výhody registrácie

Kniha Genezis

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(KAT - Katolícky preklad)

Gn 43, 1-34

1 (KAT) Ale hlad ťažko doliehal na krajinu.
1 (VUL) Interim fames omnem terram vehementer premebat;
1 (UKJV) And the famine was sore in the land.

2 (KAT) Keď už strovili všetko obilie, čo priniesli z Egypta, otec im povedal: „Choďte a kúpte nám zasa trochu potravy!“
2 (VUL) consumptisque cibis, quos ex Aegypto detulerant, dixit Iacob ad filios suos: “ Revertimini et emite nobis pauxillum escarum ”.
2 (UKJV) And it came to pass, when they had eaten up the corn which they had brought out of Egypt, their father said unto them, Go again, buy us a little food.

3 (KAT) Júda mu však odvetil: „Ten človek nám dôrazne prikázal: »Neukazujte sa predo mnou, iba ak bude váš brat s vami!«
3 (VUL) Respondit Iudas: “ Denuntiavit nobis vir ille sub attestatione iurisiurandi dicens: "Non videbitis faciem meam, nisi fratrem vestrum minimum adduxeritis vobiscum".
3 (UKJV) And Judah spoke unto him, saying, The man did solemnly protest unto us, saying, All of you shall not see my face, except your brother be with you.

4 (KAT) Ak pošleš s nami aj nášho brata, tak sa vyberieme nakúpiť pre teba živobytia.
4 (VUL) Si ergo vis eum mittere nobiscum, pergemus pariter et ememus tibi necessaria;
4 (UKJV) If you will send our brother with us, we will go down and buy you food:

5 (KAT) Ak ho však s nami nepošleš, nepôjdeme dolu, lebo ten muž nám prikázal: »Neukazujte sa predo mnou, iba ak bude váš brat s vami!«“
5 (VUL) sin autem non vis, non ibimus. Vir enim, ut saepe diximus, denuntiavit nobis dicens: "Non videbitis faciem meam absque fratre vestro minimo" ”.
5 (UKJV) But if you will not send him, we will not go down: for the man said unto us, All of you shall not see my face, except your brother be with you.

6 (KAT) Vtedy Izrael povedal: „Prečo ste len priviedli na mňa nešťastie a prezradili ste, že máte ešte brata?“
6 (VUL) Dixit eis Israel: “ Cur in meam hoc fecistis miseriam, ut indicaretis ei et alium habere vos fratrem? ”.
6 (UKJV) And Israel said, Wherefore dealt all of you so ill with me, as to tell the man whether all of you had yet a brother?

7 (KAT) Oni odvetili: „Ten muž sa veľmi zaujímal o nás a o našu rodinu. Vypytoval sa: »Žije ešte váš otec? Máte ešte brata?« My sme mu odpovedali na jeho otázky. Mohli sme my vedieť, že nám povie: »Priveďte svojho brata sem!«?“
7 (VUL) At illi responderunt: “ Interrogavit nos homo per ordinem nostram progeniem: si pater viveret, si haberemus fratrem; et nos respondimus ei consequenter iuxta id, quod fuerat sciscitatus. Numquid scire poteramus quod dicturus esset: "Adducite fratrem vestrum vobiscum?" ”.
7 (UKJV) And they said, The man asked us strictly of our state, and of our kindred, saying, Is your father yet alive? have all of you another brother? and we told him according to the tenor of these words: could we certainly know that he would say, Bring your brother down?

8 (KAT) Tu povedal Júda svojmu otcovi Izraelovi: „Pošli chlapca so mnou! Tak sa vyberieme a pôjdeme, aby sme ostali nažive a aby sme nepomreli aj my, aj ty, aj naše deti.
8 (VUL) Iudas quoque dixit patri suo Israel: “ Mitte puerum mecum, ut proficiscamur et possimus vivere, ne moriamur nos et tu et parvuli nostri.
8 (UKJV) "And Judah said unto Israel his father, Send the lad with me, and we will arise and go; that we may live, and not die, both we, and you, and also our little ones. "

