvku: po noci netúž – by druhovia svojho sa ujali miesta! (Kniha Ijjob, 129). Henne vykladá zmysel takto: Neprivolávaj noc smrti, pretože sa priatelia postavili proti tebe! – Iný pokus o preklad znie takto: Nechovaj v sebe túžbu po noci (zločincov), aby si spolu nevyvolal aj postrach (od zlostníkov).
Job 36,30 - Víchrica upamätúva na Boží súd; aj ona však prináša zúrodňujúci dážď, ktorý je pre vzrast rastlín užitočný a prepotrebný. Ten istý prostriedok v ruke Božej prináša teda aj trest, aj požehnanie, podľa toho, ako ho chce Boh použiť.