 | Kniha JóbBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | Jób 28, 1-28 |
1 Jób 28, 1 Silver has its fissures where it is first found, and gold has a place where it is melted. 2 Jób 28, 2 Iron is taken from the earth, and ore, unbound by heat, is turned into brass. 3 Jób 28, 3 He has established a time for darkness, and he has settled on an end for all things, as well as for the stone that is in the gloom and shadow of death. 4 Jób 28, 4 The burning separates a pilgrim people from those who have been forgotten by the feet of the destitute man and from the unapproachable. 5 Jób 28, 5 The land, where bread appeared in its place, has been destroyed by fire. 6 Jób 28, 6 Its stones are embedded with sapphires, and its soil, with gold. 7 Jób 28, 7 The bird does not know its path, nor has the eye of the vulture beheld it. 8 Jób 28, 8 The sons of merchants have not walked there, nor has the lioness traveled through it. 9 Jób 28, 9 He has stretched out his hand to the rocks; he has overturned the foundations of the mountains. 10 Jób 28, 10 He has cut rivers through the rocks, and his eye has seen all precious things. 11 Jób 28, 11 The depths of rivers he has also examined, and he has brought hidden things into the light. 12 Jób 28, 12 But, in truth, where is wisdom to be found, and where is the place of understanding? 13 Jób 28, 13 Man does not know its price, nor is it found in the land of those who live in sweetness. 14 Jób 28, 14 The abyss declares, “It is not in me.” And the sea says, “It is not with me.” 15 Jób 28, 15 The finest gold will not be paid for it, nor will silver be weighed in exchange for it. 16 Jób 28, 16 It will not be compared with the dyed colors of India, nor with the very costly stone sardonyx, nor with the sapphire. 17 Jób 28, 17 Neither gold nor crystal will be its equal; neither will vessels of gold be fitted for it. 18 Jób 28, 18 The exalted and the eminent will not be remembered in comparison with it. Yet wisdom is drawn out of concealment. 19 Jób 28, 19 The topaz of Ethiopia will not be equal to it, nor will it be compared to the purest dyes. 20 Jób 28, 20 So then, where does wisdom begin, and where is the place of understanding? 21 Jób 28, 21 It has been hidden from the eyes of all living things, just as the birds of the heavens escape notice. 22 Jób 28, 22 Perdition and death have said, “With our ears, we have heard its fame.” 23 Jób 28, 23 God understands its way, and he knows its location. 24 Jób 28, 24 For he beholds the limits of the world, and he looks upon all things that are under heaven. 25 Jób 28, 25 He created a counterweight for the winds, and he suspended the waters to measure them. 26 Jób 28, 26 At that time, he gave a law to the rain and a path to the resounding storms. 27 Jób 28, 27 Then he saw and explained it, and he made ready and examined it. 28 Jób 28, 28 And he said to man, “Behold the fear of the Lord. Such is wisdom. And to withdraw from evil, this is understanding.”
 | | Jób 28, 1-28 |
Verš 14
The abyss declares, “It is not in me.” And the sea says, “It is not with me.”
Jób 28:22 - Perdition and death have said, “With our ears, we have heard its fame.”
Verš 15
The finest gold will not be paid for it, nor will silver be weighed in exchange for it.
Prís 3:14 - Her acquisition is better than trading in silver, and her fruit is better than the first and purest gold.
Prís 8:11 - For wisdom is better than all that is most precious, and everything that is desirable cannot compare to her.
Prís 8:19 - For my fruit is better than gold and precious stones, and my progeny better than choice silver.
Prís 16:16 - Possess wisdom, for it is better than gold. And acquire prudence, for it is more precious than silver.
Verš 20
So then, where does wisdom begin, and where is the place of understanding?
Jób 28:12 - But, in truth, where is wisdom to be found, and where is the place of understanding?
Verš 22
Perdition and death have said, “With our ears, we have heard its fame.”
Jób 28:14 - The abyss declares, “It is not in me.” And the sea says, “It is not with me.”
Verš 25
He created a counterweight for the winds, and he suspended the waters to measure them.
Prís 8:29 - when he encompassed the sea within its limits, and laid down a law for the waters, lest they transgress their limits; when he weighed the foundations of the earth.
Verš 28
And he said to man, “Behold the fear of the Lord. Such is wisdom. And to withdraw from evil, this is understanding.”
Ž 111:10 - The sinner will see and become angry. He will gnash his teeth and waste away. The desire of sinners will perish.
Prís 1:7 - The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The foolish despise wisdom as well as doctrine.
Prís 9:10 - The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of holiness is prudence.
Job 28,1n - Umiestnenie a originálny význam tejto vsuvky 28. hl. v dialógu Jóbových priateľov zostáva nejasný. Pripomína Knihu prísloví 8,22 n., kde sa opisuje múdrosť ako "inšpirátorka" prvotných Božích diel a "osnovateľka" človeka. Táto kapitola ju oslavuje ako neprístupnú človeku. Kniha proroka Barucha preberá tú istú tému, ale hovorí o múdrosti, ktorá sa zjavila Izraelovi v Zákone. Jedná sa teda o múdrosť, ktorá má transcendentálnu povahu. Do nej sa vteľuje tajomstvo Božích ciest, ona je časťou atribútu Božej múdrosti. Teraz je tento atribút personifikovaný a hoci človek vyvíja veľké úsilie, aby ju dosiahol, jej tajomstvo, známe iba Bohu, ho presahuje.
Job 28,4 - Osnova je veľmi nejasná. Je porušená najskôr preto, že pisár pri odpisovaní nechápal, že sa tu opisuje, ako si preráža človek podzemné chodby do vnútra zeme, odkiaľ vynášal na svetlo cennú rudu. Mohlo by sa preložiť aj takto: Prerúbe údolia, akoby ich pílou (rezal) – po ktorých noha zabúda chodiť – pri čerpaní visia vzdialení od ľudí.
Job 28,17 - Sklo – používané v dávnej dobe na výrobu nádob alebo aj na výrobu ozdobných predmetov – pokladali za veľmi cennú a vzácnu hmotu.
Job 28,23-27 - Múdrosť ľudská je iba čiastočná a aj ona má svoj prameň jedine v Bohu.
Job 28,27 - Boh jediný je majiteľom všetkej múdrosti a výlučne on oznamuje ľuďom pravú múdrosť. Pravá múdrosť pre nich pozostáva v bázni Božej, t. j. v pokornom a vernom zachovávaní mravného zákona, ktorého pôvodcom je Boh.