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1. kniha kráľov

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

1Kr 4, 1-34

1 (CPDV) Now king Solomon was reigning over all of Israel.

2 (CPDV) And these were the leaders that he had: Azariah, the son of Zadok, the priest;

3 (CPDV) Elihoreph and Ahijah, the sons of Shisha, the scribes; Jehoshaphat, the son of Ahilud, the keeper of records;

4 (CPDV) Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, over the army; and Zadok, and Abiathar, priests;

5 (CPDV) Azariah, the son of Nathan, over those who were assisting the king; Zabud, the son of Nathan, the priest, the friend of the king;

6 (CPDV) and Ahishar, first ruler of the house; and Adoniram, the son of Abda, over the tribute.

7 (CPDV) And Solomon had twelve commanders over all of Israel, who offered yearly provisions for the king and his house. For each was ministering the necessities, by each month of the year.

8 (CPDV) And these are their names: Benhur, on mount Ephraim;

9 (CPDV) Bendeker, in Makaz, and in Shaalbim, and in Beth-shemesh, and in Elon, and in Beth-hanan;

10 (CPDV) Benhesed, in Arubboth: his was Socoh and the entire land of Hepher;

11 (CPDV) Benabinadab, to whom was all of Naphath-Dor, who had Taphath, the daughter of Solomon, as wife;

12 (CPDV) Baana, the son of Ahilud, who was reigning in Taanach, and Megiddo, and all of Bethshean, which is beside Zarethan and below Jezreel, from Bethshean as far as Abelmeholah, opposite Jokmeam;

13 (CPDV) Bengeber, in Ramoth Gilead, who had the town of Jair, the son of Manasseh, in Gilead; the same was first in the entire region of Argob, which is in Bashan, sixty great cities with walls that had bronze bars;

14 (CPDV) Ahinadab, the son of Iddo, who was first in Mahanaim;

15 (CPDV) Ahimaaz, in Naphtali, and he also had Basemath, the daughter of Solomon, in marriage;

16 (CPDV) Baana, the son of Hushai, in Asher and in Bealoth;

17 (CPDV) Jehoshaphat, the son of Paruah, in Issachar;

18 (CPDV) Shimei, the son of Ela, in Benjamin;

19 (CPDV) Geber, the son of Uri, in the land of Gilead, in the land of Sihon, king of the Amorites, and of Og, king of Bashan, over all who were in that land.

20 (CPDV) Judah and Israel were innumerable, like the sand of the sea in multitude: eating and drinking, and rejoicing.

21 (CPDV) Now Solomon had, in his dominion, all the kingdoms, from the river to the land of the Philistines, even to the border of Egypt. And they offered gifts to him, and they served him all the days of his life.

22 (CPDV) And the provisions of Solomon, for each day, were thirty cor of fine wheat flour, and sixty cor of meal,

23 (CPDV) ten fattened oxen, and twenty oxen from the pastures, and one hundred rams, aside from the venison of stags, roe deer, and gazelles, and fattened poultry.

24 (CPDV) For he had obtained the entire region which was beyond the river, from Tiphsah as far as Gaza, and all the kings of those regions. And he had peace on every side all around.

25 (CPDV) And so, Judah and Israel were living without any fear, each one under his own vine and under his own fig tree, from Dan as far as Beersheba, during all the days of Solomon.

26 (CPDV) And Solomon had forty thousand stalls of chariot horses, and twelve thousand riding horses.

27 (CPDV) And the above-stated commanders of the king nourished these. And they also offered the necessities for the table of king Solomon, with immense diligence, each in his time.

28 (CPDV) Also, they brought barley and straw for the horses and beasts of burden, to the place where the king was, just as it was appointed to them.

29 (CPDV) And God gave wisdom to Solomon, and an exceedingly great prudence, and a spacious heart, like the sand which is on the shore of the sea.

30 (CPDV) And the wisdom of Solomon surpassed the wisdom of all the East, and of the Egyptians.

31 (CPDV) And he was wiser than all men: wiser than Ethan, the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Calcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol. And he was renowned in all the nations on every side.

32 (CPDV) Solomon also spoke three thousand parables. And his verses were one thousand and five.

33 (CPDV) And he discoursed about trees, from the cedar which is in Lebanon, to the hyssop which grows out from the wall. And he explained about beasts, and birds, and reptiles, and fish.

34 (CPDV) And they came from all the peoples in order to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and from all the kings of the earth, who were hearing about his wisdom.

