výhody registrácie

1. kniha kráľov

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

1Kr 22, 1-54

1 (CPDV) Then three years passed without war between Syria and Israel.
1 (ROH) A sedeli na pokoji tri roky; nebolo vojny medzi Sýriou a medzi Izraelom.

2 (CPDV) But in the third year, Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, descended to the king of Israel.
2 (ROH) A stalo sa v treťom roku, že prišiel Jozafat, judský kráľ, dolu k izraelskému kráľovi.

3 (CPDV) And the king of Israel said to his servants, 201 “Are you ignorant that Ramoth Gilead is ours, and that we have neglected to take it from the hand of the king of Syria?”
3 (ROH) A izraelský kráľ povedal svojim služobníkom: Či viete, že Rámot Gileád patrí nám? A my mlčíme namiesto toho, aby sme ho vzali z ruky sýrskeho kráľa.

4 (CPDV) And so he said to Jehoshaphat, “Will you come to the battle with me at Ramoth Gilead?”
4 (ROH) Preto povedal Jozafatovi: Či pojdeš so mnou do vojny do Rámot Gileáda? Na to riekol Jozafat izraelskému kráľovi: Ja som ako ty, môj ľud ako tvoj ľud, moje kone jako tvoje kone.

5 (CPDV) And Jehoshaphat said to the king of Israel: “As I am, so also are you. My people and your people are one. And my horsemen are your horsemen.” And Jehoshaphat said to the king of Israel, “I beg you to inquire today of the word of the Lord.”
5 (ROH) Potom riekol Jozafat izraelskému kráľovi: Opýtaj sa dnes, prosím, na slovo Hospodinovo.

6 (CPDV) Therefore, the king of Israel gathered together the prophets, about four hundred men, and he said to them, “Should I go to Ramoth Gilead to make war, or should I be at peace?” They responded, “Ascend, and the Lord will give it into the hand of the king.”
6 (ROH) A izraelský kráľ shromaždil prorokov, okolo štyristo mužov, a povedal im: Či mám ísť do vojny proti Rámot Gileádu a či nechať tak? A odpovedali: Iď hore, Pán dá do ruky kráľovej.

7 (CPDV) Then Jehoshaphat said, “Is there not here a particular prophet of the Lord, so that we may inquire by him?”
7 (ROH) Ale Jozafat riekol: Či nie je tu už proroka Hospodinovho, aby sme sa opýtali toho?

8 (CPDV) And the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat: “One man remains, by whom we may be able to inquire of the Lord: Micaiah, the son of Imlah. But I hate him. For he does not prophecy good to me, but evil.” And Jehoshaphat said, “You should not speak in this way, O king.”
8 (ROH) Na to povedal izraelský kráľ Jozafatovi: Je tu ešte jeden muž, skrze ktorého by bolo možno opýtať sa Hospodina, ale ja ho nenávidím, lebo mi neprorokuje dobrého, iba zlé, Micheáš, syn Jimlu. Avšak Jozafat riekol: Nech tak nehovorí kráľ!

9 (CPDV) Therefore, the king of Israel called a certain eunuch, and he said to him, “Hurry to bring here Micaiah, the son of Imlah.”
9 (ROH) Vtedy zavolal izraelský kráľ jedného komorníka a povedal: Doveď sem rýchle Micheáša, syna Jimlu!

10 (CPDV) Now the king of Israel, and Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, were each sitting upon his own throne, clothed in the habit of royal vestments, in a courtyard beside the entrance of the gate of Samaria. And all the prophets were prophesying in their sight.
10 (ROH) A izraelský kráľ a Jozafat, judský kráľ, sedeli každý na svojom tróne, odiati kráľovským rúchom, na voľnom priestore pri vchode do brány mesta Samárie. A všetci tí proroci prorokovali pred nimi.

11 (CPDV) Also, Zedekiah, the son of Chenaanah, made for himself horns of iron, and he said, “Thus says the Lord: With these, you shall threaten Syria, until you destroy it.”
11 (ROH) A Cedekiáš, syn Kenaanov, si bol spravil železné rohy a povedal: Takto hovorí Hospodin: Týmito budeš klať Sýrov, dokiaľ im len neučiníš konca.

12 (CPDV) And all the prophets were prophesying similarly, saying: “Ascend to Ramoth Gilead, and go forth to success. For the Lord will deliver it into the hands of the king.”
12 (ROH) A všetci proroci prorokovali tak a vraveli: Iď hore do Rámot Gileáda a konaj šťastne, a Hospodin dá do ruku kráľovej.

