Hľadaný výraz: 1Mach 15,10-14, Preklad: Anglický - King James, Počet výsledkov: 1
10 In the hundred threescore and fourteenth year went Antiochus into the land of his fathers: at which time all the forces came together unto him, so that few were left with Tryphon. 11 Wherefore being pursued by king Antiochus, he fled unto Dora, which lieth by the sea side: 12 For he saw that troubles came upon him all at once, and that his forces had forsaken him. 13 Then camped Antiochus against Dora, having with him an hundred and twenty thousand men of war, and eight thousand horsemen. 14 And when he had compassed the city round about, and joined ships close to the town on the sea side, he vexed the city by land and by sea, neither suffered he any to go out or in. |