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Biblia - Sväté písmo

(SVD - Arabský - Smith van Dyke)

Gn 40, 1-23

1 (SVD) وحدث بعد هذه الامور ان ساقي ملك مصر والخباز اذنبا الى سيدهما ملك مصر.
1 (VUL) His ita gestis, accidit ut peccarent pincerna regis Aegypti et pistor domino suo.
1 (KAT) Po týchto udalostiach sa čašník a pekár egyptského kráľa previnili voči svojmu pánovi, egyptskému kráľovi.
1 (UKJV) And it came to pass after these things, that the butler of the king of Egypt and his baker had offended their lord the king of Egypt.

2 (SVD) فسخط فرعون على خصيّيه رئيس السقاة ورئيس الخبازين.
2 (VUL) Iratusque pharao contra duos eunuchos, praepositum pincernarum et praepositum pistorum,
2 (KAT) I rozhneval sa faraón na oboch svojich dvoranov, na hlavného čašníka i na hlavného pekára,
2 (UKJV) And Pharaoh was angry against two of his officers, against the chief of the butlers, and against the chief of the bakers.

3 (SVD) فوضعهما في حبس بيت رئيس الشرط في بيت السجن المكان الذي كان يوسف محبوسا فيه.
3 (VUL) misit eos in carcerem principis satellitum, in quo erat vinctus et Ioseph.
3 (KAT) a dal ich pod dozor do domu veliteľa telesnej stráže, do žalára, kde bol uväznený Jozef.
3 (UKJV) And he put them in ward in the house of the captain of the guard, into the prison, the place where Joseph was bound.

4 (SVD) فاقام رئيس الشرط يوسف عندهما فخدمهما. وكانا اياما في الحبس
4 (VUL) Et princeps satellitum tradidit eos Ioseph, qui ministrabat eis. Aliquantulum temporis illi in custodia tenebantur.
4 (KAT) A veliteľ telesnej stráže poveril Jozefa, aby im posluhoval.
4 (UKJV) And the captain of the guard charged Joseph with them, and he served them: and they continued a season in ward.

5 (SVD) وحلما كلاهما حلما في ليلة واحدة كل واحد حلمه كل واحد بحسب تعبير حلمه. ساقي ملك مصر وخبازه المحبوسان في بيت السجن.
5 (VUL) Videruntque ambo somnium nocte una iuxta interpretationem congruam sibi.
5 (KAT) Tu istej noci obaja, čašník i pekár egyptského kráľa, ktorí boli uväznení v žalári, mali osobitne sen, ktorý mal pre každého zvláštny význam.
5 (UKJV) And they dreamed a dream both of them, each man his dream in one night, each man according to the interpretation of his dream, the butler and the baker of the king of Egypt, which were bound in the prison.

6 (SVD) فدخل يوسف اليهما في الصباح ونظرهما واذا هما مغتمّان.
6 (VUL) Ad quos cum introisset Ioseph mane et vidisset eos tristes,
6 (KAT) Keď k nim ráno prišiel Jozef, videl na nich, že sú smutní.
6 (UKJV) And Joseph came in unto them in the morning, and looked upon them, and, behold, they were sad.

7 (SVD) فسأل خصيّي فرعون اللذين معه في حبس بيت سيده قائلا لماذا وجهاكما مكمّدان اليوم.
7 (VUL) sciscitatus est eos dicens: “ Cur tristior est hodie solito facies vestra? ”.
7 (KAT) I opýtal sa faraónových dvoranov, ktorí boli spolu s ním v dome jeho pána pod dozorom: „Prečože sú vaše tváre dnes také zamračené?“
7 (UKJV) And he asked Pharaoh's officers that were with him in the ward of his lord's house, saying, Wherefore look all of you so sadly to day?

8 (SVD) فقالا له حلمنا حلما وليس من يعبره. فقال لهما يوسف أليست لله التعابير. قصا عليّ
8 (VUL) Qui responderunt: “ Somnium vidimus, et non est qui interpretetur nobis ”. Dixitque ad eos Ioseph: “ Numquid non Dei est interpretatio? Referte mihi quid videritis ”.
8 (KAT) Oni mu odpovedali: „Mali sme sen a niet tu nikoho, kto by nám ho vyložil.“ Jozef im povedal: „A nepatrí Bohu vykladanie snov?! Porozprávajte mi to!“
8 (UKJV) And they said unto him, We have dreamed a dream, and there is no interpreter of it. And Joseph said unto them, Do not interpretations belong to God? tell me them, I pray you.