13 (CPDV) Then truly, the messenger who had gone to summon Micaiah spoke to him, saying: “Behold, the words of the prophets, as if with one mouth, are predicting good to the king. Therefore, let your word be like theirs, and speak what is good.”
13 (ROH) A posol, ktorý išiel zavolať Micheáša, mu hovoril a vravel: Nože hľa, slová prorokov, ako by jednými ústy, predpovedajú kráľovi dobré veci; nech je tedy, prosím, tvoje slovo jako slovo niektorého z nich, a hovor dobré.

14 (CPDV) But Micaiah said to him, “As the Lord lives, whatever the Lord will have said to me, this shall I speak.”
14 (ROH) Ale Micheáš riekol: Ako že žije Hospodin, že iba to, čo mi povie Hospodin, to budem hovoriť.

15 (CPDV) And so he went to the king. And the king said to him, “Micaiah, should we go to Ramoth Gilead to do battle, or should we cease?” And he responded to him, “Ascend, and go forth to success, and the Lord will deliver it into the hands of the king.”
15 (ROH) Keď potom prišiel ku kráľovi, povedal mu kráľ: Micheášu, či máme ísť proti Rámot Gileádu do vojny a či necháme tak? A on mu riekol: Iď hore a konaj šťastne, a Hospodin dá do ruky kráľovej.

16 (CPDV) But the king said to him, “I require you under oath, again and again, that you not say to me anything except what is true, in the name of the Lord.”
16 (ROH) A kráľ mu povedal: Koľko ráz ťa mám zaviazať prísahou, že mi nebudeš hovoriť iného, len pravdu v mene Hospodinovom?

17 (CPDV) And he said: “I saw all of Israel scattered among the hills, like sheep that have no shepherd. And the Lord said: ‘These have no master. Let each of them return to his own house in peace.’ ”
17 (ROH) Vtedy riekol: Videl som všetkého Izraela rozptýleného po vrchoch ako ovce, ktoré nemajú pastiera. A Hospodin riekol: Títo nemajú pána, nech sa navrátia každý do svojho domu v pokoji.

18 (CPDV) Therefore, the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat: “Did I not tell you that he prophesies nothing good to me, but always evil?”
18 (ROH) Na to povedal izraelský kráľ Jozafatovi: Či som ti nepovedal, že mi nebude prorokovať dobré, ale iba zlé?

19 (CPDV) Yet truly, continuing, he said: “Because of his, listen to the word of the Lord. I saw the Lord sitting upon his throne. And the entire army of heaven was standing beside him, to the right and to the left.
19 (ROH) A riekol: Preto počuj slovo Hospodinovo: Videl som Hospodina sedieť na jeho tróne, a všetko nebeské vojsko stálo pri ňom po jeho pravej a po jeho ľavej strane.

20 (CPDV) And the Lord said, ‘Who will mislead Ahab, the king of Israel, so that he may ascend and fall at Ramoth Gilead?’ And one spoke words in this manner, and another spoke otherwise.
20 (ROH) A Hospodin riekol: Kto oklame Achaba, aby išiel hore a padol v Rámot Gileáda? A keď hovoril jeden to, a druhý hovoril iné,

21 (CPDV) But then a spirit went out and stood before the Lord. And he said, ‘I will mislead him.’ And the Lord said to him, ‘By what means?’
21 (ROH) vyšiel von nejaký duch a postaviac sa pred Hospodinom povedal: Ja ho oklamem. A Hospodin mu riekol: Akým spôsobom?

22 (CPDV) And he said, ‘I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.’ And the Lord said: ‘You will deceive him, and you will prevail. Go forth, and do so.’
22 (ROH) A on odpovedal: Vyjdem a budem lživým duchom v ústach všetkých jeho prorokov. A riekol: Oklameš, aj zmôžeš, vyjdi a učiň tak.

23 (CPDV) So now, behold: the Lord has given a lying spirit into the mouth of all your prophets who are here. And the Lord has spoken evil against you.”
23 (ROH) A teraz hľa, Hospodin dal lživého ducha do úst všetkých týchto tvojich prorokov, a Hospodin hovoril proti tebe zlé.

24 (CPDV) Then Zedekiah, the son of Chenaanah, drew near and struck Micaiah on the jaw, and he said, “So then, has the Spirit of the Lord left me, and spoken to you?”
24 (ROH) Vtedy pristúpil Cedekiáš, syn Kenaanov, a uderil Micheáša na líce a povedal: Kde-kade odišiel Duch Hospodinov odo mňa, aby hovoril tebe?