9 (KAT) Ja sa zaň zaručujem. Odo mňa ho požaduj! Ak by som ti ho nepriviedol späť a nepostavím ti ho zasa pred oči, celý svoj život budem vinný pred tebou.
9 (VUL) Ego spondeo pro puero; de manu mea require illum. Nisi reduxero et reddidero eum tibi, ero peccati reus in te omni tempore.
9 (UKJV) "I will be guarantor for him; of my hand shall you require him: if I bring him not unto you, and set him before you, then let me bear the blame for ever: "

10 (KAT) Lebo keby sme neboli toľko otáľali, boli by sme sa už dva razy vrátili.“
10 (VUL) Si non intercessisset dilatio, iam vice altera venissemus ”.
10 (UKJV) For except we had lingered, surely now we had returned this second time.

11 (KAT) Vtedy im povedal otec Izrael: „Keď je to už raz tak, nuž urobte toto: Vezmite do vriec niečo z najlepších plodín krajiny a zaneste to ako dar tomu mužovi; niečo balzamu, medu, mastixovej živice a ladanumu, pistácie a mandlí!
11 (VUL) Igitur Israel pater eorum dixit ad eos: “ Si sic necesse est, facite, quod vultis; sumite de optimis terrae fructibus in vasis vestris et deferte viro munera: modicum resinae et mellis et tragacanthum et ladanum, pistacias terebinthi et amygdalas.
11 (UKJV) "And their father Israel said unto them, If it must be so now, do this; take of the best fruits in the land in your vessels, and carry down the man a present, a little balm, and a little honey, spices, and myrrh, nuts, and almonds: "

12 (KAT) Vezmite so sebou tiež dvojnásobnú čiastku peňazí, lebo tie peniaze, čo ste našli na vrchu vo vašich vreciach, musíte zaniesť späť. Možno je to nejaký omyl.
12 (VUL) Pecuniam quoque duplicem ferte vobiscum et illam, quam invenistis in sacculis, reportate, ne forte errore factum sit;
12 (UKJV) "And take double money in your hand; and the money that was brought again in the mouth of your sacks, carry it again in your hand; possibly it was an oversight: "

13 (KAT) Zoberte so sebou aj svojho brata! A už choďte, vráťte sa k tomu mužovi!
13 (VUL) sed et fratrem vestrum tollite et ite ad virum.
13 (UKJV) Take also your brother, and arise, go again unto the man:

14 (KAT) Všemohúci Boh nech vám dá milosrdenstvo u toho muža a nech dá odísť aj vášmu bratovi, čo zostal, aj Benjamínovi! A ja, ako som bol bez detí, tak bez detí aj ostanem!“
14 (VUL) Deus autem meus omnipotens faciat vobis eum placabilem, et remittat vobiscum fratrem vestrum, quem tenet, et hunc Beniamin. Ego autem quasi orbatus absque liberis ero ”.
14 (UKJV) And God Almighty give you mercy before the man, that he may send away your other brother, and Benjamin. If I be bereaved of my children, I am bereaved.

15 (KAT) Potom mužovia zobrali dary, vzali aj dvojnásobok peňazí a Benjamína, vydali sa na cestu do Egypta a dostavili sa pred Jozefa.
15 (VUL) Tulerunt ergo viri munera et pecuniam duplicem et Beniamin descenderuntque in Aegyptum; et steterunt coram Ioseph.
15 (UKJV) "And the men took that present, and they took double money in their hand and Benjamin; and rose up, and went down to Egypt, and stood before Joseph. "

16 (KAT) Keď Jozef videl s nimi Benjamína, povedal správcovi domu: „Zaveď týchto mužov do domu, daj zabiť nejaké dobytča a daj to pripraviť, lebo títo mužovia budú obedovať so mnou!“
16 (VUL) Quos cum ille vidisset et Beniamin simul, praecepit dispensatori domus suae dicens: “ Introduc viros domum et occide victimas et instrue convivium, quoniam mecum sunt comesturi meridie ”.
16 (UKJV) "And when Joseph saw Benjamin with them, he said to the ruler of his house, Bring these men home, and slay, and make ready; for these men shall dine with me at noon. "