9 (SVD) فقصّ رئيس السقاة حلمه على يوسف وقال له كنت في حلمي واذا كرمة امامي.
9 (VUL) Narravit praepositus pincernarum somnium suum: “ Videbam coram me vitem,
9 (KAT) Hlavný čašník teda porozprával Jozefovi svoj sen a vravel mu: „Vo svojom sne som videl vinič pred sebou
9 (UKJV) "And the chief butler told his dream to Joseph, and said to him, In my dream, behold, a vine was before me; "

10 (SVD) وفي الكرمة ثلاثة قضبان. وهي اذ أفرخت طلع زهرها وانضجت عناقيدها عنبا.
10 (VUL) in qua erant tres propagines, crescere paulatim in gemmas et post flores uvas maturescere;
10 (KAT) a na viniči boli tri výhonky. Keď začal pučať, zjavili sa i jeho kvety a na strapcoch boli už aj zrelé hrozná.
10 (UKJV) "And in the vine were three branches: and it was as though it budded, and her blossoms shot forth; and the clusters thereof brought forth ripe grapes: "

11 (SVD) وكانت كاس فرعون في يدي. فاخذت العنب وعصرته في كاس فرعون واعطيت الكاس في يد فرعون.
11 (VUL) calicemque pharaonis in manu mea. Tuli ergo uvas et expressi in calicem, quem tenebam, et tradidi poculum pharaoni ”.
11 (KAT) Ja som mal v rukách faraónov pohár, trhal som strapce a vytláčal som ich do faraónovho pohára a pohár som podával faraónovi do rúk.“
11 (UKJV) And Pharaoh's cup was in my hand: and I took the grapes, and pressed them into Pharaoh's cup, and I gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand.

12 (SVD) فقال له يوسف هذا تعبيره. الثلاثة القضبان هي ثلاثة ايام.
12 (VUL) Respondit Ioseph: “ Haec est interpretatio somnii: tres propagines, tres adhuc dies sunt,
12 (KAT) Jozef mu povedal: „Toto je jeho výklad: Tri výhonky značia tri dni.
12 (UKJV) And Joseph said unto him, This is the interpretation of it: The three branches are three days:

13 (SVD) في ثلاثة ايام ايضا يرفع فرعون راسك ويردك الى مقامك. فتعطي كاس فرعون في يده كالعادة الاولى حين كنت ساقيه.
13 (VUL) post quos elevabit pharao caput tuum et restituet te in gradum pristinum; dabisque ei calicem iuxta officium tuum, sicut facere ante consueveras.
13 (KAT) O tri dni faraón povýši tvoju hlavu a uvedie ťa späť do tvojho úradu. Potom budeš faraónovi podávať čašu do rúk takisto, ako si to robil prv, keď si bol hlavným čašníkom.
13 (UKJV) Yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up your head, and restore you unto your place: and you shall deliver Pharaoh's cup into his hand, after the former manner when you were his butler.

14 (SVD) وانما اذا ذكرتني عندك حينما يصير لك خير تصنع اليّ احسانا وتذكرني لفرعون وتخرجني من هذا البيت.
14 (VUL) Tantum memento mei, cum tibi bene fuerit, et facias mecum misericordiam, ut suggeras pharaoni, ut educat me de isto carcere;
14 (KAT) Spomeň si aj na mňa, keď sa ti bude dobre vodiť, a preukáž mi dobrodenie, že sa prihovoríš za mňa u faraóna, aby ma vyslobodil z tohto domu.
14 (UKJV) But think on me when it shall be well with you, and show kindness, I pray you, unto me, and make mention of me unto Pharaoh, and bring me out of this house:

15 (SVD) لاني قد سرقت من ارض العبرانيين. وهنا ايضا لم افعل شيئا حتى وضعوني في السجن
15 (VUL) quia furto sublatus sum de terra Hebraeorum et hic innocens in lacum missus sum ”.
15 (KAT) Veď ja som bol tajne odvedený z hebrejskej krajiny a ani tu som sa neprevinil, žeby ma za to mali uvrhnúť do žalára.“
15 (UKJV) For indeed I was stolen away out of the land of the Hebrews: and here also have I done nothing that they should put me into the dungeon.

