výhody registrácie

Kniha Genezis

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(KAT - Katolícky preklad)

Gn 45, 1-28

1 (KAT) Tu sa už Jozef nemohol ovládať pred všetkými, čo ho obkľučovali, a zvolal: „Nech všetci vyjdú odtiaľto von!“ A tak nebol nik pri ňom, keď sa Jozef dal poznať svojim bratom.
1 (VUL) Non se poterat ultra cohibere Ioseph omnibus coram astantibus, unde clamavit: “ Egredimini, cuncti, foras! ”. Et nemo aderat cum eo, quando manifestavit se fratribus suis.
1 (UKJV) "Then Joseph could not refrain himself before all them that stood by him; and he cried, Cause every man to go out from me. And there stood no man with him, while Joseph made himself known unto his brethren. "

2 (KAT) Tu sa dal do hlasitého plaču až tak, že ho počuli Egypťania a zvedel o tom aj dom faraónov.
2 (VUL) Elevavitque vocem cum fletu, quam audierunt Aegyptii omnisque domus pharaonis.
2 (UKJV) And he wept aloud: and the Egyptians and the house of Pharaoh heard.

3 (KAT) Potom Jozef povedal svojim bratom: „Ja som Jozef! Žije ešte môj otec?“ Jeho bratia sa tak naľakali, že nemohli odpovedať bratovi.
3 (VUL) Et dixit Ioseph fratribus suis: “ Ego sum Ioseph! Adhuc pater meus vivit? ”. Nec poterant respondere fratres nimio terrore perterriti.
3 (UKJV) "And Joseph said unto his brethren, I am Joseph; does my father yet live? And his brethren could not answer him; for they were troubled at his presence. "

4 (KAT) Jozef sa svojim bratom privrával: „No poďte ku mne!“ Keď pristúpili bližšie, povedal: „Ja som Jozef, váš brat, ktorého ste predali do Egypta.
4 (VUL) Ad quos ille clementer: “ Accedite, inquit, ad me ”. Et cum accessissent prope: “ Ego sum, ait, Ioseph frater vester, quem vendidistis in Aegyptum.
4 (UKJV) And Joseph said unto his brethren, Come near to me, I pray you. And they came near. And he said, I am Joseph your brother, whom all of you sold into Egypt.

5 (KAT) A teraz sa netrápte a nesužujte, že ste ma sem predali, lebo Boh ma sem poslal pred vami, aby ste ostali nažive.
5 (VUL) Nolite contristari, neque vobis durum esse videatur quod vendidistis me in his regionibus. Pro salute enim vestra misit me Deus ante vos in Aegyptum.
5 (UKJV) Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that all of you sold me here: for God did send me before you to preserve life.

6 (KAT) Lebo už dva roky je v krajine hlad a bude ešte päť rokov, čo nebude ani oračky, ani žatvy.
6 (VUL) Biennium est enim quod coepit fames esse in terra, et adhuc quinque anni restant, quibus nec arari poterit nec meti.
6 (UKJV) For these two years has the famine been in the land: and yet there are five years, in the which there shall neither be earring nor harvest.

7 (KAT) Preto ma Boh poslal pred vami, aby váš rod zachoval na zemi a aby ho mimoriadnym zásahom zachoval pri živote.
7 (VUL) Praemisitque me Deus, ut reservemini super terram, et servetur vita vestra in salvationem magnam.
7 (UKJV) And God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance.

8 (KAT) A takto nie vy ste ma sem poslali, lež Boh. On ma urobil faraónovým poradcom, pánom nad celým jeho domom a vladárom nad celou egyptskou krajinou.
8 (VUL) Non vestro consilio, sed Dei voluntate huc missus sum, qui fecit me quasi patrem pharaonis et dominum universae domus eius ac principem in omni terra Aegypti.
8 (UKJV) So now it was not you that sent me here, but God: and he has made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.

9 (KAT) Poponáhľajte sa a choďte k môjmu otcovi a povedzte mu: »Toto odkazuje tvoj syn Jozef: Boh ma ustanovil za vládcu nad celým Egyptom, príď ku mne a neodkladaj!
9 (VUL) Festinate et ascendite ad patrem meum et dicetis ei: "Haec mandat filius tuus Ioseph: Deus fecit me dominum universae terrae Aegypti; descende ad me, ne moreris.
9 (UKJV) Haste all of you, and go up to my father, and say unto him, Thus says your son Joseph, God has made me lord of all Egypt: come down unto me, tarry not:

10 (KAT) Budeš bývať v kraji Gesen a budeš mi nablízku ty i tvoje deti a tvoje detné deti spolu s tvojimi ovcami a dobytkom a s celým tvojím majetkom.
10 (VUL) Et habitabis in terra Gessen; erisque iuxta me tu et filii tui et filii filiorum tuorum, oves tuae et armenta tua et universa, quae possides.
10 (UKJV) And you shall dwell in the land of Goshen, and you shall be near unto me, you, and your children, and your children's children, and your flocks, and your herds, and all that you have:

