výhody registrácie

Kniha Jób

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Jób 16, 1-23

1 (CPDV) Then Job, answering, said:
1 (ROH) Zase odpovedal Job a riekol:

2 (CPDV) I have often heard such things; you are all aggravating comforters.
2 (ROH) Počul som mnoho podobných vecí. Tešitelia na trápenie ste vy všetci.

3 (CPDV) Will there be no end to windy words? Or is it at all a burden to you, if you speak?
3 (ROH) Či už raz bude koniec slovám vetra, alebo čo ťa pobáda, že odpovedáš?

4 (CPDV) I, too, can speak like you; and I also wish that your soul favored my soul.
4 (ROH) I ja by som chcel hovoriť tak ako vy! Oj, aby bola vaša duša na mieste mojej duše, chcel by som i ja pospájať slová proti vám a pokývať nad vami svojou hlavou!

5 (CPDV) I would also comfort you with speeches and would wag my head over you.
5 (ROH) Nie, ale by som vás posilňoval svojimi ústami, a sústrasť mojich rtov by miernila váš bôľ. -

6 (CPDV) I would strengthen you with my mouth, and would move my lips, as if being lenient to you.
6 (ROH) Ak hovorím, neumenšuje sa moja bolesť, a keď nechám tak, čo z toho ide odo mňa?

7 (CPDV) But what can I do? When I am speaking, my grief will not be quiet; and if I am quiet, it will not withdraw from me.
7 (ROH) Áno, teraz ma znavil; spustošil si, Bože, celú moju družinu

8 (CPDV) But now my grief has crushed me, and all my limbs have been reduced to nothing. 298
8 (ROH) a svraštil si ma, čo mi je za svedka, a moja vychudlosť povstala proti mne; svedčí do mojej tvári.

9 (CPDV) My wrinkles bear witness against me, and a liar rises up against my face, contradicting me.
9 (ROH) Jeho hnev chvace jako dravec a útočí na mňa; škrípe na mňa svojimi zubami; môj protivník ostrí na mňa svoje oči.

10 (CPDV) He has gathered together his fury towards me, and, threatening me, he has roared against me with his teeth; my enemy has beheld me with terrible eyes.
10 (ROH) Roztvárajú na mňa svoje ústa; potupne ma bijú na líce; spolu sa sobrali v plnom počte proti mne.

11 (CPDV) They have opened their mouths against me, and, reproaching me, they have struck me on the cheek; they are nourished by my sufferings.
11 (ROH) Silný Bôh ma vydal nešľachetníkovi; vrhol ma do rúk bezbožníkom.

12 (CPDV) God has confined me with the immoral, and he has delivered me into the hands of the impious.
12 (ROH) Bol som bezpečný a na pokoji, a zdrtil ma a pochytiac ma za šiju roztrepal ma a postavil si ma za terč.

13 (CPDV) I, who once was wealthy, am now crushed. He has grabbed me by my neck; he has broken me and has place me before him as a sign.
13 (ROH) Obkľúčili ma jeho strelci, rozťal moje ľadviny a nešetril; vylial moju žlč na zem.

14 (CPDV) He has surrounded me with his lances. He has severely wounded my lower back, he has not been lenient, and he has poured out my organs upon the earth.
14 (ROH) Roztrhol ma jako nejakú stenu, trhlinu na trhlinu; pobehol proti mne sťa nejaký silák.

15 (CPDV) He has cut me with wound after wound. He has rushed upon me like a giant.
15 (ROH) Smútočné vrece som si ušil na svoju zjazvenú kožu a svoj roh som strčil do prachu.

16 (CPDV) I have sewn sackcloth over my skin, and I have covered my body with ashes.
16 (ROH) Moja tvár je rudá od plaču a na mojich mihalniciach tôňa smrti.

17 (CPDV) My face is swollen from weeping, and my eyelids have dimmed my vision.
17 (ROH) Napriek tomu, že nieto nijakej ukrutnosti v mojich rukách, a moja modlitba je čistá.