17 (KAT) Ten človek urobil, ako rozkázal Jozef, a mužov zaviedol do Jozefovho domu.
17 (VUL) Fecit ille, quod sibi fuerat imperatum, et introduxit viros in domum Ioseph.
17 (UKJV) "And the man did as Joseph bade; and the man brought the men into Joseph's house. "

18 (KAT) Ale muži sa preľakli, keď ich voviedli do Jozefovho domu, a vraveli si: „To bude pre peniaze, čo sa minulý raz našli v našich vreciach, že nás vedú dnu, aby nás obžalovali a usvedčili a potom uvrhli nás i naše osly do otroctva.“
18 (VUL) Ibique exterriti dixerunt mutuo: “ Propter pecuniam, quam rettulimus prius in saccis nostris, introducti sumus, ut irruant in nos et violenter subiciant servituti et nos et asinos nostros ”.
18 (UKJV) "And the men were afraid, because they were brought into Joseph's house; and they said, Because of the money that was returned in our sacks at the first time are we brought in; that he may seek occasion against us, and fall upon us, and take us for bondmen, and our asses. "

19 (KAT) I pristúpili k správcovi Jozefovho domu, prihovorili sa mu pri vchode do domu
19 (VUL) Quam ob rem in ipsis foribus accedentes ad dispensatorem domus
19 (UKJV) And they came near to the steward of Joseph's house, and they communed with him at the door of the house,

20 (KAT) a vraveli mu: „Prosíme, pane! My sme sem raz prišli nakúpiť potravy.
20 (VUL) locuti sunt: “ Oramus, domine, ut audias nos. Iam ante descendimus, ut emeremus escas;
20 (UKJV) And said, O sir, we came indeed down at the first time to buy food:

21 (KAT) Keď sme prišli do nocľahárne, otvorili sme svoje vrecia a v každom vreci navrchu ležali i každého jedného peniaze, naše peniaze, ako sme ich vyplatili! Teraz ich prinášame späť.
21 (VUL) quibus emptis, cum venissemus ad deversorium, aperuimus saccos nostros et invenimus pecuniam in ore saccorum; quam nunc eodem pondere reportavimus.
21 (UKJV) And it came to pass, when we came to the inn, that we opened our sacks, and, behold, every man's money was in the mouth of his sack, our money in full weight: and we have brought it again in our hand.

22 (KAT) Doniesli sme však aj iné peniaze, aby sme nakúpili potravín. My vôbec nevieme, kto nám naše peniaze vložil do našich vriec.“
22 (VUL) Sed et aliud attulimus argentum, ut emamus, quae nobis necessaria sunt. Non est in nostra conscientia, quis posuerit argentum in marsupiis nostris ”.
22 (UKJV) And other money have we brought down in our hands to buy food: we cannot tell who put our money in our sacks.

23 (KAT) On im odvetil: „Uspokojte sa a nebojte sa. Váš Boh a Boh vášho otca vám tajne dal tie poklady do vašich vriec. Ja som vaše peniaze dostal.“ Potom k nim vyviedol Simeona.
23 (VUL) At ille respondit: “ Pax vobiscum, nolite timere. Deus vester et Deus patris vestri dedit vobis thesauros in saccis vestris; nam pecuniam, quam dedistis mihi, probatam ego habeo ”. Eduxitque ad eos Simeon.
23 (UKJV) And he said, Peace be to you, fear not: your God, and the God of your father, has given you treasure in your sacks: I had your money. And he brought Simeon out unto them.

24 (KAT) A tento človek zaviedol mužov do Jozefovho domu, dal im vody, aby si umyli nohy, a dal tiež krmu ich oslom.
24 (VUL) Et introductis domum attulit aquam, et laverunt pedes suos; deditque pabulum asinis eorum.
24 (UKJV) "And the man brought the men into Joseph's house, and gave them water, and they washed their feet; and he gave their asses animal food. "

25 (KAT) Kým však neprišiel napoludnie Jozef, oni vykladali dary, lebo počuli, že tu budú jesť.
25 (VUL) Illi vero parabant munera, donec ingrederetur Ioseph meridie; audierant enim quod ibi comesturi essent panem.
25 (UKJV) And they made ready the present against Joseph came at noon: for they heard that they should eat bread there.