11 (KAT) Ja sa tu budem starať o teba - lebo ešte päť rokov potrvá hlad -, aby si neschudobnel ty i tvoj dom a všetko, čo je tvoje.
11 (VUL) Ibique te pascam adhuc enim quinque anni residui sunt famis ne et tu pereas et domus tua et omnia, quae possides".
11 (UKJV) "And there will I nourish you; for yet there are five years of famine; lest you, and your household, and all that you have, come to poverty. "

12 (KAT) Na vlastné oči vidíte, aj môj brat Benjamín vidí na svoje oči, že sú to moje ústa, čo s vami rozprávajú.«
12 (VUL) En oculi vestri et oculi fratris mei Beniamin vident quia os meum est, quod loquitur ad vos.
12 (UKJV) And, behold, your eyes see, and the eyes of my brother Benjamin, that it is my mouth that speaks unto you.

13 (KAT) Zvestujte teda môjmu otcovi moju veľkú hodnosť, ktorú mám v Egypte, a všetko, čo ste videli! Nuž poponáhľajte sa a priveďte môjho otca sem!“
13 (VUL) Nuntiate patri meo universam gloriam meam in Aegypto et cuncta, quae vidistis. Festinate et adducite eum ad me ”.
13 (UKJV) "And all of you shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt, and of all that all of you have seen; and all of you shall haste and bring down my father here. "

14 (KAT) Potom padol okolo krku svojmu bratovi Benjamínovi a plakal. Aj Benjamín plakal na jeho hrudi.
14 (VUL) Cumque amplexatus recidisset in collum Beniamin fratris sui, flevit, illo quoque similiter flente, super collum eius.
14 (UKJV) "And he fell upon his brother Benjamin's neck, and wept; and Benjamin wept upon his neck. "

15 (KAT) Potom pobozkal všetkých svojich bratov a plakal na ich hrudi. Napokon sa rozprávali s ním aj jeho bratia.
15 (VUL) Osculatusque est Ioseph omnes fratres suos et ploravit super singulos. Post quae ausi sunt loqui ad eum.
15 (UKJV) Moreover he kissed all his brethren, and wept upon them: and after that his brethren talked with him.

16 (KAT) Aj do faraónovho paláca sa dostala zvesť: „Prišli Jozefovi bratia!“ A faraón sa tomu tešil aj so svojimi služobníkmi.
16 (VUL) Auditumque est et celebri sermone vulgatum in aula regis: “ Venerunt fratres Ioseph! ”. Et gavisus est pharao atque omnis familia eius.
16 (UKJV) And the fame thereof was heard in Pharaoh's house, saying, Joseph's brethren are come: and it pleased Pharaoh well, and his servants.

17 (KAT) A faraón vravel Jozefovi: „Povedz svojim bratom: Urobte toto: Naložte svoje zvieratá a choďte rýchlo do krajiny Kanaán
17 (VUL) Dixitque ad Ioseph, ut imperaret fratribus suis dicens: “ Onerantes iumenta ite in terram Chanaan
17 (UKJV) "And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Say unto your brethren, This do all of you; load your beasts, and go, get you unto the land of Canaan; "

18 (KAT) a zoberte svojho otca a svoje rodiny a príďte ku mne! Ja vám potom dám, čo dobré poskytuje egyptská zem. Budete jesť to najlepšie v krajine!
18 (VUL) et tollite inde patrem vestrum et cognationem et venite ad me; et ego dabo vobis omnia bona Aegypti, ut comedatis medullam terrae.
18 (UKJV) And take your father and your households, and come unto me: and I will give you the good of the land of Egypt, and all of you shall eat the fat of the land.

19 (KAT) A prikážeš im aj toto: Aj toto urobte: Vezmite si z egyptskej krajiny vozy pre svoje deti a ženy a naložte svojho otca a príďte sem!
19 (VUL) Praecipe etiam: tollite plaustra de terra Aegypti ad subvectionem parvulorum vestrorum ac coniugum et tollite patrem vestrum et properate quantocius venientes.
19 (UKJV) "Now you are commanded, this do all of you; take you wagons out of the land of Egypt for your little ones, and for your wives, and bring your father, and come. "

20 (KAT) Nech vám nie je ľúto vášho domáceho zariadenia, lebo čo je najlepšie v celej krajine, to bude vaše!“
20 (VUL) Nec doleatis super supellectilem vestram, quia omnes opes Aegypti vestrae erunt ”.
20 (UKJV) "Also regard not your stuff; for the good of all the land of Egypt are yours. "

21 (KAT) A Izraelovi synovia urobili tak. Jozef im dal na faraónov rozkaz vozy a dal im aj potraviny na cestu.
21 (VUL) Feceruntque filii Israel, ut eis mandatum fuerat. Quibus dedit Ioseph plaustra secundum pharaonis imperium et cibaria in itinere.
21 (UKJV) And the children of Israel did so: and Joseph gave them wagons, according to the commandment of Pharaoh, and gave them provision for the way.

