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Kniha Genezis

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(SVD - Arabský - Smith van Dyke)

Gn 39, 1-23

1 (SVD) واما يوسف فانزل الى مصر واشتراه فوطيفار خصي فرعون رئيس الشرط رجل مصري من يد الاسمعيليين الذين انزلوه الى هناك.
1 (VUL) Igitur Ioseph ductus est in Aegyptum; emitque eum Pu tiphar eunuchus pharaonis, princeps satellitum, vir Aegyptius, de manu Ismaelitarum, a quibus perductus erat.
1 (KAT) Jozefa odvliekli do Egypta a tam ho kúpil Egypťan Putifar, faraónov dvoran, veliteľ telesnej stráže, od Izmaelitov, ktorí ho ta doviedli.
1 (UKJV) "And Joseph was brought down to Egypt; and Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, captain of the guard, an Egyptian, bought him of the hands of the Ishmeelites, which had brought him down thither. "

2 (SVD) وكان الرب مع يوسف فكان رجلا ناجحا. وكان في بيت سيده المصري
2 (VUL) Fuitque Dominus cum eo, et erat vir in cunctis prospere agens habitabatque in domo domini sui.
2 (KAT) S Jozefom však bol Pán, takže sa mu všetko darilo a ostal v dome svojho egyptského pána.
2 (UKJV) "And the LORD was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian. "

3 (SVD) ورأى سيده ان الرب معه وان كل ما يصنع كان الرب ينحجه بيده.
3 (VUL) Qui optime noverat esse Dominum cum eo et omnia, quae gereret, ab eo dirigi in manu illius.
3 (KAT) Keď jeho pán videl, že je s ním Pán a že Pán vo všetkom, čo robil, požehnával jeho ruky,
3 (UKJV) And his master saw that the LORD was with him, and that the LORD made all that he did to prosper in his hand.

4 (SVD) فوجد يوسف نعمة في عينيه وخدمه. فوكله على بيته ودفع الى يده كل ما كان له.
4 (VUL) Invenitque loseph gratiam coram domino suo et ministrabat ei. Et factum est, postquam praeposuit eum domui suae et omnia, quae possidebat, tradidit in manum eius,
4 (KAT) Jozef našiel milosť v jeho očiach. I posluhoval mu a neskôr ho urobil správcom svojho domu a do jeho rúk zveril všetko, čo mal.
4 (UKJV) And Joseph found grace in his sight, and he served him: and he made him overseer over his house, and all that he had he put into his hand.

5 (SVD) وكان من حين وكله على بيته وعلى كل ما كان له ان الرب بارك بيت المصري بسبب يوسف. وكانت بركة الرب على كل ما كان له في البيت وفي الحقل.
5 (VUL) benedixit Dominus domui Aegyptii propter Ioseph, et benedictio Domini erat in omni possessione eius tam in aedibus quam in agris.
5 (KAT) A odkedy ho urobil správcom svojho domu a všetkého svojho majetku, Pán pre Jozefa požehnával Egypťanov dom. Pánovo požehnanie bolo na všetkom, čo mal v dome i na poli.
5 (UKJV) "And it came to pass from the time that he had made him overseer in his house, and over all that he had, that the LORD blessed the Egyptian's house for Joseph's sake; and the blessing of the LORD was upon all that he had in the house, and in the field. "

6 (SVD) فترك كل ما كان له في يد يوسف. ولم يكن معه يعرف شيئا الا الخبز الذي يأكل. وكان يوسف حسن الصورة وحسن المنظر
6 (VUL) Et reliquit omnia, quae possidebat, in manu Ioseph nec cum eo quidquam aliud noverat nisi panem, quo vescebatur. Erat autem Ioseph pulchra facie et decorus aspectu.
6 (KAT) A tak zveril do Jozefových rúk všetok majetok a sám sa nestaral o nič inšie ako o chlieb, ktorý jedol. Jozef však mal peknú tvár a krásnu postavu.
6 (UKJV) "And he left all that he had in Joseph's hand; and he knew not ought he had, save the bread which he did eat. And Joseph was a goodly person, and well favoured. "

