výhody registrácie

2. kniha kroník

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

2Krn 29, 1-36

1 (CPDV) And so Hezekiah began to reign when he was twenty-five years old. And he reigned for twenty-nine years in Jerusalem. The name of his mother was Abijah, the daughter of Zechariah.
1 (KAT) Ezechiáš začal kraľovať, keď mal dvadsaťpäť rokov, a dvadsaťdeväť rokov kraľoval v Jeruzaleme. Meno jeho matky bolo Abia, Zachariášova dcéra.

2 (CPDV) And he did what was pleasing in the sight of the Lord, in accord with all that his father David had done.
2 (KAT) Robil, čo sa páči Pánovi, celkom tak, ako robil jeho otec Dávid.

3 (CPDV) In the first year and month of his reign, he opened the double doors of the house of the Lord, and he repaired them.
3 (KAT) On v prvom roku svojho kraľovania, v prvom mesiaci, otvoril dvere Pánovho domu a opravil ich.

4 (CPDV) And he brought together the priests and Levites. And he gathered them in the wide eastern street.
4 (KAT) Priviedol kňazov a levitov a zhromaždil ich na východnom priestranstve.

5 (CPDV) And he said to them: “Listen to me, O Levites, and be sanctified. Cleanse the house of the Lord, the God of your fathers, and take away every uncleanness from the sanctuary.
5 (KAT) A povedal im: „Počujte ma, leviti! Hneď sa posväťte a posväťte dom Pána, Boha svojich otcov, a povynášajte zo svätyne všetku nečistotu!

6 (CPDV) Our fathers sinned and did evil in the sight of the Lord our God, abandoning him. They turned their faces away from the tabernacle of the Lord, and they presented their backs.
6 (KAT) Lebo naši otcovia sa spreneverili, robili, čo sa nepáči Pánovi, nášmu Bohu, a opustili ho. Odvrátili si tvár od Pánovho príbytku a ukázali mu chrbát.

7 (CPDV) They closed up the doors which were in the portico, and they extinguished the lamps. And they did not burn incense, and they did not offer holocausts, in the sanctuary of the God of Israel.
7 (KAT) Dokonca zatvorili dvere predsiene, povyhášali lampy, tymian nepálili a celopaly neobetovali Izraelovmu Bohu vo svätyni.

8 (CPDV) And so the fury of the Lord was stirred up against Judah and Jerusalem, and he handed them over to turmoil, and to destruction, and to hissing, just as you discern with your own eyes.
8 (KAT) Preto bol Pánov hnev nad Júdom a Jeruzalemom a obrátil ich na postrach, hrôzu a vypískanie, ako sami vidíte na vlastné oči.

9 (CPDV) Lo, our fathers have fallen by the sword. Our sons, and our daughters and wives have been led away as captives because of this wickedness.
9 (KAT) Hľa, naši otcovia padli pod mečom, naši synovia, naše dcéry a ženy sú preto v zajatí.

10 (CPDV) Now therefore, it is pleasing to me that we should enter into a covenant with the Lord, the God of Israel. And he will turn away the fury of his indignation from us.
10 (KAT) Teraz však mám v úmysle uzavrieť zmluvu s Pánom, Bohom Izraela, aby odvrátil od nás svoj hnev.

11 (CPDV) My sons, do not choose to be negligent. The Lord has chosen you so that you would stand before him, and minister to him, and worship him, and burn incense to him.”
11 (KAT) Synovia moji, teraz nebuďte ľahostajní! Veď Pán si vás vyvolil, aby ste stáli pred ním a slúžili mu! Aby ste boli jeho služobníkmi a pálili mu kadidlo!“

12 (CPDV) Therefore, the Levites rose up, Mahath, the son of Amasai, and Joel, the son of Azariah, from the sons of Kohath; then, from the sons of Merari, Kish, the son of Abdi, and Azariah, the son of Jehallelel; and from the sons of Gershon, Joah, the son of Zimmah, and Eden, the son of Joah;
12 (KAT) Povstali teda leviti: Amasaiho syn Mahat a Azariášov syn Joel z Kaátových synov, zo synov Merariho Abdiho syn Kis a Jalaleelov syn Azariáš a z Gersoncov Joah, syn Zemu, a Joahov syn Eden;

13 (CPDV) and truly, from the sons of Elizaphan, Shimri and Jeuel; also, from the sons of Asaph, Zechariah and Mattaniah;
13 (KAT) z Elisafanových synov Samri a Jahiel, z Asafových synov Zachariáš a Mataniáš,

14 (CPDV) indeed also, from the sons of Heman, Jehuel and Shimei; then too, from the sons of Jeduthun, Shemaiah and Uzziel.
14 (KAT) z Hemanových synov Jahiel a Semei a z Idutunových synov Semeiáš a Oziel;

15 (CPDV) And they gathered together their brothers. And they were sanctified. And they entered in accord with the command of the king and the order of the Lord, so that they might expiate the house of God.
15 (KAT) zhromaždili svojich bratov, očistili sa a vošli, aby podľa kráľovho rozkazu a Pánovho príkazu očistili Pánov dom.