25 (CPDV) And Micaiah said, “You shall see in the day when you will enter into a room within a room, so that you may conceal yourself.”
25 (ROH) A Micheáš riekol: Hľa, uvidíš toho dňa, keď pojdeš z izby do izby, aby si sa skryl.

26 (CPDV) And the king of Israel said: “Take Micaiah, and let him dwell with Amon, the ruler of the city, and with Joash, the son of Amalech.
26 (ROH) A izraelský kráľ povedal: Pojmi Micheáša a zaveď ho zpät k Amonovi, kniežaťu mesta, a k Joašovi, synovi kráľovmu.

27 (CPDV) And tell them: ‘Thus says the king: Put this man in prison, and sustain him with the bread of affliction, and with the water of distress, until I return in peace.’ ”
27 (ROH) A povieš: Takto hovorí kráľ: Vsaďte tohoto do žalára a dávajte mu jesť chlieb súženia a vodu súženia, dokiaľ neprijdem v pokoji.

28 (CPDV) And Micaiah said, “If you will have returned in peace, the Lord has not spoken through me.” And he said, “May all the people hear it.”
28 (ROH) Ale Micheáš povedal: Ak sa ty naozaj navrátiš v pokoji, nehovoril Hospodin skrze mňa. A doložil: Počujte to ľudia, všetci!

29 (CPDV) And so, the king of Israel, and Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, ascended to Ramoth Gilead.
29 (ROH) A tak odišiel izraelský kráľ i Jozafat, judský kráľ, hore do Rámot Gileáda.

30 (CPDV) Then the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat: “Take up your armor, and enter the battle. And be clothed in your own garments.” But the king of Israel changed his clothing, and he entered the war.
30 (ROH) A izraelský kráľ povedal Jozafatovi: Prestrojiť sa, a ísť do boja; ale ty si len obleč svoje rúcho. A tak sa prestrojil izraelský kráľ a išiel do boja.

31 (CPDV) Now the king of Syria had instructed the thirty-two commanders of the chariots, saying, “You shall not fight against anyone, small or great, except against the king of Israel alone.”
31 (ROH) A sýrsky kráľ prikázal svojim veliteľom vozov, tridsiatim a dvom, a povedal: Nebojujte ani s malým ani s veľkým, ale iba s izraelským kráľom samotným.

32 (CPDV) Therefore, when the commanders of the chariots saw Jehoshaphat, they suspected that he was the king of Israel. And making a violent assault, they fought against him. And Jehoshaphat cried out.
32 (ROH) A stalo sa, keď uvideli velitelia vozov Jozafata, že riekli: Doista je to izraelský kráľ! A uhli sa proti nemu bojovať. Vtedy skríkol Jozafat.

33 (CPDV) And the commanders of the chariots understood that he was not the king of Israel, and so they turned away from him.
33 (ROH) A stalo sa, keď uvideli velitelia vozov, že to nie je izraelský kráľ, že sa obrátili preč od neho.

34 (CPDV) But a certain man bent his bow, aiming the arrow without certitude, and by chance he struck the king of Israel, between the lungs and the stomach. Then he said to the driver of his chariot, “Turn your hand, and carry me away from the army, for I have been grievously wounded.”
34 (ROH) Tu nejaký muž natiahol lučište vo svojej prostote, a ranil izraelského kráľa tam, kde sa pancier spojuje. Preto povedal svojmu vozkovi: Obráť svoje ruky a vyvez ma z vojska, lebo som ťažko nemocný.

35 (CPDV) Then the battle was undertaken throughout that day. And the king of Israel was standing on his chariot opposite the Syrians, and he died in the evening. For the blood was flowing from the wound into the joints of the chariot.
35 (ROH) A keď sa rozmohol boj toho dňa, postavený bol kráľ na voze naproti Sýrom. A zomrel večer a vylial krv z rany do vnútra do voza.

36 (CPDV) And a herald proclaimed throughout the entire army, before the setting of the sun, saying: “Let each one return to his own city, and to his own land.”
36 (ROH) Potom, o západe slnka, išiel krik táborom volajúc: Každý do svojho mesta a každý do svojej zeme!

37 (CPDV) Then the king died, and he was carried into Samaria. And they buried the king in Samaria.
37 (ROH) A tak zomrel kráľ, a dopravili ho do Samária a pochovali kráľa v Samárii.

38 (CPDV) And they washed his chariot in the pool of Samaria. And the dogs licked up his blood. And they washed the reins, in accord with the word of the Lord which he had spoken.
38 (ROH) A keď umývali voz pri rybníku Samárie, lízali psi jeho krv, kým sa tam umývali smilnice, čo sa stalo podľa slova Hospodinovho, ktoré hovoril.

