Hľadaný výraz: Iz 43,8-13, Preklad: Anglický - Catholic PD, Počet výsledkov: 1
8 Lead forth the people who are blind and have eyes, who are deaf and have ears. 9 All the nations have been assembled together, and the tribes have been collected. Who among you will announce this, and who will cause us to listen to the things that are first? Let them present their witnesses. Let them act justly, and listen, and say: “It is true.” 10 You are my witnesses, says the Lord, and you are my servant, whom I have chosen, so that you may know, and may believe in me, and so that you may understand that I am the same. Before me, there was no god formed, and after me there will be none. 11 I am. I am the Lord. And there is no savior apart from me. 12 I have announced, and I have saved. I have caused it to be heard. And there was no stranger among you. You are my witnesses, says the Lord, and I am God. 13 And from the beginning, I am the same. And there is no one who can rescue from my hand. I act, and who can turn it aside?


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