výhody registrácie

2. kniha kráľov

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(KAT - Katolícky preklad)

2Kr 6, 1-33

1 (KAT) Prorockí synovia hovorili Elizeovi: „Pozri, miesto, kde bývame s tebou, je tesné.
1 (VUL) Dixerunt autem filii prophetarum ad Eliseum: “ Ecce locus, in quo habitamus coram te, angustus est nobis.
1 (UKJV) And the sons of the prophets said unto Elisha, Behold now, the place where we dwell with you is too strait for us.

2 (KAT) Pôjdeme až k Jordánu, vezmeme odtiaľ každý jedno brvno a urobíme si tam miesto na bývanie.“ Odpovedal: „Choďte!“
2 (VUL) Eamus usque ad Iordanem, et tollant singuli de silva materias singulas, ut aedificemus nobis ibi locum ad habitandum ”. Qui dixit: “ Ite ”.
2 (UKJV) Let us go, we pray you, unto Jordan, and take thence every man a beam, and let us make us a place there, where we may dwell. And he answered, Go all of you.

3 (KAT) Ktorýsi vravel: „Poď aj ty so svojimi služobníkmi!“ Odpovedal: „Pôjdem.“
3 (VUL) Et ait unus ex illis: “ Veni ergo et tu cum servis tuis ”. Respondit: “ Ego veniam ”.
3 (UKJV) And one said, Be content, I pray you, and go with your servants. And he answered, I will go.

4 (KAT) Išiel teda s nimi a keď došli k Jordánu, vytínali stromy.
4 (VUL) Et abiit cum eis. Cumque venissent ad Iordanem, caedebant ligna.
4 (UKJV) So he went with them. And when they came to Jordan, they cut down wood.

5 (KAT) Ako ktorýsi z nich vytínal kmeň, padlo mu železo do vody a vykríkol: „Beda, môj pane, a to bolo vypožičané!“
5 (VUL) Accidit autem, ut, cum unus materiam succidisset, caderet ferrum securis in aquam; exclamavitque ille et ait: “ Heu, domine mi! Et hoc ipsum mutuo acceperam! ”.
5 (UKJV) But as one was felling a beam, the axe head fell into the water: and he cried, and said, Alas, master! for it was borrowed.

6 (KAT) Boží muž sa opýtal: „Kde padlo?“ A keď mu ukázal miesto, odťal kus dreva, hodil ho ta a železo vyplávalo.
6 (VUL) Dixit autem homo Dei: “ Ubi cecidit? ”. At ille monstravit ei locum. Praecidit ergo lignum et misit illuc, natavitque ferrum.
6 (UKJV) "And the man of God said, Where fell it? And he showed him the place. And he cut down a stick, and cast it in thither; and the iron did swim. "

7 (KAT) I povedal: „Vezmi si ho!“ On vystrel ruku a vzal si ho.
7 (VUL) Et ait: “ Tolle!”. Qui extendit manum et tulit illud.
7 (UKJV) Therefore said he, Take it up to you. And he put out his hand, and took it.

8 (KAT) Aramejský kráľ viedol s Izraelom vojnu. I radil sa so svojimi poddanými a povedal: „Na tom a tom mieste budete so mnou táboriť.“
8 (VUL) Rex autem Syriae pugnabat contra Israel; consiliumque iniit cum servis suis dicens: “ In loco illo et illo ponamus insidias ”.
8 (UKJV) Then the king of Syria warred against Israel, and took counsel with his servants, saying, In such and such a place shall be my camp.

9 (KAT) Vtedy Boží muž poslal izraelskému kráľovi odkaz: „Daj si pozor a nechoď na to miesto, lebo tam táboria Aramejčania!“
9 (VUL) Misit itaque vir Dei ad regem Israel dicens: “ Cave, ne transeas in loco illo, quia ibi Syri in insidiis sunt ”.
9 (UKJV) "And the man of God sent unto the king of Israel, saying, Beware that you pass not such a place; for thither the Syrians are come down. "

10 (KAT) Izraelský kráľ poslal na miesto, ktoré mu označil Boží muž a pred ktorým ho varoval, a dal ho pozorovať, a nielen raz alebo dva razy.
10 (VUL) Misit rex Israel ad locum, quem dixerat ei vir Dei et de quo praemonuerat eum, et observavit se ibi non semel neque bis.
10 (UKJV) And the king of Israel sent to the place which the man of God told him and warned him of, and saved himself there, not once nor twice.

