Hľadaný výraz: Lk 20,20-26, Preklad: Anglický - Catholic PD, Počet výsledkov: 1
20 And being attentive, they sent traitors, who would pretend that they were just, so that they might catch him in his words and then hand him over to the power and authority of the procurator. 21 And they questioned him, saying: “Teacher, we know that you speak and teach correctly, and that you do not consider anyone’s status, but you teach the way of God in truth. 22 Is it lawful for us to pay the tribute to Caesar, or not?” 23 But realizing their deceitfulness, he said to them: “Why do you test me? 24 Show me a denarius. Whose image and inscription does it have?” In response, they said to him, “Caesar’s.” 25 And so, he said to them: “Then repay the things that are Caesar’s, to Caesar, and the things that are God’s, to God.” 26 And they were not able to contradict his word before the people. And being amazed at his answer, they were silent. |