26 (KAT) Keď Jozef vošiel do domu, odovzdali mu dary, ktoré mali so sebou v dome, a poklonili sa pred ním až po zem.
26 (VUL) Igitur ingressus est Ioseph domum suam, obtuleruntque ei munera tenentes in manibus suis; et adoraverunt proni in terram.
26 (UKJV) And when Joseph came home, they brought him the present which was in their hand into the house, and bowed themselves to him to the earth.

27 (KAT) Jozef sa ich vypytoval, ako sa majú, a vravel: „Má sa dobre váš staručký otec, o ktorom ste mi rozprávali? Žije ešte?“
27 (VUL) At ille, clementer resalutatis eis, interrogavit eos dicens: “ Salvusne est pater vester senex, de quo dixeratis mihi? Adhuc vivit? ”.
27 (UKJV) And he asked them of their welfare, and said, Is your father well, the old man of whom all of you spoke? Is he yet alive?

28 (KAT) Oni odpovedali: „Tvoj sluha, náš otec, ešte žije.“ Pritom sa mu hlboko poklonili.
28 (VUL) Qui responderunt: “ Sospes est servus tuus pater noster, adhuc vivit ”. Et incurvati adoraverunt eum.
28 (UKJV) And they answered, Your servant our father is in good health, he is yet alive. And they bowed down their heads, and made reverence.

29 (KAT) Keď zdvihol oči, zbadal svojho brata Benjamína, syna svojej matky, a povedal: „To je ten váš najmladší brat, o ktorom ste mi rozprávali?“ A riekol: „Nech sa nad tebou zmiluje Boh, syn môj!“
29 (VUL) Attollens autem Ioseph oculos vidit Beniamin fratrem suum uterinum et ait: “ Iste est frater vester parvulus, de quo dixeratis mihi? ”. Et rursum: “ Deus, inquit, misereatur tui, fili mi ”.
29 (UKJV) And he lifted up his eyes, and saw his brother Benjamin, his mother's son, and said, Is this your younger brother, of whom all of you spoke unto me? And he said, God be gracious unto you, my son.

30 (KAT) Nato sa Jozef rýchlo vytratil, lebo ho veľmi dojala prítomnosť jeho brata a žiadalo sa mu vyplakať. I vošiel do odľahlej komnaty a tam plakal.
30 (VUL) Festinavitque, quia commota fuerant viscera eius super fratre suo, et erumpebant lacrimae; et introiens cubiculum flevit.
30 (UKJV) "And Joseph made haste; for his bowels did yearn upon his brother: and he sought where to weep; and he entered into his chamber, and wept there. "

31 (KAT) Potom si umyl tvár a opäť vyšiel von a s premáhaním povedal: „Prineste jedlo!“
31 (VUL) Rursumque, lota facie, egressus continuit se et ait: “ Ponite panes ”.
31 (UKJV) And he washed his face, and went out, and refrained himself, and said, Set on bread.

32 (KAT) I doniesli jemu aj im osobitne a Egypťanom, čo s nimi jedli, tiež osobitne. Egypťania totiž nesmeli jesť spolu s Hebrejmi, lebo Egypťania to pokladali za ohavnosť.
32 (VUL) Quibus appositis, seorsum Ioseph et seorsum fratribus, Aegyptiis quoque, qui vescebantur simul, seorsum illicitum est enim Aegyptiis comedere cum Hebraeis, et profanum putant huiuscemodi convivium
32 (UKJV) "And they set on for him by himself, and for them by themselves, and for the Egyptians, which did eat with him, by themselves: because the Egyptians might not eat bread with the Hebrews; for that is an abomination unto the Egyptians. "

33 (KAT) Oni však sedeli naproti nemu, a od najstaršieho po najmladšieho, celkom podľa veku. Takže sa nad tým títo mužovia veľmi divili.
33 (VUL) sederunt coram eo, primogenitus iuxta primogenita sua et minimus iuxta aetatem suam. Et mirabantur nimis,
33 (UKJV) And they sat before him, the firstborn according to his birthright, and the youngest according to his youth: and the men marvelled one at another.