11 (KAT) Táto vec rozčuľovala srdce aramejského kráľa. Zvolal svojich sluhov a spýtal sa ich: „Neviete mi povedať, kto nás prezradil izraelskému kráľovi?“
11 (VUL) Conturbatumque est cor regis Syriae pro hac re et, convocatis servis suis, ait: “ Quare non indicatis mihi quis proditor mei sit apud regem Israel? ”.
11 (UKJV) "Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was sore troubled for this thing; and he called his servants, and said unto them, Will all of you not show me which of us is for the king of Israel? "

12 (KAT) Ktorýsi z jeho sluhov mu povedal: „Nie, môj kráľovský pane, ale prorok Elizeus, ktorý je v Izraeli, oznámi izraelskému kráľovi aj slová, ktoré hovoríš vo svojej spálni.“
12 (VUL) Dixitque unus servorum eius: “ Nequaquam, domine mi rex. Sed Eliseus propheta, qui est in Israel, indicat regi Israel omnia verba, quaecumque locutus fueris in conclavi tuo ”.
12 (UKJV) And one of his servants said, None, my lord, O king: but Elisha, the prophet that is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedchamber.

13 (KAT) Nato povedal: „Choďte a pozrite sa, kde je; pošlem a dám ho chytiť.“ Oznámili mu: „Je v Dotane.“
13 (VUL) Dixit eis: “ Ite et videte ubi sit, ut mittam et capiam eum ”. Annuntiaveruntque ei dicentes: “ Ecce in Dothain ”.
13 (UKJV) And he said, Go and spy where he is, that I may send and fetch him. And it was told him, saying, Behold, he is in Dothan.

14 (KAT) Poslal ta kone, vozy a mocný oddiel. Došli v noci a obkľúčili mesto.
14 (VUL) Misit ergo illuc equos et currus et robur exercitus; qui cum venissent nocte, circumdederunt civitatem.
14 (UKJV) Therefore sent he thither horses, and chariots, and a great host: and they came by night, and compassed the city about.

15 (KAT) Keď sluha Božieho muža včasráno vstal a vyšiel von, zazrel, že mesto obkľučuje mocný oddiel, kone a vozy. Sluha mu povedal: „Beda, môj pane! Čo budeme robiť?“
15 (VUL) Consurgens autem diluculo minister viri Dei egressus est viditque exercitum in circuitu civitatis et equos et currus nuntiavitque ei dicens: “ Heu, domine mi, quid faciemus? ”.
15 (UKJV) And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do?

16 (KAT) Odpovedal: „Neboj sa, lebo tých, čo sú s nami, je viac ako tých, čo sú s nimi!“
16 (VUL) At ille respondit: “Noli timere; plures enim nobiscum sunt quam cum illis”.
16 (UKJV) And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.

17 (KAT) A Elizeus sa modlil: „Pane, otvor mu oči, nech vidí!“ Vtom Pán otvoril sluhove oči a videl, že vrch okolo Elizea je plný ohnivých koní a vozov.
17 (VUL) Oravitque Eliseus dicens: “ Domine, aperi oculos huius, ut videat ”. Et aperuit Dominus oculos pueri, et vidit, et ecce mons plenus equorum et curruum igneorum in circuitu Elisei.
17 (UKJV) "And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray you, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. "

18 (KAT) A keď (nepriatelia) zišli k nemu, modlil sa Elizeus k Pánovi: „Pobi, prosím, tento národ slepotou!“ I pobil ich slepotou podľa Elizeových slov.
18 (VUL) Hostes vero descenderunt ad eum. Porro Eliseus oravit Dominum dicens: “ Percute, obsecro, gentem hanc caecitate! ”. Percussitque eos Dominus, ne viderent iuxta verbum Elisei.
18 (UKJV) And when they came down to him, Elisha prayed unto the LORD, and said, Strike this people, I pray you, with blindness. And he stroke them with blindness according to the word of Elisha.

19 (KAT) A Elizeus im povedal: „Toto nie je tá cesta a toto nie je to mesto. Poďte za mnou, zavediem vás k mužovi, ktorého hľadáte!“ A išiel s nimi do Samárie.
19 (VUL) Dixit autem ad eos Eliseus: “ Non est haec via, nec ista est civitas; sequimini me, et ostendam vobis virum, quem quaeritis ”. Duxit ergo eos in Samariam.
19 (UKJV) And Elisha said unto them, This is not the way, neither is this the city: follow me, and I will bring you to the man whom all of you seek. But he led them to Samaria.

20 (KAT) Keď došli do Samárie, Elizeus povedal: „Pane, otvor oči týmto, nech vidia!“ Pán im otvoril oči a zrazu videli, že sú uprostred Samárie.
20 (VUL) Cumque ingressi fuissent in Samaria, dixit Eliseus: “ Domine, aperi oculos istorum, ut videant ”. Aperuitque Dominus oculos eorum, et viderunt esse se in medio Samariae.
20 (UKJV) "And it came to pass, when they were come into Samaria, that Elisha said, LORD, open the eyes of these men, that they may see. And the LORD opened their eyes, and they saw; and, behold, they were in the midst of Samaria. "

21 (KAT) Keď ich uvidel izraelský kráľ, pýtal sa Elizea: „Mám ich postínať, otče?“
21 (VUL) Dixitque rex Israel ad Eliseum, cum vidisset eos: “ Numquid percutiam eos, pater mi? ”.
21 (UKJV) And the king of Israel said unto Elisha, when he saw them, My father, shall I strike them? shall I strike them?