39 (CPDV) But the rest of the words of Ahab, and all that he did, and the house of ivory that he built, and all the cities that he constructed, were these not written in the book of the words of the days of the kings of Israel?
39 (ROH) A ostatné deje Achabove a všetko to, čo robil, aj o dome zo slonovej kosti, ktorý vystavil, aj o všetkých mestách, ktoré vystavil, či nie je to napísané v knihe letopisov kráľov Izraelových?

40 (CPDV) And so, Ahab slept with his fathers. And Ahaziah, his son, reigned in his place.
40 (ROH) A tak ľahol Achab a ležal so svojimi otcami, a kraľoval Achaziáš, jeho syn, miesto neho.

41 (CPDV) Yet truly, Jehoshaphat, the son of Asa, had begun to reign over Judah in the fourth year of Ahab, the king of Israel.
41 (ROH) A Jozafat, syn Azu, začal kraľovať nad Júdom vo štvrtom roku Achaba, izraelského kráľa.

42 (CPDV) He was thirty-five years old when he had begun to reign, and he reigned for twenty-five years in Jerusalem. The name of his mother was Azubah, the daughter of Shilhi.
42 (ROH) Jozafat mal tridsaťpäť rokov, keď začal kraľovať a kraľoval dvadsaťpäť rokov v Jeruzaleme. A meno jeho matky bolo Azuba, dcéra Šilchiho.

43 (CPDV) And he walked in the entire way of Asa, his father, and he did not decline from it. And he did what was right in the sight of the Lord.
43 (ROH) A chodil po všetkých cestách Azu, svojho otca, neuhol sa od toho robiac to, čo je dobré v očiach Hospodinových.

44 (CPDV) Yet truly, he did not take away the high places. For still the people were sacrificing and burning incense in the high places.
44 (ROH) Len že výšiny neustúpily; ľud ešte vždy obetoval a kadil na výšinách.

45 (CPDV) And Jehoshaphat had peace with the king of Israel.
45 (ROH) A Jozafat uzavrel mier s izraelským kráľom.

46 (CPDV) But the rest of the words of Jehoshaphat, and his works that he did, and the battles, were these not written in the book of the words of the days of the kings of Judah?
46 (ROH) A ostatné deje Jozafatove a jeho udatnosť, ktorú dokázal, a jako bojoval, či nie je to napísané v knihe letopisov kráľov Júdových?

47 (CPDV) Then, too, the remnant of the effeminate, who had remained in 202 the days of Asa, his father, he took away from the land.
47 (ROH) Aj ostatok zasvätených smilstvu, ktorí boli pozostali za dní Azu, jeho otca, odpratal zo zeme.

48 (CPDV) At that time, there was no king appointed in Idumea.
48 (ROH) Vtedy nebolo kráľa v Edomsku; spravujúci úradník bol kráľom.

49 (CPDV) Yet truly, king Jehoshaphat had made a navy on the sea, which would sail to Ophir for gold. But they were unable to go, because the ships were broken down at Eziongeber.
49 (ROH) A Jozafat si bol nadovážil taršíšskych lodí, aby odišiel do Ofíra po zlato, ale neišiel, lebo lode stroskotaly v Ecion-gábere.

50 (CPDV) Then Ahaziah, the son of Ahab, said to Jehoshaphat, “Let my servants go with your servants on the ships.” But Jehoshaphat was not willing.
50 (ROH) Vtedy povedal Achaziáš, syn Achabov, Jozafatovi: Nech idú moji služobníci s tvojimi služobníkmi na lodiach. Ale Jozafat nechcel.

51 (CPDV) And Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers, and he was buried with them in the city of David, his father. And Jehoram, his son, reigned in his place.
51 (ROH) A tak ľahol Jozafat a ležal so svojimi otcami a bol pochovaný so svojimi otcami v meste Dávida, svojho otca, a kraľoval Jehorám, jeho syn, miesto neho.

52 (CPDV) Then Ahaziah, the son of Ahab, began to reign over Israel, in Samaria, in the seventeenth year of Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah. And he reigned over Israel for two years.
52 (ROH) Achaziáš, syn Achabov, začal kraľovať nad Izraelom v Samárii v sedemnástom roku Jozafata, judského kráľa, a kraľoval nad Izraelom dva roky.