1Kr 4, 1-34

Verš 25
And so, Judah and Israel were living without any fear, each one under his own vine and under his own fig tree, from Dan as far as Beersheba, during all the days of Solomon.
Lv 26:5 - The threshing of the harvest shall last until the vintage, and the vintage shall overtake the sowing. And you shall eat your bread to fullness, and you shall live in your land without fear.

Verš 26
And Solomon had forty thousand stalls of chariot horses, and twelve thousand riding horses.
1Kr 10:26 - And Solomon gathered together the chariots and horsemen. And he had one thousand four hundred chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen. And he placed them in the walled cities, and with the king at Jerusalem.
2Krn 1:14 - And he gathered to himself chariots and horsemen. And they brought to him one thousand four hundred chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen. And he caused them to be in the cities of the chariots, and with the king in Jerusalem.
2Krn 9:25 - Also, Solomon had forty thousand horses in the stables, and twelve thousand chariots and horsemen, and he appointed them to the cities of the chariots, and where the king was in Jerusalem.

Verš 6
and Ahishar, first ruler of the house; and Adoniram, the son of Abda, over the tribute.
1Kr 5:14 - And he sent them into Lebanon, ten thousand each month, in turns, so that for two months they were in their own houses. And Adoniram was over this type of conscription.
1Kr 12:18 - Then king Rehoboam sent Adoram, who was over the tribute. And all of Israel stoned him, and he died. Therefore, king Rehoboam hurrying, climbed into the chariot, and fled to Jerusalem.

1Kr 4,2 - Podľa 1 Krn 5,34 n. bol Azariáš synom Achimása (porov. 2 Sam 15,27.36) a vnukom Sádoka. V rodostromoch sa často aj ďalší potomkovia označujú tak, ako by boli potomkami bezprostrednými.

1Kr 4,4 - Mená Sadoka a Abiatara sa do tohto zoznamu dostali len neskoršie a omylom. Veľkňazom za Šalamúna bol podľa 2. v. Sadokov vnuk Azariáš, Abiatara však poslal Šalamún hneď na začiatku svojho panovania do vyhnanstva do Anatotu (2,26 n.).

1Kr 4,5 - Správcovia (v. 7 n.) mali svoje pridelené okresy. Ich hlavnou povinnosťou bolo vymáhať pre kráľa dane, dávky a poplatky. Ich predstavený, Azariáš, bol teda akýsi minister financií. - Slovo "kňaz" sa muselo dostať do dnešnej hebrejskej osnovy omylom.

1Kr 4,6 - O Adoniramovi pozri 2 Sam 20,24 a 1 Kr 12,18.

1Kr 4,7 - O správcoch pozri pozn. k v. 5. - Ináč sa menoslov správcov zachoval vo veľmi zlom stave. Mená niektorých správcov vypadli; okresy dnes už nemožno s istotou určiť. V poznámkach spomenieme iba tie, ktoré sú ako-tak známe.

1Kr 4,9 - Druhý okres bol asi západne od Efraimského pohoria. Ale mestá sú nám väčšinou neznáme. O Betsamese pozri 1 Sam 6,9. Elon je azda Ajalon, východne od Amwasu.

1Kr 4,11 - Mesto Dor bolo na pobreží Stredozemného mora, južne od hory Karmel.

1Kr 4,12 - Mestá Bánovho okresu boli na Jezraelskej rovine. Tanak aj dnes nosí to isté meno. Kdesi blízo neho bolo aj Magedo. Betsan volali Gréci Scythopolis, dnes sa volá Beisan. - Sartan, o ktorom je tu reč, je hádam dnešné Telles-Sartan (Šanda). O Abelmehule pozri 1 Sam 18,19. Jekmaam je Tell Kaimun.

1Kr 4,13 - Okres Gaberovho syna bol v severnej časti Zajordánska.

1Kr 4,14 - O Mahanaime pozri 2 Sam 2,8.

1Kr 4,15 - Územie kmeňa Neftali bolo západne od Genezaretského jazera.

1Kr 4,16 - Západne od Neftaliho bol kmeň Aser.

1Kr 4,19 - Miesto Gada stojí v dnešnej osnove omylom Galaád. O Galaáde však bola reč vo v. 13. - Koniec verša je neistý. Možno, že sa tam spomína hlavný námestník Azariáš, ktorý bol nad celou krajinou (porov. v. 5).