7 (SVD) وحدث بعد هذه الامور ان امرأة سيده رفعت عينيها الى يوسف وقالت اضطجع معي.
7 (VUL) Post haec ergo iniecit uxor domini eius oculos suos in Ioseph et ait: “ Dormi mecum ”.
7 (KAT) Po týchto udalostiach žena jeho pána nechala na Jozefovi oči a povedala mu: „Ľahni si so mnou!“
7 (UKJV) "And it came to pass after these things, that his master's wife cast her eyes upon Joseph; and she said, Lie with me. "

8 (SVD) فأبى وقال لامرأة سيده هوذا سيدي لا يعرف معي ما في البيت وكل ما له قد دفعه الى يدي.
8 (VUL) Qui nequaquam acquiescens dixit ad eam: “ Ecce dominus meus, omnibus mihi traditis, non curat de ulla re in domo sua,
8 (KAT) On však odoprel a povedal žene svojho pána: „Pozri, môj pán sa o nič vo svojom dome nebojí predo mnou a zveril na mňa celý svoj majetok.
8 (UKJV) "But he refused, and said unto his master's wife, Behold, my master knows not what is with me in the house, and he has committed all that he has to my hand; "

9 (SVD) ليس هو في هذا البيت اعظم مني. ولم يمسك عني شيئا غيرك لانك امرأته. فكيف اصنع هذا الشر العظيم واخطئ الى الله.
9 (VUL) nec quisquam maior est in domo hac quam ego, et nihil mihi subtraxit praeter te, quae uxor eius es. Quomodo ergo possum malum hoc magnum facere et peccare in Deum? ”.
9 (KAT) Už ani sám nemá väčšej moci v tomto dome ako ja a nevyhradil si nič predo mnou okrem teba, lebo ty si jeho žena. Ako by som sa mohol dopustiť takej veľkej krivdy a proti Bohu sa prehrešiť.“
9 (UKJV) "There is none greater in this house than I; neither has he kept back any thing from me but you, because you are his wife: how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God? "

10 (SVD) وكان اذ كلّمت يوسف يوما فيوما انه لم يسمع لها ان يضطجع بجانبها ليكون معها
10 (VUL) Huiuscemodi verbis per singulos dies et mulier molesta erat adulescenti, et ille recusabat stuprum.
10 (KAT) A hoci prehovárala Jozefa deň čo deň, nepočúvol ju, aby si s ňou ľahol a bol s ňou.
10 (UKJV) And it came to pass, as she spoke to Joseph day by day, that he hearkened not unto her, to lie by her, or to be with her.

11 (SVD) ثم حدث نحو هذا الوقت انه دخل البيت ليعمل عمله ولم يكن انسان من اهل البيت هناك في البيت.
11 (VUL) Accidit autem quadam die, ut intraret Ioseph domum et opus suum absque arbitris faceret;
11 (KAT) V istý deň sa však stalo, že vošiel do domu, aby vykonal svoje povinnosti, a nik z domácich nebol dnu.
11 (UKJV) "And it came to pass about this time, that Joseph went into the house to do his business; and there was none of the men of the house there within. "

12 (SVD) فامسكته بثوبه قائلة اضطجع معي. فترك ثوبه في يدها وهرب وخرج الى خارج.
12 (VUL) illa, apprehensa lacinia vestimenti eius, dixit: “ Dormi mecum ”. Qui, relicto in manu illius pallio, fugit et egressus est foras.
12 (KAT) Tu ho ona chytila za plášť a vravela mu: „Ľahni si so mnou!“ On jej však nechal plášť v ruke a utiekol; vybehol von.
12 (UKJV) And she caught him by his garment, saying, Lie with me: and he left his garment in her hand, and fled, and got him out.

