výhody registrácie

Kniha Nehemiášova

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Neh 1, 1-11

1 (CPDV) The words of Nehemiah, the son of Hacaliah. And it happened that, in the month of Chislev, in the twentieth year, I was in the capital city of Susa.
1 (ROH) Slová Nehemiáša, syna Chachaliášovho. A stalo sa dvadsiateho roku v mesiaci kisleve, keď som ja bol na hrade Susane,

2 (CPDV) And Hanani, one of my brothers, arrived, he and some men of Judah. And I questioned them about the Jews who had remained and were left behind from the captivity, and about Jerusalem.
2 (ROH) že prišiel Chanani, jeden z mojich bratov, on aj s niektorými mužmi z Judska, ktorých som sa pýtal na Židov, uniklých záhube, ktorí boli pozostali zo zajatia, a na Jeruzalem.

3 (CPDV) And they said to me: “Those who have remained and have been left behind from the captivity, there in the province, are in great affliction and in disgrace. And the wall of Jerusalem has been broken apart, and its gates have been burned with fire.”
3 (ROH) A riekli mi: Pozostalí, ktorí pozostali zo zajatia tam v tej krajine, sú vo veľkom súžení a v potupe, i múr Jeruzalema je rozborený, a jeho brány sú spálené ohňom.

4 (CPDV) And when I had heard this manner of words, I sat down, and I wept and mourned for many days. I fasted and prayed before the face of the God of heaven.
4 (ROH) A stalo sa, keď som počul tie slová, že som sadol a plakal som a smútil som niekoľko dní, postil som sa a modlil pred Bohom nebies.

5 (CPDV) And I said: “I beg you, O Lord, God of heaven, strong, great, and terrible, who keeps covenant and mercy with those who love you and who keep your commandments:
5 (ROH) A riekol som: Prosím, ó, Hospodine, Bože nebies, Bože, veľký a strašný, ktorý ostríhaš smluvu a milosť tým, ktorí ťa milujú, a ktorí ostríhajú tvoje prikázania,

6 (CPDV) may your ears be attentive, and may your eyes be open, so that you may hear the prayer of your servant, which I am praying before you today, night and day, for the sons of Israel, your servants. And I am confessing the sins of the sons of Israel, which they have sinned against you. We have sinned, I and my father’s house.
6 (ROH) nech pozoruje, prosím, tvoje ucho, a nech sú tvoje oči otvorené, aby si počul modlitbu svojho služobníka, ktorú sa ja modlím pred tebou dnes, vodne i vnoci, za synov Izraelových, tvojich služobníkov, a vyznávam hriechy synov Izraelových, ktorými sme hrešili proti tebe, i ja i dom môjho otca sme hrešili.

7 (CPDV) We have been seduced by vanity. And we have not kept your commandments and ceremonies and judgments, which you have instructed to your servant Moses.
7 (ROH) Hrubo sme hrešili proti tebe a neostríhali sme prikázaní a ustanovení ani súdov, ktoré si prikázal Mojžišovi, svojmu služobníkovi.

8 (CPDV) Remember the word which you commanded to your servant Moses, saying: ‘When you will have transgressed, I will disperse you among the nations.
8 (ROH) Rozpomeň sa, prosím, na slovo, ktoré si prikázal Mojžišovi, svojmu služobníkovi, povediac: Vy zhrešíte dopustiac sa nevernosti, ja vás rozptýlim medzi národy.

9 (CPDV) But if you will return to me, and keep my precepts, and do them, even if you will have been led away to the furthest reaches of the heavens, I will gather you from there, and I will lead you back to the place that I have chosen so that my name would dwell there.’
9 (ROH) Ale keď sa navrátite ku mne a budete ostríhať moje prikázania a budete ich činiť, keby boli niektorí z vás zahnaní až na konci nebies, aj odtiaľ ich shromaždím a dovediem ich na miesto, ktoré som si vyvolil na to, aby tam prebývalo moje meno.

10 (CPDV) And these same are your servants and your people, whom you have redeemed by your great strength and by your powerful hand.
10 (ROH) A oni sú predsa tvojimi služobníkmi a tvojím ľudom, ktorých si si vykúpil svojou velikou silou a svojou mocnou rukou.

11 (CPDV) I beg you, O Lord, may your ear be attentive to the prayer of your servant, and to the prayer of your servants who are willing to fear your name. And so, guide your servant today, and grant to him mercy before this man.” For I was the cupbearer of the king.
11 (ROH) Prosím tedy, ó, Pane, nech pozoruje tvoje ucho na modlitbu tvojho služobníka a na modlitbu tvojich služobníkov, ktorí si žiadajú báť sa tvojho mena, a daj dnes, prosím, svojmu služobníkovi zdaru a daj mu najsť zľutovanie pred tým mužom. A ja som bol pohárnikom kráľovým.

Neh 1, 1-11

Verš 8
Remember the word which you commanded to your servant Moses, saying: ‘When you will have transgressed, I will disperse you among the nations.
Dt 4:25 - When you will have conceived sons and grandsons while abiding in the land, and if, having been deceived, you make for yourselves any likeness, accomplishing evil in the sight of the Lord your God, so as to provoke him to wrath,
Dt 30:2 - and when you will have returned to him, so as to obey his commandments, just as I have instructed you this day, with your sons, with your whole heart and with your whole soul,

Verš 5
And I said: “I beg you, O Lord, God of heaven, strong, great, and terrible, who keeps covenant and mercy with those who love you and who keep your commandments:
Dan 9:4 - And I prayed to the Lord, my God, and I confessed, and I said, “I beg you, O Lord God, great and terrible, preserving the covenant and mercy for those who love you and keep your commandments.
Ex 20:6 - and showing mercy to thousands of those who love me and keep my precepts.
Ex 34:7 - who preserves mercy a thousand fold, who takes away iniquity, and wickedness, and also sin; and with you no one, in and of himself, is innocent. You render the iniquity of the fathers to the sons, and also to their descendents to the third and fourth generation.”
Nm 14:18 - ‘The Lord is patient and full of mercy, taking away iniquity and wickedness, and forsaking no one who is harmless. He visits the sins of the fathers upon the sons, to the third and fourth generation.’
Dt 5:10 - and acting with mercy in thousands of ways to those who love me and keep my precepts.
Ž 86:15 -
Ž 103:8 - The mountains ascend, and the plains descend, to the place which you have founded for them.
Ž 145:8 - The Lord enlightens the blind. The Lord sets upright those who have been thrown down. The Lord loves the just.

Neh 1,1 - Kislev bol deviaty mesiac v roku (polovica novembra – polovica decembra). Nehemiáš prišiel z kráľovského dvora v Babylone do Jeruzalema v 20. roku kráľa Artaxerxa I. Dlhorukého (465–424 pr. Kr.; porov. Neh 2,1), teda r. 445 pr. Kr., – Súzy boli druhým hlavným mestom Elamska. Na hrade v tomto meste žili perzskí králi len v lete, zimovali v Ekbatanách.

Neh 1,2 - Chanani bol bližší príbuzný alebo možno aj vlastný brat Nehemiášov (porov. Neh 7,2).

Neh 1,11 - Pohárnik (čašník) bol vysoký úradník na kráľovskom dvore. Riadil etiketu a konal službu pri kráľovskom stole. Častým bezprostredným stykom s monarchom sa časom vyvinul aj istý intímnejší pomer, ktorý Nehemiášovi veľmi pomáhal, keď prosil kráľa, aby mu dal dovolenku.