16 (CPDV) And the priests, entering the temple of the Lord so that they might sanctify it, took every uncleanness, which they had found inside, out to the vestibule of the house of the Lord; and the Levites took it away and transported it outside, to the torrent Kidron.
16 (KAT) Kňazi teda vošli do vnútra Pánovho domu, aby ho vyčistili, a všetku nečistotu, ktorú našli v Pánovom chráme, vyniesli na nádvorie Pánovho domu, odkiaľ to leviti vzali a povynášali von k potoku Kedron.

17 (CPDV) Now they began to cleanse on the first day of the first month. And on the eighth day of the same month, they entered the portico of the temple of the Lord. And then they expiated the temple over eight days. And on the sixteenth day of the same month, they finished what they had begun.
17 (KAT) S posväcovaním začali v prvý deň prvého mesiaca a na ôsmy deň mesiaca došli k Pánovej predsieni. Pánov dom teda očistili za osem dní a šestnásteho toho mesiaca boli hotoví.

18 (CPDV) Also, they entered to king Hezekiah, and they said to him: “We have sanctified the entire house of the Lord, and the altar of holocaust, and its vessels, indeed also the table of the presence, with all its vessels,
18 (KAT) Vtedy vošli ku kráľovi Ezechiášovi a vraveli: „Očistili sme celý Pánov dom aj oltár celopalov so všetkým jeho náradím, aj stôl predkladných chlebov so všetkým jeho náradím.

19 (CPDV) and all the equipment of the temple, which king Ahaz, during his reign, had polluted after his transgression. And behold, these have all been set forth before the altar of the Lord.”
19 (KAT) A všetky nádoby, ktoré kráľ Achaz počas svojho panovania vo svojej nevernosti zavrhol, sme obnovili a posvätili. Hľa, sú pred Pánovým oltárom!“

20 (CPDV) And rising up at first light, king Hezekiah joined as one all the leaders of the city, and they ascended to the house of the Lord.
20 (KAT) Kráľ Ezechiáš včasráno vstal, zhromaždil kniežatá mesta a išiel hore do Pánovho domu.

21 (CPDV) And together they offered seven bulls and seven rams, seven lambs and seven he-goats, for sin, for the kingdom, for the Sanctuary, for Judah. And he spoke to the priests, the sons of Aaron, so that they would offer these upon the altar of the Lord.
21 (KAT) Priviedli sedem býkov, sedem baranov, sedem baránkov a sedem capov na obetu za hriech za kráľovstvo, za svätyňu a za Júdu a prikázal Áronovým synom, kňazom, aby to obetovali na Pánovom oltári.

22 (CPDV) And so they slaughtered the bulls. And the priests took up the blood, and they poured it upon the altar. Then they also slaughtered the rams, and they poured their blood upon the altar. And they immolated the lambs, and they poured the blood upon the altar.
22 (KAT) Zabili teda býčky a kňazi chytili krv a kropili oltár, potom zabili barany a krv kropili na oltár a zabili aj baránky a krv vykropili na oltár.

23 (CPDV) They brought the he-goats for sin before the king and the entire multitude. And they laid their hands upon them.
23 (KAT) Capy však, (určené) na obetu za hriech, priviedli ku kráľovi pred zhromaždenie, oni na ne vložili ruky

24 (CPDV) And the priests immolated them, and they sprinkled their blood before the altar, for the expiation of all Israel. For certainly the king had instructed that the holocaust and the sin offering should be made on behalf of all Israel.
24 (KAT) a kňazi ich zabili. Ich krv obetovali na oltári za hriech, aby získali zmierenie pre celý Izrael, lebo kráľ rozkázal, že celopal a obeta za hriech má byť za celý Izrael.

25 (CPDV) Also, he situated the Levites in the house of the Lord, with cymbals, and psalteries, and harps, according to the disposition of king David, and of the seer Gad, and of the prophet Nathan. For indeed, this was the precept of the Lord, by the hand of his prophets.
25 (KAT) Potom postavil v Pánovom dome levitov s cimbalmi, harfami a citarami podľa príkazu Dávida, kráľovho vidca Gada a proroka Nátana. Lebo to bol príkaz Pána (daný) prostredníctvom jeho prorokov.