13 (SVD) وكان لما رأت انه ترك ثوبه في يدها وهرب الى خارج
13 (VUL) Cumque vidisset illum mulier vestem reliquisse in manibus suis et fugisse foras,
13 (KAT) Keď videla, že jej nechal plášť v ruke a utiekol von,
13 (UKJV) And it came to pass, when she saw that he had left his garment in her hand, and was fled forth,

14 (SVD) انها نادت اهل بيتها وكلمتهم قائلة انظروا. قد جاء الينا برجل عبراني ليداعبنا. دخل اليّ ليضطجع معي فصرخت بصوت عظيم.
14 (VUL) vocavit homines domus suae et ait ad eos: “ En introduxit virum Hebraeum, ut illuderet nobis; ingressus est ad me, ut coiret mecum. Cumque ego succlamassem,
14 (KAT) zavolala domácich a vravela im: „Pozrite len, priviedol nám hebrejského muža, aby nás priniesol na posmech! Prišiel ku mne, že si so mnou ľahne, ale ja som hlasne volala.
14 (UKJV) "That she called unto the men of her house, and spoke unto them, saying, See, he has brought in an Hebrew unto us to mock us; he came in unto me to lie with me, and I cried with a loud voice: "

15 (SVD) وكان لما سمع اني رفعت صوتي وصرخت انه ترك ثوبه بجانبي وهرب وخرج الى خارج
15 (VUL) et audisset vocem meam, reliquit pallium, quod tenebam, et fugit foras ”.
15 (KAT) Keď počul, že kričím, nechal ležať pri mne svoj plášť, dal sa na útek a vybehol von.“
15 (UKJV) And it came to pass, when he heard that I lifted up my voice and cried, that he left his garment with me, and fled, and got him out.

16 (SVD) فوضعت ثوبه بجانبها حتى جاء سيده الى بيته.
16 (VUL) Retentum pallium ostendit marito revertenti domum
16 (KAT) A nechala plášť ležať pri sebe, kým nedošiel jej pán.
16 (UKJV) And she laid up his garment by her, until his lord came home.

17 (SVD) فكلمته بمثل هذا الكلام قائلة دخل اليّ العبد العبراني الذي جئت به الينا ليداعبني.
17 (VUL) et secundum verba haec locuta est: “ Ingressus est ad me servus Hebraeus, quem adduxisti, ut illuderet mihi;
17 (KAT) Potom mu rozprávala to isté a vravela: „Hebrejský otrok, ktorého si nám priviedol, prišiel ku mne dnu, aby si zo mňa urobil posmech.
17 (UKJV) And she spoke unto him according to these words, saying, The Hebrew servant, which you have brought unto us, came in unto me to mock me:

18 (SVD) وكان لما رفعت صوتي وصرخت انه ترك ثوبه بجانبي وهرب الى خارج
18 (VUL) cumque audisset me clamare, reliquit pallium, quod tenebam, et fugit foras ”.
18 (KAT) Ale keď som začala kričať, nechal pri mne svoj plášť a utiekol von.“
18 (UKJV) And it came to pass, as I lifted up my voice and cried, that he left his garment with me, and fled out.

19 (SVD) فكان لما سمع سيده كلام امرأته الذي كلمته به قائلة بحسب هذا الكلام صنع بي عبدك ان غضبه حمي.
19 (VUL) Dominus, auditis his verbis coniugis, iratus est valde;
19 (KAT) Keď jeho pán vypočul ženino rozprávanie, ktoré zakončila: „Ako ti vravím, tak sa ku mne zachoval tvoj sluha,“ veľmi sa rozhneval
19 (UKJV) "And it came to pass, when his master heard the words of his wife, which she spoke unto him, saying, After this manner did your servant to me; that his wrath was kindled. "

20 (SVD) فأخذ يوسف سيده ووضعه في بيت السجن المكان الذي كان اسرى الملك محبوسين فيه. وكان هناك في بيت السجن
20 (VUL) tradiditque Ioseph in carcerem, ubi vincti regis custodiebantur. Et erat ibi clausus.
20 (KAT) a dal Jozefa chytiť a uvrhnúť do žalára, kde boli uväznení kráľovskí väzni. A tak tam bol zatvorený.
20 (UKJV) And Joseph's master took him, and put him into the prison, a place where the king's prisoners were bound: and he was there in the prison.