34 (KAT) A on im dal nosiť z jedál, ktoré boli pred ním. Toho však, čo priniesli Benjamínovi, bolo päť ráz toľko ako toho, čo prinášali ostatným. A pili s ním, až mali dobrú náladu.
34 (VUL) sumptis partibus, quas ab eo acceperant; maiorque pars venit Beniamin, ita ut quinque partibus excederet. Biberuntque et inebriati sunt cum eo.
34 (UKJV) And he took and sent portions unto them from before him: but Benjamin's portion was five times so much as any of their's. And they drank, and were merry with him.

Gn 43, 1-34

Verš 5
Ak ho však s nami nepošleš, nepôjdeme dolu, lebo ten muž nám prikázal: »Neukazujte sa predo mnou, iba ak bude váš brat s vami!«“
Gn 42:20 - Ale svojho najmladšieho brata priveďte ku mne, aby sa dokázalo, že sú vaše reči pravdivé, a aby ste neprišli o život.“ Oni urobili, ako rozkázal,
Gn 44:23 - Na to si ty odpovedal svojim sluhom: »Ak váš najmladší brat nepríde s vami, neukazujte sa mi viac na oči!«

Verš 9
Ja sa zaň zaručujem. Odo mňa ho požaduj! Ak by som ti ho nepriviedol späť a nepostavím ti ho zasa pred oči, celý svoj život budem vinný pred tebou.
Gn 44:32 - A pretože sa tvoj sluha otcovi za chlapca zaručil slovami: »Ak ti ho neprivediem späť, celý svoj život budem vinný pred tebou,«

Verš 20
a vraveli mu: „Prosíme, pane! My sme sem raz prišli nakúpiť potravy.
Gn 42:3 - I vybralo sa desať Jakubových synov do Egypta nakúpiť obilia.

Verš 21
Keď sme prišli do nocľahárne, otvorili sme svoje vrecia a v každom vreci navrchu ležali i každého jedného peniaze, naše peniaze, ako sme ich vyplatili! Teraz ich prinášame späť.
Gn 42:27 - Tu jeden z nich otvoril vrece, aby v nocľahárni nakŕmil svojho osla, a zbadal svoje peniaze. Boli tam na vrchu vo vreci.
Gn 42:35 - A keď vysýpali vrecia, každý našiel vo svojom vreci svoje peniaze. Keď aj so svojím otcom videli peniaze, naľakali sa.

Verš 24
A tento človek zaviedol mužov do Jozefovho domu, dal im vody, aby si umyli nohy, a dal tiež krmu ich oslom.
Gn 18:4 - donesie sa trochu vody, umyte si nohy a odpočiňte si pod stromom!

Verš 26
Keď Jozef vošiel do domu, odovzdali mu dary, ktoré mali so sebou v dome, a poklonili sa pred ním až po zem.
Gn 37:10 - Toto rozprával svojmu otcovi a svojim bratom. A jeho otec mu robil výčitky a vravel mu: „Čo je to za sen, čo si mal? Hádam ja, tvoja matka a tvoji bratia prídeme a budeme sa ti klaňať až po zem?“
Gn 42:6 - A Jozef bol tým vladárom nad zemou, ktorý všetkým národom zeme predával obilie. Keď ta teda bratia došli, poklonili sa mu až po zem.

Verš 29
Keď zdvihol oči, zbadal svojho brata Benjamína, syna svojej matky, a povedal: „To je ten váš najmladší brat, o ktorom ste mi rozprávali?“ A riekol: „Nech sa nad tebou zmiluje Boh, syn môj!“
Gn 42:13 - Oni opakovali: „Nás, tvojich sluhov, je dvanásť. Bratia sme, synovia jedného muža v kanaánskej krajine; a uver, najmladší je toho času pri našom otcovi a jedného už niet!“

Verš 30
Nato sa Jozef rýchlo vytratil, lebo ho veľmi dojala prítomnosť jeho brata a žiadalo sa mu vyplakať. I vošiel do odľahlej komnaty a tam plakal.
Gn 45:2 - Tu sa dal do hlasitého plaču až tak, že ho počuli Egypťania a zvedel o tom aj dom faraónov.

Gn 43,11 - Pozri poznámku k 37,25. Med bol vývozným článkom Palestíny (Ez 27,17).