26 (CPDV) And the Levites stood, holding the musical instruments of David, and the priests held the trumpets.
26 (KAT) Leviti teda stáli s Dávidovými nástrojmi a kňazi s trúbami.

27 (CPDV) And Hezekiah ordered that they should offer holocausts upon the altar. And when the holocausts were being offered, they began to sing praises to the Lord, and to sound the trumpets, and to play various musical instruments, which David, the king of Israel, had prepared.
27 (KAT) Vtedy Ezechiáš prikázal, aby na oltári obetovali celopal. A práve keď sa začal celopal, začala Pánova pieseň a trúby pod vedením nástrojov izraelského kráľa Dávida

28 (CPDV) Then the entire crowd was adoring, and the singers and those who were holding the trumpeters were exercising their office, until the holocaust was completed.
28 (KAT) a celé zhromaždenie sa klaňalo. Pieseň znela, trúby zvučali; a to všetko, kým sa neskončil celopal.

29 (CPDV) And when the oblation was finished, the king, and all who were with him, bowed down and adored.
29 (KAT) Keď sa celopal dokončil, sklonil sa kráľ i všetci, ktorí boli s ním, a klaňali sa.

30 (CPDV) And Hezekiah and the rulers instructed the Levites to praise the Lord with the words of David, and of Asaph, the seer. And they praised him with great joy, and kneeling down, they adored.
30 (KAT) Kráľ Ezechiáš a kniežatá prikázali levitom, aby oslavovali Pána slovami Dávida a vidca Asafa. Oni ho oslavovali s radosťou, skláňali sa a klaňali.

31 (CPDV) And now Hezekiah also added: “You have filled your hands for the Lord. Draw near, and offer victims and praises in the house of the Lord.” Therefore, the entire multitude offered victims and praises and holocausts, with devout intention.
31 (KAT) Potom sa ozval Ezechiáš a hovoril: „Teraz ste si naplnili ruky pre Pána. Priblížte sa a prineste žertvy a obety vďaky v Pánovom dome!“ Zhromaždenie teda obetovalo žertvy a obety vďaky a každý, kto dobrovoľne chcel, celopaly.

32 (CPDV) Now the number of the holocausts that the multitude offered was seventy bulls, one hundred rams, two hundred lambs.
32 (KAT) Počet obiet, ktoré zhromaždenie prinieslo, bol sedemdesiat kusov hovädzieho dobytka, sto baranov a dvesto baránkov - to všetko ako celopal Pánovi.

33 (CPDV) And they sanctified to the Lord six hundred oxen and three thousand sheep.
33 (KAT) A ako zásvätnú obetu šesťsto kusov hovädzieho dobytka a tritisíc oviec.

34 (CPDV) Truly, the priests were few; neither were they sufficient to remove the pelts from the holocausts. Therefore, the Levites, their brothers, also assisted them, until the work was completed, and the priests, who were of higher rank, were sanctified. For indeed, the Levites are sanctified with an easier ritual than the priests.
34 (KAT) Len kňazov bolo málo, takže nestačili zdierať všetky celopaly, preto im pomáhali ich bratia leviti, kým sa práca nedokončila a kým sa neposvätili kňazi. Lebo leviti sa ochotnejšie posväcovali ako kňazi.

35 (CPDV) Thus, there were very numerous 253 holocausts, with the fat of the peace offerings and the libations of the holocausts. And the service of the house of the Lord was completed.
35 (KAT) A bolo aj veľa celopalov s tukom pokojných obiet a s nápojovými obetami celopalov. Služba v Pánovom dome bola teda zavedená.

36 (CPDV) And Hezekiah and all the people were joyful because the ministry of the Lord was accomplished. For certainly, it had pleased them to do this suddenly.
36 (KAT) Ezechiáš a všetok ľud sa tešil z toho, čo Boh pripravil ľudu, lebo vec sa previedla veľmi rýchlo.

2Krn 29, 1-36

Verš 1
And so Hezekiah began to reign when he was twenty-five years old. And he reigned for twenty-nine years in Jerusalem. The name of his mother was Abijah, the daughter of Zechariah.
2Kr 18:1 - In the third year of Hoshea, the son of Elah, the king of Israel: Hezekiah, the son of Ahaz, reigned as king of Judah.

Verš 3
In the first year and month of his reign, he opened the double doors of the house of the Lord, and he repaired them.
2Krn 28:24 - And so, Ahaz, having despoiled and broken apart all the vessels of the house of God, closed up the doors of the temple of God, and made for himself altars in all the corners of Jerusalem.