21 (SVD) ولكن الرب كان مع يوسف وبسط اليه لطفا وجعل نعمة له في عيني رئيس بيت السجن.
21 (VUL) Fuit autem Dominus cum Ioseph et misertus illius dedit ei gratiam in conspectu principis carceris.
21 (KAT) Ale Pán bol s Jozefom, zľutoval sa nad ním a zveril ho do priazne správcu žalára,
21 (UKJV) But the LORD was with Joseph, and showed him mercy, and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison.

22 (SVD) فدفع رئيس بيت السجن الى يد يوسف جميع الاسرى الذين في بيت السجن. وكل ما كانوا يعملون هناك كان هو العامل.
22 (VUL) Qui tradidit in manu Ioseph universos vinctos, qui in custodia tenebantur, et, quidquid ibi faciendum erat, ipse faciebat,
22 (KAT) takže správca žalára podriadil Jozefovi všetkých väzňov, čo boli v žalári. Čokoľvek sa tam robilo, robilo sa na jeho rozkaz.
22 (UKJV) "And the keeper of the prison committed to Joseph's hand all the prisoners that were in the prison; and whatsoever they did there, he was the doer of it. "

23 (SVD) ولم يكن رئيس بيت السجن ينظر شيئا البتة مّما في يده. لان الرب كان معه ومهما صنع كان الرب ينجحه
23 (VUL) nec princeps carceris spectabat quidquid in manu eius erat: Dominus enim erat cum illo et omnia opera eius dirigebat.
23 (KAT) Správca žalára sa nestaral o nič, čo jemu podliehalo, lebo Pán bol s ním; vo všetkom, čo robil, Pán mu dožičil úspech.
23 (UKJV) "The keeper of the prison looked not to any thing that was under his hand; because the LORD was with him, and that which he did, the LORD made it to prosper. "

Gn 39, 1-23

Verš 1
واما يوسف فانزل الى مصر واشتراه فوطيفار خصي فرعون رئيس الشرط رجل مصري من يد الاسمعيليين الذين انزلوه الى هناك.
Gn 37:28 - واجتاز رجال مديانيون تجار. فسحبوا يوسف واصعدوه من البئر وباعوا يوسف للاسمعيليين بعشرين من الفضة. فأتوا بيوسف الى مصر.
Ž 105:17 - ‎ارسل امامهم رجلا. بيع يوسف عبدا‎.

Verš 2
وكان الرب مع يوسف فكان رجلا ناجحا. وكان في بيت سيده المصري
Gn 39:21 - ولكن الرب كان مع يوسف وبسط اليه لطفا وجعل نعمة له في عيني رئيس بيت السجن.
Sk 7:9 - ‎ورؤساء الآباء حسدوا يوسف وباعوه الى مصر وكان الله معه

Verš 20
فأخذ يوسف سيده ووضعه في بيت السجن المكان الذي كان اسرى الملك محبوسين فيه. وكان هناك في بيت السجن
Ž 105:18 - ‎آذوا بالقيد رجليه. في الحديد دخلت نفسه

Verš 7
وحدث بعد هذه الامور ان امرأة سيده رفعت عينيها الى يوسف وقالت اضطجع معي.
Prís 7:13 - فامسكته وقبّلته. اوقحت وجهها وقالت له

Gn 39,20 - Predaný, zbavený dobrého mena, odsúdený Jozef je predobrazom Nevinného Trpiteľa na Kalvárii. Ale bude aj predobrazom jeho povýšenia a veľkosti.