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Kniha Genezis

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Gn 19, 1-38

1 And the two Angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting at the gate of the city. And when he had seen them, he rose up and went to meet them. And he reverenced prone on the ground. 2 And he said: “I beg you, my lords, turn aside to the house of your servant, and lodge there. Wash your feet, and in the morning you will advance on your way.” And they said, “Not at all. But we will lodge in the street.” 3 He pressed them very much to turn aside to him. And when they had entered his house, he made a feast for them, and he cooked unleavened bread, and they ate. 4 But before they went to bed, the men of the city surrounded the house, from boys to old men, all the people together. 5 And they called out to Lot, and they said to him: “Where are the men who entered to you in the night? Bring them out here, so that we may know them.” 6 Lot went out to them, and blocking the door behind him, he said: 7 “Do not, I ask you, my brothers, do not be willing to commit this evil. 8 I have two daughters who as yet have not known man. I will bring them out to you; abuse them as it pleases you, provided that you do no evil to these men, because they have entered under the shadow of my roof.” 9 But they said, “Move away from there.” And again: “You have entered,” they said, “as a stranger; should you then judge? Therefore, we will afflict you yourself more than them.” And they acted very violently against Lot. And they were now at the point of breaking open the doors. 10 And behold, the men put out their hand, and they pulled Lot in to them, and they closed the door. 11 And they struck those who were outside with blindness, from the least to the greatest, so that they were not able to find the door. 12 Then they said to Lot: “Do you have here anyone of yours? All who are yours, sons-in-law, or sons, or daughters, bring them out of this city. 13 For we will eliminate this place, because the outcry among them has increased before the Lord, who sent us to destroy them.” 14 And so Lot, going out, spoke to his sons-in-law, who were going to receive his daughters, and he said: “Rise up. Depart from this place. For the Lord will destroy this city.” And it seemed to them that he was speaking playfully. 15 And when it was morning, the Angels compelled him, saying, “Arise, take your wife, and the two daughters that you have, lest you also should perish amid the wickedness of the city.” 16 And, since he ignored them, they took his hand, and the hand of his wife, as well as that of his two daughters, because the Lord was sparing him. 17 And they brought him out, and placed him beyond the city. And there they spoke to him, saying: “Save your life. Do not look not back. Neither should you stay in the entire surrounding region. But save yourself in the mountain, lest you also should perish.” 18 And Lot said to them: “I beg you, my lord, 19 though your servant has found grace before you, and you have magnified your mercy, which you have shown to me in saving my life, I cannot be saved on the mountain, lest perhaps some misfortune take hold of me and I die. 20 There is a certain city nearby, to which I can flee; it is a little one, and I will be saved in it. Is it not a modest one, and will not my soul live?” 21 And he said to him: “Behold, even now, I have heard your petitions about this, not to overturn the city on behalf of which you have spoken. 22 Hurry and be saved there. For I cannot do anything until you enter there.” For this reason, the name of that city is called Zoar. 23 The sun had risen over the land, and Lot had entered into Zoar. 24 Therefore, the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah sulphur and fire, from the Lord, out of heaven. 25 And he overturned these cities, and all the surrounding region: all the inhabitants of the cities, and everything that springs from the land. 26 And his wife, looking behind herself, was turned into a statue of salt. 27 Then Abraham, rising up in the morning, in the place where he had stood before with the Lord, 28 looked out toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and the entire land of that region. And he saw embers rising up from the land like smoke from a furnace. 29 For when 11 God overthrew the cities of that region, remembering Abraham, he freed Lot from the overthrow of the cities, in which he had dwelt. 30 And Lot ascended from Zoar, and he stayed on the mountain, and likewise his two daughters with him, (for he was afraid to stay in Zoar) and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters with him. 31 And the elder said to the younger: “Our father is old, and no man remains in the land who can enter to us according to the custom of the whole world. 32 Come, let us inebriate him with wine, and let us sleep with him, so that we may be able to preserve offspring from our father.” 33 And so they gave their father wine to drink that night. And the elder went in, and she slept with her father. But he did not perceive it, neither when his daughter lay down, nor when she rose up. 34 Likewise, the next day, the elder said to the younger: “Behold, yesterday I slept with my father, let us give him wine to drink yet again this night, and you will sleep with him, so that we may save offspring from our father.” 35 And then they gave their father wine to drink that night also, and the younger daughter went in, and slept with him. And not even then did he perceive when she lay down, or when she rose up. 36 Therefore, the two daughters of Lot conceived by their father. 37 And the elder gave birth to a son, and she called his name Moab. He is the father of the Moabites, even to the present day. 38 Likewise, the younger gave birth to a son, and she called his name Ammon, that is, ‘the son of my people.’ He is the father of the Ammonites, even today.