Verš 9
Lo, our fathers have fallen by the sword. Our sons, and our daughters and wives have been led away as captives because of this wickedness.
2Krn 28:6 - And Pekah, the son of Remaliah, killed, on one day, one hundred twenty thousand, all of them men of war from Judah, because they had forsaken the Lord, the God of their fathers.

Verš 11
My sons, do not choose to be negligent. The Lord has chosen you so that you would stand before him, and minister to him, and worship him, and burn incense to him.”
Ex 28:1 - “Also, join to yourself your brother Aaron, with his sons from the midst of the sons of Israel, so that they may exercise the priesthood for me: Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.
Nm 3:6 - “Bring forward the tribe of Levi, and cause them to stand in the sight of Aaron the priest, in order to minister to him. And let them keep watch outside,
Nm 8:14 - and you shall separate them from the midst of the sons of Israel, so that they may be for me.
Nm 18:2 - But take to yourselves also your brothers from the tribe of Levi, and the scepter of your father, and may they be prepared, and may they minister to you. Then you and your sons shall minister in the tabernacle of the testimony.

Verš 21
And together they offered seven bulls and seven rams, seven lambs and seven he-goats, for sin, for the kingdom, for the Sanctuary, for Judah. And he spoke to the priests, the sons of Aaron, so that they would offer these upon the altar of the Lord.
Lv 4:14 - and afterwards shall understand their sin: they shall offer a calf on behalf of their sin, and they shall lead it to the door of the tabernacle.

Verš 22
And so they slaughtered the bulls. And the priests took up the blood, and they poured it upon the altar. Then they also slaughtered the rams, and they poured their blood upon the altar. And they immolated the lambs, and they poured the blood upon the altar.
Lv 8:14 - He also offered the calf for sin. And when Aaron and his sons had placed their hands upon its head,
Heb 9:21 - And even the tabernacle, and all the vessels for the ministry, he similarly sprinkled with blood.

Verš 23
They brought the he-goats for sin before the king and the entire multitude. And they laid their hands upon them.
Lv 4:15 - And the elders of the people shall place their hands upon its head in the sight of the Lord. And when the calf has been immolated in the sight of the Lord,

Verš 25
Also, he situated the Levites in the house of the Lord, with cymbals, and psalteries, and harps, according to the disposition of king David, and of the seer Gad, and of the prophet Nathan. For indeed, this was the precept of the Lord, by the hand of his prophets.
1Krn 16:4 - And he appointed some from the Levites who would minister before the ark of the Lord, and commemorate his works, and glorify and praise the Lord, the God of Israel.
1Krn 25:6 - All these, under their father’s hand, were distributed in order to sing in the temple of the Lord, with cymbals and psalteries and harps, in the ministry of the house of the Lord beside the king, specifically, Asaph, and Jeduthun, and Heman.
1Krn 6:31 - These are the ones whom David appointed over the singing men in the house of the Lord, in the place where the ark was located.
1Krn 23:5 - Moreover, four thousand were porters. And the same number were the singers of psalms to the Lord, with the musical instruments which he had made for the music.
1Krn 25:1 - Then David and the magistrates of the army set apart, for the ministry, the sons of Asaph, and of Heman, and of Jeduthun, who were to prophesy with harps and psalteries and cymbals, in accord with their 234 number, having been dedicated to their appointed office.
2Krn 8:14 - And he appointed, in accord with the plan of his father David, the offices of the priests in their ministries; and those of the Levites, in their orders, so that they might praise and minister before the priests according to the ritual of each day; and the porters, in their divisions, from gate to gate. For so had David, the man of God, instructed.

2Krn 29,1 - Porov. 2 Kr 18,2 n.

2Krn 29,8 - Pod slovom "vypískanie" rozumej: kto ich uvidí, píska im na hanbu.

2Krn 29,26 - "Nástrojmi" rozumej hudobné nástroje.

2Krn 29,31 - O "naplnení rúk" pozri 13,9. Tu znamená: "zasvätili ste sa Pánovi". – Celopaly, o ktorých je v tomto verši reč, už boli súkromné obety Izraelitov.

2Krn 29,34 - Leviti vypomáhali, kým sa leviticky očistil a zasvätil dostatočný počet kňazov. – "Zdierať" rozumej: kožu sťahovať z obetných zvierat.

2Krn 29,35 - O tuku pokojných obiet pozri Lv 3,3–5; k celopalu patrili aj nápojové obety, Nm 15,1–10.

2Krn 29,36 - Také rýchle obnovenie služieb nemohlo sa vykonať bez osobitnej Božej pomoci.