53 (CPDV) And he did evil in the sight of the Lord. And he walked in the way of his father and his mother, and in the way of Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, who caused Israel to sin.
53 (ROH) A robil to, čo je zlé v očiach Hospodinových, a chodil po ceste svojho otca a po ceste svojej matere a po ceste Jeroboáma, syna Nebátovho, ktorý spôsobil to, aby hrešil Izrael.

54 (CPDV) Also, he served Baal, and he adored him, and he provoked the Lord, the God of Israel, in accord with all that his father had done.
54 (ROH) A slúžil Bálovi a klaňal sa mu a tak popudzoval Hospodina, Boha Izraelovho, celkom tak, ako robil jeho otec.

1Kr 22, 1-54

Verš 41
Yet truly, Jehoshaphat, the son of Asa, had begun to reign over Judah in the fourth year of Ahab, the king of Israel.
2Krn 20:31 - And so Jehoshaphat reigned over Judah. And he was thirty-five years old when he had begun to reign. Then he reigned for twenty-five years in Jerusalem. And the name of his mother was Azubah, the daughter of Shilhi.

Verš 2
But in the third year, Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, descended to the king of Israel.
2Krn 18:1 - Therefore, Jehoshaphat was wealthy and very famous, and he was joined by affinity to Ahab.

Verš 19
Yet truly, continuing, he said: “Because of his, listen to the word of the Lord. I saw the Lord sitting upon his throne. And the entire army of heaven was standing beside him, to the right and to the left.
2Krn 18:18 - Then he said: “Therefore, listen to the word of the Lord. I saw the Lord sitting upon his throne, and the entire army of heaven was standing beside him, on the right and on the left.
Jób 1:6 - But on a certain day, when the sons of God came to attend in the presence of the Lord, Satan also arrived among them.
Jób 2:1 - But it happened that, on a certain day, when the sons of God had arrived and they stood before the Lord, Satan likewise arrived among them, and he stood in his sight.

Verš 10
Now the king of Israel, and Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, were each sitting upon his own throne, clothed in the habit of royal vestments, in a courtyard beside the entrance of the gate of Samaria. And all the prophets were prophesying in their sight.
2Krn 18:9 - Now the king of Israel, and Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, were both sitting upon their thrones, clothed in royal vestments. And they were sitting in an open area, beside the gate of Samaria. And all the prophets were prophesying before them.

1Kr 22,1 - Nadväzuje sa na vojny s Benadadom (hl. 20), po ktorých trval mier tri roky.

1Kr 22,2 - Jozafat "zostúpil", pretože Samária leží o 350 m nižšie než Jeruzalem. Nepriateľstvá medzi Izraelom a Júdom prestali, tieto dve kráľovstvá uzavrú dokonca aj vojenskú zmluvu a ich králi vstúpia vzájomne do rodiny.

1Kr 22,6 - Neboli to proroci Pánovi, boli to hadači, ktorí prorokovali tak, ako to bolo kráľovi po chuti. Spomínajú Pána, lebo je tam Jozafat, o ktorom vedia, že je Pánov ctiteľ. Ale Jozafat vybadal, čo sú to za proroci, preto hľadá proroka pravého.

1Kr 22,15-16 - Micheáš posmešne predpovedá úspešný výsledok vojny, lebo vie, že si kráľ žiada takéto proroctvo, ale kráľ zbadá, že prorok nehovorí vážne.

1Kr 22,21 - Z činnosti toho ducha vidieť, že to bol zlý duch.

1Kr 22,22 - Pán nerobí zlo, len ho neprekazí. Achab nemusel poslúchať falošných prorokov, ktorí boli nástrojmi zlého ducha, veď Pán posiela k nemu svojho proroka, Micheáša.

1Kr 22,26 - "Kráľovič" (dosl. "kráľov syn") Joas je nám ináč neznámy. Vulg číta: "synovi Amelechovmu".

1Kr 22,28 - Slová v zátvorkách nepatria do pôvodnej osnovy. Pridal ich tam z Mich 1,2 niekto, kto si tohto Micheáša, syna Jemlu, zmýlil s iným Micheášom, od ktorého máme prorocký spis a ktorý pôsobil oveľa neskoršie.

1Kr 22,38 - Zmienka o smilniciach, ktorú sme dali do zátvoriek, nepatrí do osnovy. Doložil ju niektorý prihorlivý opisovač, ktorý chcel Achaba ešte viac zhanobiť. Niektoré osnovy LXX píšu dokonca, že Achabovu krv lízali aj svine.

1Kr 22,47 - O zasvätencoch pozri pozn. k 14,24.

1Kr 22,49 - O taršišských lodiach pozri pozn. k 10,22. O Asiongaberi pozn. k 9,26.