Gn 19, 1-38

Verš 24
Therefore, the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah sulphur and fire, from the Lord, out of heaven.
Dt 29:23 - having burned it with sulphur and molten salt, so that it can no longer be sown. And certainly no greenery would spring up, as in the example of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboiim, which the Lord overturned with his wrath and fury.
Iz 13:19 - And then Babylon, the glorious one among kingdoms, that famous pride of the Chaldeans, will be destroyed, even as the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
Jer 20:16 - Let that man be like the cities that the Lord has overthrown without regret. Let him hear an outcry in the morning, and wailing at the time of midday!
Jer 50:40 - Just as the Lord overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, and their neighboring towns, says the Lord, no man will live there, and a son of man will not tend it.
Nár 4:6 - VAU. And the iniquity of the daughter of my people has been made greater than the sin of Sodom, which was overthrown in a moment, and yet hands did not take captives in her.
Ez 16:50 - And they were exalted, and they committed abominations before me. And so I took them away, just as you have seen.
Oz 11:8 - How will I provide for you, Ephraim; how will I protect you, Israel? How will I provide for you as for Adam; will I set you like Zeboiim? My heart has changed within me; together with my regret, it has been stirred up.
Am 4:11 - I overturned you, just as God overturned Sodom and Gomorrah, and you became like an ember seized from the fire. And you did not return to me, says the Lord.
Sof 2:9 - Because of this, as I live, says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, Moab will be like Sodom, and the sons of Ammon like Gomorrah, like the dryness of thorns, and piles of salt, and a desert, all the way to eternity. The remnant of my people will despoil them, and the residue of my nation will possess them.
Lk 17:29 - Then, on the day that Lot departed from Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and it destroyed them all.
2Pt 2:6 - And he reduced the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes, condemning them to be overthrown, setting them as an example to anyone who might act impiously.
Júd 1:7 - And also Sodom and Gomorrah, and the adjoining cities, in similar ways, having given themselves over to fornication and to the pursuing of other flesh, were made an example, suffering the punishment of eternal fire.

Verš 9
But they said, “Move away from there.” And again: “You have entered,” they said, “as a stranger; should you then judge? Therefore, we will afflict you yourself more than them.” And they acted very violently against Lot. And they were now at the point of breaking open the doors.
Ex 2:14 - But he responded: “Who appointed you as leader and judge over us? Do you want to kill me, just as yesterday you killed the Egyptian?” Moses was afraid, and he said, “How has this word become known?”
Sk 7:27 - But he who was causing the injury to his neighbor rejected him, saying: ‘Who has appointed you as leader and judge over us?
2Pt 2:7 - And he rescued a just man, Lot, who was oppressed by the unjust and lewd behavior of the wicked.

Verš 2
And he said: “I beg you, my lords, turn aside to the house of your servant, and lodge there. Wash your feet, and in the morning you will advance on your way.” And they said, “Not at all. But we will lodge in the street.”
Gn 18:4 - But I will bring a little water, and you may wash your feet and rest under the tree.

Verš 3
He pressed them very much to turn aside to him. And when they had entered his house, he made a feast for them, and he cooked unleavened bread, and they ate.
Heb 13:2 - And do not be willing to forget hospitality. For by it, certain persons, without realizing it, have received Angels as guests.

Verš 26
And his wife, looking behind herself, was turned into a statue of salt.
Lk 17:32 - Remember Lot’s wife.

Gn 19,5 - Hriechy proti prírode mali Izraeliti vo veľkej ošklivosti a trestali ich smrťou Lv 20,13, ale boli veľmi rozšírené v ich okolí. Tento hriech má aj meno odtiaľto: sodomia (homosexualita).

Gn 19,8 - Práva hostí boli v starom Oriente také sväté, že Lot volí v tiesni vydať radšej vlastné dcéry ako hostí.

Gn 19,24-26 - Zničenie Sodomy a okolitých mestečiek stalo sa na zásah Boží. Lež Boh používa sily prírodné. Treba myslieť na časté zemetrasenie v Palestíne. Aj dnes sa tu nachodí asfalt, nafta a ložiská síry. Boh používa tieto živly a ničí hriešne mestá. Mohlo to byť zemetrasenie spojené s erupciou plynu. Mŕtve more, ktoré predtým nesiahalo až tak ďaleko na juh, následkom zemských otrasov a prehĺbenia asfaltových a petrolejových ložísk sa dostáva nižšie k juhu a zalieva kraj, kde stála Sodoma a ostatné zničené mestá. A táto prehĺbenina je dokázateľne geologicky mladšia ako ostatné okolie.

Gn 19,26 - "Premenila sa v soľný stĺp" – a naozaj, v okolí Mŕtveho mora je veľa skál, ktoré majú podobu človeka. Aj Pán Ježiš sa u Lk 17,32 odvoláva na Lotovu ženu.

Gn 19,30-38 - Lot sa nezdržal dlho v Segore, odišiel na vrchy, ktoré mu anjel bol poradil ako isté útočište. Stratil celé svoje imanie, je celkom chudobný a opustený. Jeho dve dcéry si myslia, že pre chudobu nebudú sa môcť ani vydať. Túžia však mať deti, znak to požehnania Božieho najmä vo vtedajšom Oriente. Tým však nemožno ospravedlniť skutok, ktorého sa vo svojej nerozumnosti dopúšťajú. Tak to neskoršie urobí aj Tamar, nevesta Júdova (Gn 38). Lotove dcéry narodili sa v Sodome, žili v Sodome, tak možno predpokladať, že mravné zákony u nich, zdá sa, veľmi neplatili. Myslia si, že ony sa musia postarať o potomstvo otcovo. Táto rozprava je dokladom hrozných následkov dedičného hriechu a ukazuje, čoho je človek schopný, keď nemá na mysli príkazy Božie. Ani Lot nie je bez viny, avšak jeho zodpovednosť umenšuje jeho opilosť. – Ľudové vysvetľovanie odvádza pôvod Moabčanov (mé 'áb ,od otca') a Amončanov (hebr. ben-'ammi ,syn môjho príbuzného'). Moabčania sa potom osadili na tých miestach, kde sa zdržiaval Lot po zničení Sodomy, na východnom (podľa niektorých západnom) brehu Mŕtveho mora; Amončania bývali severnejšie od Moabitov v Zajordánsku.