22 (KAT) Odpovedal: „Nestínaj! Chceš postínať takých, ktorých si nezajal svojím mečom ani svojou kušou?! Predlož im chlieb a vodu, nech si zajedia a nech sa napijú a vrátia sa k svojmu pánovi.“
22 (VUL) At ille ait: “ Non percuties; neque enim, quos cepisti gladio et arcu tuo, percutis. Pone panem et aquam coram eis, ut comedant et bibant et vadant ad dominum suum ”.
22 (UKJV) And he answered, You shall not strike them: would you strike those whom you have taken captive with your sword and with your bow? set bread and water before them, that they may eat and drink, and go to their master.

23 (KAT) Pripravil im teda veľkú hostinu a keď sa najedli a napili, prepustil ich a oni odišli k svojmu pánovi. Aramejskí koristníci potom viac neprišli do izraelskej krajiny.
23 (VUL) Appositaque est eis ciborum magna praeparatio, et comederunt et biberunt, et dimisit eos; abieruntque ad dominum suum, et ultra non venerunt turmae Syriae in terram Israel.
23 (UKJV) And he prepared great provision for them: and when they had eaten and drunk, he sent them away, and they went to their master. So the bands of Syria came no more into the land of Israel.

24 (KAT) Po tomto zhromaždil aramejský kráľ Benadad celé svoje vojsko, pritiahol a obliehal Samáriu.
24 (VUL) Factum est autem post haec, congregavit Benadad rex Syriae universum exercitum suum et ascendit et obsidebat Samariam.
24 (UKJV) And it came to pass after this, that Benhadad king of Syria gathered all his host, and went up, and besieged Samaria.

25 (KAT) V Samárii vypukol veľký hlad. Obliehal ju tak dlho, až bola oslia hlava po osemdesiat strieborných a štvrť kabu holubieho trusu po päť strieborných.
25 (VUL) Factaque est fames magna in Samaria et tamdiu obsessa est, donec venumdaretur caput asini octoginta argenteis et quarta pars cabi stercoris columbarum quinque argenteis.
25 (UKJV) And there was a great famine in Samaria: and, behold, they besieged it, until an ass's head was sold for fourscore pieces of silver, and the fourth part of a cab of dove's dung for five pieces of silver.

26 (KAT) Keď raz izraelský kráľ prechádzal po múre, akási žena naň volala: „Pomôž mi, môj kráľovský pane!“ Odpovedal: „Nepomáha ti Pán, ako ti môžem pomôcť ja?
26 (VUL) Cumque rex Israel transiret per murum, mulier exclamavit ad eum dicens: “ Salva me, domine mi rex! ”.
26 (UKJV) And as the king of Israel was passing by upon the wall, there cried a woman unto him, saying, Help, my lord, O king.

27 (KAT) Z humna? Alebo z lisu?“
27 (VUL) Qui ait: “ Non, salvet te te Dominus. Unde salvare te possum? De area an de torculari? ”. Dixitque ad eam rex: “ Quid tibi vis? ”. Quae respondit:
27 (UKJV) And he said, If the LORD do not help you, whence shall I help you? out of the barn floor, or out of the winepress?

28 (KAT) Potom sa jej kráľ spýtal: „Čo ti je?“ Odpovedala: „Táto žena mi vravela: »Daj svojho syna, zjeme ho dnes, môjho syna však zjeme zajtra!«
28 (VUL) “ Mulier ista dixit mihi: “Da filium tuum, ut comedamus eum hodie, et filium meum comedemus cras”.
28 (UKJV) And the king said unto her, What disturbs you? And she answered, This woman said unto me, Give your son, that we may eat him to day, and we will eat my son tomorrow.

29 (KAT) Uvarili sme teda môjho syna a zjedli sme ho. Na druhý deň som jej povedala: »Daj svojho syna, zjeme ho!« Ale ona svojho syna schovala.“
29 (VUL) Coximus ergo filium meum et comedimus. Dixique ei die altera: Da filium tuum, ut comedamus eum; quae abscondit filium suum ”.
29 (UKJV) So we boiled my son, and did eat him: and I said unto her on the next day, Give your son, that we may eat him: and she has hid her son.