22 (KAT) A všetkým, každému osve, daroval sviatočný odev. Benjamínovi však daroval tristo strieborniakov a pätoro sviatočných šiat.
22 (VUL) Singulis quoque proferri iussit vestimentum mutatorium; Beniamin vero dedit trecentos argenteos cum quinque
22 (UKJV) "To all of them he gave each man changes of raiment; but to Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces of silver, and five changes of raiment. "

23 (KAT) Svojmu otcovi poslal desať oslov obťažených najlepšími egyptskými plodinami a desať oslíc obťažených zrnom, chlebom a jedlom pre svojho otca na cestu.
23 (VUL) vestimentis mutatoriis. Patri suo misit similiter asinos decem, qui subveherent ex omnibus divitiis Aegypti, et totidem asinas triticum et panem et cibum pro itinere portantes.
23 (UKJV) "And to his father he sent after this manner; ten asses laden with the good things of Egypt, and ten she asses laden with corn and bread and food for his father by the way. "

24 (KAT) Potom prepustil svojich bratov a oni šli. A ešte im pripomenul: „Cestou si nerobte výčitky!“
24 (VUL) Dimisit ergo fratres suos et proficiscentibus ait: “ Ne irascamini in via! ”.
24 (UKJV) So he sent his brethren away, and they departed: and he said unto them, See that all of you fall not out by the way.

25 (KAT) Tak odišli z Egypta a prišli k svojmu otcovi do krajiny Kanaán.
25 (VUL) Qui ascendentes ex Aegypto venerunt in terram Chanaan ad patrem suum Iacob
25 (UKJV) And they went up out of Egypt, and came into the land of Canaan unto Jacob their father,

26 (KAT) I oznámili mu: „Jozef ešte žije! Áno, on je vládcom nad celou egyptskou krajinou.“ No jeho srdce ostalo nevšímavé, lebo im neveril.
26 (VUL) et nuntiaverunt ei dicentes: “ Ioseph vivit et ipse dominatur in omni terra Aegypti! ”. At cor eius frigidum mansit; non enim credebat eis.
26 (UKJV) And told him, saying, Joseph is yet alive, and he is governor over all the land of Egypt. And Jacob's heart fainted, for he believed them not.

27 (KAT) Ale keď mu porozprávali všetko, čo im hovoril Jozef, a keď uvidel vozy, ktoré poslal Jozef, aby ho odviezli, tu sa vrátil život do ich otca Jakuba.
27 (VUL) Tunc referebant omnia verba Ioseph, quae dixerat eis. Cumque vidisset plaustra et universa, quae miserat ad adducendum eum, revixit spiritus eius,
27 (UKJV) And they told him all the words of Joseph, which he had said unto them: and when he saw the wagons which Joseph had sent to carry him, the spirit of Jacob their father revived:

28 (KAT) A Izrael zvolal: „Stačí mi, že môj syn Jozef ešte žije! Pôjdem, aby som ho uvidel, kým nezomriem!“
28 (VUL) et ait: “ Sufficit mihi, si adhuc Ioseph filius meus vivit. Vadam et videbo illum, antequam moriar ”.
28 (UKJV) "And Israel said, It is enough; Joseph my son is yet alive: I will go and see him before I die. "

Gn 45, 1-28

Verš 4
Jozef sa svojim bratom privrával: „No poďte ku mne!“ Keď pristúpili bližšie, povedal: „Ja som Jozef, váš brat, ktorého ste predali do Egypta.
Sk 7:13 - Druhý raz sa dal Jozef poznať svojim bratom a faraón spoznal Jozefov rod.
Gn 37:28 - Keď teda išli madiánski kupci okolo, vytiahli Jozefa z cisterny a predali ho za dvadsať strieborných Izmaelitom. A oni odviedli Jozefa do Egypta.
Ž 105:17 - Pred nimi poslal muža, Jozefa, ktorého predali za otroka.
Sk 7:9 - Praotcovia žiarlili na Jozefa a predali ho do Egypta. Ale Boh bol s ním

Verš 5
A teraz sa netrápte a nesužujte, že ste ma sem predali, lebo Boh ma sem poslal pred vami, aby ste ostali nažive.
Gn 50:19 - Jozef im však povedal: „Len sa nebojte! Veď či som ja na Božom mieste?!

Verš 13
Zvestujte teda môjmu otcovi moju veľkú hodnosť, ktorú mám v Egypte, a všetko, čo ste videli! Nuž poponáhľajte sa a priveďte môjho otca sem!“
Sk 7:14 - Vtedy dal Jozef zavolať svojho otca Jakuba i celé príbuzenstvo, spolu sedemdesiatpäť osôb,

Gn 45,1 - Bratia sa zhrozili nad novinou. Predaný brat stojí pred nimi v takej hodnosti. Je pánom ich života a smrti. Jozef sa im prihovára, netreba sa im báť a kormútiť. Verše 5–8 a 50,20 sú kľúčom Jozefovho príbehu.

Gn 45,10 - Gesen (Gessen alebo Gossen) označuje mesto Kes Kesem a aj priliehajúci kraj v severovýchodnom Egypte, medzi Heliopolisom a tanitským ramenom Nílu, medzi jazerom Menzaleh a východnými jazerami.