16 (SVD) فلما رأى رئيس الخبازين انه عبّر جيدا قال ليوسف كنت انا ايضا في حلمي واذا ثلاثة سلال حوّارى على راسي.
16 (VUL) Videns pistorum magister quod somnium in bonum dissolvisset, ait: “ Et ego vidi somnium, quod tria canistra farinae haberem super caput meum;
16 (KAT) Keď hlavný pekár videl, že Jozef dobre vyložil sen, povedal Jozefovi: „Aj ja som mal vo svojom sne na hlave tri košíky s jemným pečivom.
16 (UKJV) When the chief baker saw that the interpretation was good, he said unto Joseph, I also was in my dream, and, behold, I had three white baskets on my head:

17 (SVD) وفي السل الاعلى من جميع طعام فرعون من صنعة الخباز. والطيور تاكله من السل عن راسي.
17 (VUL) et in uno canistro, quod erat excelsius, portare me ex omnibus cibis pharaonis, qui fiunt arte pistoria, avesque comedere eos ”.
17 (KAT) Vo vrchnom košíku boli najrozličnejšie jedlá pre faraóna, aké pripravuje pekár, ale vtáky to povyťahovali z košíka, čo bol na mojej hlave.“
17 (UKJV) "And in the uppermost basket there was of all manner of baked food for Pharaoh; and the birds did eat them out of the basket upon my head. "

18 (SVD) فاجاب يوسف وقال هذا تعبيره. الثلاثة السلال هي ثلاثة ايام.
18 (VUL) Respondit Ioseph: “ Haec est interpretatio somnii: tria canistra, tres adhuc dies sunt,
18 (KAT) Jozef odpovedal: „Toto je jeho výklad: Tri košíky značia tri dni.
18 (UKJV) And Joseph answered and said, This is the interpretation thereof: The three baskets are three days:

19 (SVD) في ثلاثة ايام ايضا يرفع فرعون راسك عنك ويعلقك على خشبة وتأكل الطيور لحمك عنك
19 (VUL) post quos auferet pharao caput tuum ac suspendet te in patibulo, et comedent volucres carnes tuas ”.
19 (KAT) O tri dni faraón povýši tvoju hlavu - ale preč od teba, lebo ťa obesí na drevo a vtáky budú z teba trhať mäso.“
19 (UKJV) "Yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up your head from off you, and shall hang you on a tree; and the birds shall eat your flesh from off you. "

20 (SVD) فحدث في اليوم الثالث يوم ميلاد فرعون انه صنع وليمة لجميع عبيده ورفع راس رئيس السقاة وراس رئيس الخبازين بين عبيده.
20 (VUL) Exinde dies tertius natalicius pharaonis erat; qui faciens grande convivium pueris suis elevavit caput magistri pincernarum et caput pistorum principis in medio puerorum suorum;
20 (KAT) Na tretí deň, v deň faraónových narodenín, pripravil pre všetkých svojich sluhov hostinu. A v prítomnosti svojich sluhov povýšil hlavu hlavného čašníka a hlavného pekára.
20 (UKJV) And it came to pass the third day, which was Pharaoh's birthday, that he made a feast unto all his servants: and he lifted up the head of the chief butler and of the chief baker among his servants.

21 (SVD) ورد رئيس السقاة الى سقيه. فأعطى الكاس في يد فرعون.
21 (VUL) restituitque alterum in locum suum, ut porrigeret ei poculum,
21 (KAT) Hlavného čašníka uviedol späť do jeho čašníckeho úradu, aby mu podával pohár,
21 (UKJV) "And he restored the chief butler unto his butlership again; and he gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand: "

22 (SVD) واما رئيس الخبازين فعلقه كما عبّر لهما يوسف.
22 (VUL) alterum suspendit in patibulo, sicut interpretatus erat eis Ioseph.
22 (KAT) hlavného pekára však dal obesiť, ako mu to vyložil Jozef.
22 (UKJV) But he hanged the chief baker: as Joseph had interpreted to them.

23 (SVD) ولكن لم يذكر رئيس السقاة يوسف بل نسيه
23 (VUL) Attamen praepositus pincernarum non est recordatus Ioseph, sed oblitus est interpretis sui.
23 (KAT) Lenže hlavný čašník nepamätal na Jozefa, ale zabudol na neho.
23 (UKJV) Yet did not the chief butler remember Joseph, but forgotten about him.

Gn 40, 1-23

Gn 40,5-8 - Ako v Babylonsku, tak aj v Egypte sa verilo, že zo snov možno predpovedať budúcnosť človeka.