30 (KAT) Keď kráľ počul slová ženy, roztrhol si rúcho. Chodil práve po múre, takže ľud videl, že má na holom tele vrecovinu.
30 (VUL) Quod cum audisset rex, scidit vestimenta sua. Et transibat super murum, viditque omnis populus cilicium, quo vestitus erat ad carnem intrinsecus.
30 (UKJV) "And it came to pass, when the king heard the words of the woman, that he rent his clothes; and he passed by upon the wall, and the people looked, and, behold, he had sackcloth within upon his flesh. "

31 (KAT) I povedal: „Toto nech mi urobí Boh a toto nech mi pridá, ak dnes hlava Safatovho syna Elizea ostane na ňom!“
31 (VUL) Et ait: “ Haec mihi faciat Deus et haec addat, si steterit caput Elisei filii Saphat super eum hodie ”.
31 (UKJV) Then he said, God do so and more also to me, if the head of Elisha the son of Shaphat shall stand on him this day.

32 (KAT) Elizeus sedel vo svojom dome a starší sedeli s ním. Kráľ však poslal vopred akéhosi muža. Ale skôr, než k nemu prišiel posol, hovoril on starším: „Viete, že tento vrahov syn posiela zoťať mi hlavu? Dávajte pozor! Keď príde posol, zaprite dvere a držte ho za dvermi! Lebo za ním ide aj dupot nôh jeho pána!“
32 (VUL) Eliseus autem sedebat in domo sua, et senes sedebant cum eo. Praemisit itaque rex virum. Sed antequam veniret nuntius, Eliseus dixit ad senes: “ Numquid scitis quod miserit filius homicidae hic, ut praecidatur caput meum? Videte ergo, cum venerit nuntius, claudite ostium et non sinatis eum introire; ecce enim sonitus pedum domini eius post eum est ”.
32 (UKJV) "But Elisha sat in his house, and the elders sat with him; and the king sent a man from before him: but before the messenger came to him, he said to the elders, See all of you how this son of a murderer has sent to take away mine head? look, when the messenger comes, shut the door, and hold him fast at the door: is not the sound of his master's feet behind him? "

33 (KAT) Ešte s nimi hovoril a už zostupoval k nemu kráľ a hovoril: „Hľa, takéto nešťastie prišlo od Pána; ako mám ešte dôverovať v Pána?“
33 (VUL) Et adhuc illo loquente eis, apparuit rex, qui veniebat ad eum, et ait: “ Ecce, tantum malum a Domino est; quid amplius exspectabo a Domino? ”.
33 (UKJV) "And while he yet talked with them, behold, the messenger came down unto him: and he said, Behold, this evil is of the LORD; what should I wait for the LORD any longer? "

2Kr 6, 1-33

Verš 18
A keď (nepriatelia) zišli k nemu, modlil sa Elizeus k Pánovi: „Pobi, prosím, tento národ slepotou!“ I pobil ich slepotou podľa Elizeových slov.
Gn 19:11 - Mužov však, veľkých aj malých, čo boli pri vchode do domu, ranili slepotou, takže sa márne namáhali nájsť vchod.

Verš 29
Uvarili sme teda môjho syna a zjedli sme ho. Na druhý deň som jej povedala: »Daj svojho syna, zjeme ho!« Ale ona svojho syna schovala.“
Dt 28:53 - V stave obkľúčenia z úzkosti a biedy, ktorou ťa bude nepriateľ trápiť, budeš jesť plod svojho života, mäso svojich synov a dcér, ktoré ti dá Pán, tvoj Boh.

Verš 31
I povedal: „Toto nech mi urobí Boh a toto nech mi pridá, ak dnes hlava Safatovho syna Elizea ostane na ňom!“
1Kr 19:2 - Nato poslala Jezabel k Eliášovi posla s odkazom: „Nech mi bohovia urobia toto a toto nech mi pridajú, ak zajtra o takomto čase neurobím s tvojím životom, ako sa stalo so životom hociktorého z nich!“

2Kr 6,11 - Výraz: "Kto nás prezradil?" je v pôvodine neistý. Prekladáme ho na základe LXX a Vulgáty.

2Kr 6,13 - Dotan, aj Dotain (Gn 37,17), je dnešný Tell-Dotán, asi 20 km severne od Samárie. Mesto ležalo na kopci (porov. v. 17).

2Kr 6,18 - Bola to len duševná slepota, že nepoznali Elizea a slepo išli za ním.

2Kr 6,25 - "Holubí trus" bola vraj akási jedlá zelenina. Ale dnes všeobecne prekladajú miesto "oslia hlava": "chomer muštu" a miesto "holubí trus": "biela múka". – Kab sú 2 litre, štvrtina kabu je teda pol litra. V meste bola neslýchaná drahota.

2Kr 6,31 - Nevieme, prečo obviňuje kráľ Elizea. Možno, že prorok povzbudzoval obrancov mesta, aby vydržali, lebo príde pomoc od Pána.

2Kr 6,33 - Kráľ zrejme rozpovedal prípad dvoch žien ako nešťastie, ktoré dopustil Pán.