18 (CPDV) These things I have endured without iniquity in my hand, while I held pure prayers before God.
18 (ROH) Oj, zem, nepokry mojej krvi, ani nech nie je miesta môjmu kriku!

19 (CPDV) O earth, do not conceal my blood, nor let my outcry find a hiding place in you.
19 (ROH) I teraz, hľa, na nebesiach je môj svedok, a ten, kto dosvedčí za mňa, je na výsostiach.

20 (CPDV) For behold, my witness is in heaven, and my confidante is on high.
20 (ROH) Moji priatelia sú mojimi posmievačmi; moje oko slzí k Bohu.

21 (CPDV) My friends are full of words; my eye rains tears upon God.
21 (ROH) Ale oj, aby sa niekto smel pravotiť za muža s Bohom a syn človeka za svojho blížneho!

22 (CPDV) And I wish that a man might be so judged before God, just as the son of man is judged with his assistant!
22 (ROH) Lebo rokov malý počet ide ku koncu, a pojdem cestou, ktorou sa nikdy nevrátim.

23 (CPDV) For behold, a few years pass by, and I am walking a path by which I will not return.
23 ----

Jób 16, 1-23

Verš 9
My wrinkles bear witness against me, and a liar rises up against my face, contradicting me.
Jób 10:16 - And because of pride, you will seize me like a lioness, and having returned, you torment me to an extraordinary degree.
Jób 13:24 - Why do you conceal your face and consider me to be your enemy?

Verš 2
I have often heard such things; you are all aggravating comforters.
Jób 13:4 - having first shown that you fabricate lies and cultivate perverse teachings.

Verš 12
God has confined me with the immoral, and he has delivered me into the hands of the impious.
Jób 7:20 - I have sinned; what should I do for you, O keeper of men? Why have you set me against you, so that I have become burdensome even to myself?
Nár 3:12 - DALETH. He has bent his bow, and he has positioned me like a target for his arrows.

Verš 21
My friends are full of words; my eye rains tears upon God.
Jób 31:35 - then, would he grant me a hearing, so that the Almighty would listen to my desire, and he who judges would himself write a book,
Kaz 6:10 - Whoever shall be in the future, his name has already been called. And it is known that he is a man and that he is not able to contend in judgment against one who is stronger than himself.
Iz 45:9 - Woe to him who contradicts his Maker, a mere shard from an earthen vessel! Should the clay say to the potter, “What are you making?” or, “Your work is not made by your hands?”
Rim 9:20 - O man, who are you to question God? How can the thing that has been formed say to the One who formed him: “Why have you made me this way?”

Verš 15
He has cut me with wound after wound. He has rushed upon me like a giant.
Jób 30:19 - I have been treated like dirt, and I have been turned into embers and ashes.

Job 16,8 - Veľmi ťažký, azda porušený text.

Job 16,9-10 - Ako si počínajú divé zvery a šelmy proti svojej úbohej koristi, tak kruto si počínajú aj Jóbovi priatelia proti svojmu niekdajšiemu vernému druhovi. Miesto pravej a úprimnej potechy nemilosrdne ho sužujú, keď mu siahajú na posledné, čo mu zostalo po toľkých stratách majetku a zdravia: na jeho nevinnosť a čestné meno.

Job 16,15 - "Žínenka" znamená smútočné rúcho, ušité z vrecoviny, ktoré nosili na holom tele (preto hovorí Jób: "ušil som si ju na kožu").

Job 16,18 - Vyliata krv volala o pomstu. Preto si Jób žiada, aby ju zem nepokryla. Jóbova krv má vznášať žaloby za všetky jeho telesné a duševné útrapy. Taká nevinne vyliata krv volala podľa predstavy tamojších ľudí k Bohu o pomstu (Gn 4,10; Iz 26,21), kým ju nezakryjú, t. j. kým ju nevypomstia. V tých krajoch vládlo prísne ustanovenie o krvnej pomste podľa zásady: Život za život, zub za zub! Dokiaľ zavraždený človek nebol pomstený smrťou samého vraha, mŕtvola nevinne zavraždeného nebola "prikrytá", nemala nárok na pravé spočinutie.